Corp MSM bias

Corp MSM bias

For NGO bias see here

Corporate power is a threat to democracy, and a threat to us and our society in so many other ways too (see here, here, here, here for a just a small peek into this threat)  

Corporations not only bad due to these monsters dividing us politically and embracing woke Liberal 2.0 views, but corporations are also bad by them forcing public holidays like Valenswine's Day, Helloweeny, Mother Fucker's Day, Father Day (BLEH), etc. on us (or shoving them down our throats if we do celebrate them) and them invading every damn social media site. I am going to do something about this and it might just be me destroying corporations like Disney, Nike, Kohl's , Target, Macy's, Nabisco, Frito Lays, Mars, etc

Corporate power is a definablely huge topic that will negatively affect our future yet wrongly this major issue of the looming threat of corporate power gets no coverage in the MSM sphere.   We must make ending corporate power forever a major point of discussion otherwise our future and society will be doomed

We have to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power and erase all of the damage that such a merger has already wrecked on our society.  This fascist (fascism means merger of state and corporation) merger of state and corporate power is threatening to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our society.  This includes these corporate fascists trying to commoditize our children, nature etc"

So I agree with what RFK Jr said in his Presidential election announcement in April 2023:

"The rebellion was in part against Empire but the spirit of that rebellion was a fury that God that the colonists had against the merger the corrupt merger of state and corporate power"

My mission over the next 18 months of this campaign and over my throughout my presidency will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening how is threatening out to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country to commoditize our children ... etc etc 

I also agree with what Vivek Ramasaway said in November 2022 about how Democrats have sold out to corporations and corporate power and that they how the Democratic party trash Elon Musk for trying to bring free speech to Twitter while the Democratic Party itself ignores the arranged marriage between the government and big business.

Vivek further rightfully goes on to show that the Democratic party turned on Elon Musk but yet embraced Sam Bankman Fried (who was the Democratic party's second biggest donor) an evil, greedy, corrupt troll who blew up his own crypto company and impoverished his investors.  The Democrats should have went after Bankman Fried instead of Elon Musk.  Sam Bankman Fried is the living image of this threat we are facing of corporate power. Bankman Fried is an example of everything that is wrong and repugnant about our country

I want to not only break up corporations, I want to literally abolish corporations outright. There is no reason that corporations should exist. 

I want Amazon and Big Tech to be broken up. We have to stop their monopolies. Big Tech has too much power and control and that needs to end

There is no reason so many people should wear the same brand of clothes, or be a member of the same social media site. Movie character Arthur Jensen's speech in his movie about how corporations are the real nations of the world today seems frighteningly prophetic after decades of increasing globalism and corporate 'synergy'.  I am against this and all forms of monopoly Capitalism 

Here is my blog post where I positively react to and cheer on a small mobile park’s fight against a dark ruthless Capitalist Corporation who are committing unfair economic practices toward said mobile park residents leading to them losing their homes

It’s time to end the corporate takeover of our democracy. Corporate Super PACs should be banned and a clean public financing system should be implemented. We need to repeal Citizens United and publicly finance our elections. 

There is an obvious Capital Corporatist , Liberal 2.0 (i.e 'centrist''; I don't want neoliberalism to control overton window) media bias (including anti Bernie media bias see herehereherehereherehere) in the media and that is a fact (see here for more)  Also see thisthis, thisthis/thisthisthis , this postthis postthis postthis postherehere/herehere and here

"But those whose worldview consists only of information furnished by the NYT, CNN and NBC can live in fake worlds that is more pleasing.

That's the world in which Russiagate was proven by Robert Mueller and the US Security State isn't censoring the internet"  Glenn Greenwald

The corporate media are predators (like see here)

All media has a spin (see herehere). There is no such thing as objective media, no matter how hard they try.  See this for more.  Also see here for why I am especially against the Capital Corporatist's Liberal 2.0 centrist media bias

“The overarching rule of liberal media circles is that you are free to accuse anyone who deviates from liberal orthodoxy of any kind of bigotry that casually crosses your mind . . . and it will be regarded as completely acceptable.” Exactly right. Bari Weiss

Just look at how blatantly bias fake news rags such as Forbes, Time, Huffpost, NPR (like hereherehere , here , here, right here  and here).  See this posthere , here for more

If NPR only gets 4% of its funding from the government, it should be relatively easy to lower government funding to 0% with the rest of the funding from donations (unless the government rightfully nationalizes it, otherwise 0%)

Let me point out I may be off here. The MSM does go very right wing at times, from Tom Cotton’s op ed in the NYT in mid 2020, to the Washington Post having an anti progressive, pro rich bias (Amazon-Jeff Bezos major reason why), to MSNBC being neocon and more way of progressives and leftists due to Never Trumper commentators being too much of a good thing for them to many other various op eds from MSM that I have noticed that sound like they could have come from Gateway Pundit, OAN,  NY Post, Fox News, FreeRepublic etc.

Yet they swing more to the solid Liberal 2.0 or lean RadLiberal side than to the solid right wing side as mentioned above (good but unbias would be even better) so what I write below holds water. Maybe AllSides and Media Bias Fact Check can use weighted measures to truly find out if the MSM is Liberal 2.0 or not

There's been so many times I see a controversy in the MSM play out in real time where the reporting does not match reality. James Damore for example , with all of these it reaches a point where everyone accepts that skewed reporting as the historically accurate MSM depiction. Bring up James Damore with nearly anyone today and you're told he was worse than he really is, see here for example

The western MSM outlets and reporters wrongly had the Ukraine flag in their social media profile pics or on their newspaper and website logos. 

That alone is proof that the MSM was bias against Russia and pro Ukraine. How can we trust them to cover the Russia-Ukraine conflict fair and without bias when they have the Ukraine flag in their logo or profile.  It is like the West as a whole has State run media

Most reporters and editors are Capital Corporatist or Liberal 2.0 

See this link and this link for some of the many things that the Liberal 2.0 political news machine got wrong and things the right wing Conservapedia site thought Right wingers got right but didn’t

Only Capital Corporatist , Liberal 2.0 fanboys would deny that fact (I would deny it too if I was in their shoes). 

From Mark Twain who had a prophetic vision about today's MSM 'If you don't read the newspaper (or news sites), you're uninformed. If you read the (Capital Corporatist ,Liberal 2.0) newspaper (or news sites), you're mis-informed'     

Liberal 2.0 bias (not a Liberal bias as user claims) :

Bari Weiss points out this Liberal 2.0 bias

Millennials and Gen Zers have been more prone to be more open to being Liberal 2.0 since birth than any previous generation (Gen Z is not the most conservative generation since WWII that is a myth) and the vast majority of our MSM, and power positions in society are run by Millennials and Gen Zers. So since they are vastly Liberal 2.0 this is reflected in the Liberal 2.0 bias in the MSM, corporations etc

It’s a large schism between left wing, liberal 2.0 and right wing media, where the right wing completely has no idea what people on the left or the liberal 2.0 sides are really saying because of how warped their right wing info ecosystem is. Their information overlords like Tim Pool and Tucker Carlson never show them a (competent) person on the left or even liberal 2.0 side speaking for themselves on the issues they care about

I type in tons of competent leftists and liberal 2.0ers into search results for right wing media and said media barely mentions them since if they did it would destroy the right wing's fake false stereotypes of the left and to a much much lesser extent the liberal 2.0ers

Or where the left wing completely has no idea what people on the left or the liberal 2.0 side are really saying because of how warped their left wing info ecosystem is. Their information overlords like Sameera Khan, Max Blumenthal, Caleb Mauphin, Hassan, Glenn Greenwald never show them a (competent) person on liberal 2.0 side speaking for themselves on the issues they care about. 

As with the points above, this misrepresentation of the other 2 sides also happens on the liberal 2.0 side too where they too misrepresent the non liberal 2.0ers

Yes Liberal 2.0ers deserve to be accurately represented in the right wing media and left wing media because Liberal 2.0ers aren’t always wrong and maybe we can find common ground with them more if we accurately portray them in the non liberal 2.0 media 

All sides need to improve on this (see here , hereherehere , herehere and here for more. Also see herehere and here)

If every Millennials and Gen Zers was born in the 19th century or early to early mid 20th century they would have been as or more Conservative than Mike Pence oreven Gavin McInnes

Corporations are starting to run our country, they are now influencing state laws, donating heavily to politics etc. They don’t care about sides, they want to use both sides to hamper the other while these corporations rise to create their Social Corporate fascist utopia. This type of Corporatism is a threat to Democrats and Republicans alike

Corporate execs are evil and have hate in their hearts so we must oppose corporations 

Robert Reich is correct about the threat of Corporatism. Corporations are starting to run our society and many of them are a threat to our democracy. It's bad enough they feed off of monopolies and buying other corporations but now they are crossing the line. Reich's book provides great insight into this. We need to fight against Corporatism before it engulfs our country. 

Corporations have their own agenda that transcends Right-Left split. We must stop that, bipartisanly.  Both parties have sold our to corporatism. Corporations are not people. They should stay out of politics. Big corp can easily swing the other way and if that happens, we are screwed. Break up big corp

Many of our socioeconomic problems are caused by Multinational/Transnational corporations. Multinational/Transnational corporations  run our world, and are a growing threat to our democracy due to the power and influence they have in politics and consumer culture . See elsewhere in this blog for more

We need to end Corporate personhood. Corporations are not people. We should not be giving tax cuts to corporations

Corporations are WRONGLY exploiting the 14th amendment. We have to change the 14th amendment to stop corporations from doing this . A.L never intended for the 14th amendment to apply to corporations 

I support these Anti-corporatocracy proposals :  limits and disclosure requirements on political campaign contributions, registration of lobbyists, recording and publication of Congressional committee proceedings.

You know there was a Time corporate media was not allowed. Do you know who signed into law that corporations could own media companies? In the sixties almost 400 people collectively was responsible for all of the news you read heard on the radio or watch them TV. 

Today it's four or five corporations control the news and social media is controlled I believe 3 people. Who made this possible? Liberal 2.0ers .Hats off to them for pulling it off

We need to politely fight against these Corporate Capitalists-Liberal 2.0ers from taking over our country and world with their monopolies and influence. Robert Reich has some good ideas to fight this type of Social Corporatism. 

The truth is, nearly every NASDAQ corporation, every Big Tech company, every major Hollywood celebrity on social media, nearly all MSM, the majority of colleges, etc all have a Liberalism 2.0 bias and is destroying politics as a whole.

Corporations, Big Tech, Hollywood, MSM etc in particular always have the same exact position and responses/virtue signaling to every issue, and news story (demonizing the same people and knighting the same people) whether it is:

Lining up with the Liberal 2.0 agenda on green new deal type policies, ESG, health issues, sexual orientation and gender issues, gun rights, voter ID laws, restrictions on speech, abortion and policing. See this for me expanding on this

“Historically this role was fulfilled by religious institutions hence the usage of the term "cathedral", this is intentionally contrasted with the institutions that fulfill the role of the cathedral in the modern age that being Schools, Universities, the Media and the Entertainment industry who largely market themselves as "Secular". 

It is worth to note that the Cathedral (in it's modern incarnation) is not a formal institution that people just belong to but rather an informal network of leaders of the before-aforementioned institutions that happen to agree on most important matters (Harvard, The New York Times, Disney and The Guardian rarely disagree for example)” This and this can give you an idea of this Liberal 2.0 cathedral (even though that is a bad website, it gives you an idea of this Liberal 2.0 cathedral, just replace Liberal with Liberal 2.0). 

I am opposed to the mixture of State, corporate, and/or labor union power i.e corporatism or fascism. 

Moreover, my support of Left Wing free market Anarchism, Liberal Socialism, Collective Super Left Wing Capital etc does not compel me to endorse the criminality of persons, privateers, mercs, contractors, proxies, alleged “non-governmental organizations,” academia structures, media outlets, or any other sort of non-state actor that does its duties in support of the State or other criminal enterprises, since such actions are as immoral as more clear violations of the Non-Aggression Principle like as Liberal 2.0 economics, anti individualistic, anti liberal, dogmatic communism, etc.

I have a bugaboo where I at times I may seem way too much focused on the big corp like DC comics/Disney/Universal etc so bear with me on corporations despite that

So I preface that by stating that I know that these franchises are vapid and that they're also actually just entertainment and seriously not actually something serious Leftists like myself should concern ourselves with beyond an overall grumbling about one corporation buying up all of its competition. 

* Corporate Liberal 2.0 tyranny is a HUGE slippery slope and major issue we need to fix now (for example see this)  . Also see this for more. Too many corporations also wrongly donate mostly to Republican politicians and causes and that is bad too. These corporations do that to prevent unionization, true equality, Socialism,Communism etc . Why can’t Corporations be neutral? *

I am glad that Kellogg’s supported BLM before 2020 as it is cooler go support movements before they become huge. The 2017 racist anti white drivel by that Lorelai woman they fired isn’t that bad and doesn’t trigger me because she made that statement in 2017 and thus before the 2020 BLM protests. And so I am not ‘fragile’ over her racist anti white rhetoric(even though I absolutely disagree with her, since she is wrong)

Though if this corporate wokeness is really just marketing and not virtue signaling, I feel that is a understandable (but still lame) excuse . I can old school tolerate (as in tolerate pain) that corporate wokeness if it is only marketing campaigns as opposed to virtue signaling

Though I criticize such woke pandering in my criticism on pride month being exploited by corporations elsewhere in this blog

I think the main thing about corporate wokeness is that it’s cynical. It’s just an insurance policy against criticism. For example, if an employee complains about sexism or racism, they can point to all of their nominal support of those communities instead of actually righting their wrongs. It’s just lazy.

* We need to stop Corporate Tyranny of the Liberal 2.0ers huge takeover of corporate America, and thus Liberal 2.0ers’ woke and censoring mob in the corporate lane. This article reflects more of my thoughts on this and how to fix this issue with corporations. If corporate America supports Liberal 2.0 causes maybe those causes aren’t as great as they seem *

* I am part syndicalist and trying to boost the union memes and stop corporate tyranny.

I reject Liberal 2.0ers weaponization of corporate America against non Liberal 2.0ers views and values.  Corporate SJWism does not help oppressed people.  See this post here for more which happens to reflect my views on this along with this post here (archive)

We have to convince corporations from engaging in activities which undermine free enterprise, individualism, liberty, small government, freedom from oppression, freedom of speech, our health and of course the rule of law.  *

* Companies need instead go back to their main role—as fiduciaries for their investors. 

The easiest implementation is the transfer of company shares from investors to workers. *

Essentially the easiest to conceive form of socialism would be to change virtually nothing about society currently, except private ownership of companies would be phased out in favor of co-op style corporations. 

You can check out places like power bar, land of lakes, and mandragon for info about large co-ops.  

* They should remain neutral on hot button wedge political issues. 

from HBR:

"Of course, there is certainly a place for thoughtful neutrality. In our studies, participants were generally much more tolerant of neutral messaging if it seemed to reflect genuine uncertainty or middle-ground beliefs, rather than coming across like a strategic dodge. Moreover, people don’t punish neutrality that they don’t notice: If you can avoid taking sides entirely by steering clear of forums in which politics come up, inconspicuous silence will not incur the same trust penalty as conspicuous neutrality."

See this article for some background on this *

We must restore a healthy respect for and understanding of free enterprise, liberty, and our lived in experiences including by helping oppressed people the right way , all of which are being corrupted by corporate oligarchs.

* The US’s major corporations increasingly are choosing political sides in the battle between liberty and woke tyranny.  *

* The largest threat to human liberty isn’t big government anymore, it is big business (see here and here).  Corporations have caused our inflation which should be relabeled corporate greedflation *

Corporate America has begun to mirror our country’s higher education—a space dominated by Liberal 2.0ers and for Liberal 2.0ers, but with more power to stifle any opposition to the Liberal 2.0ers cultural orthodoxy and dominance.

The structure of the institutions basically select for these kinds of personalities.  Much like how corporate hierarchies reward Dark Triad personality types, the wokest sectors of academia and digital media select for this particular brand of hyper-sanctimonious BPD.

They can never be truly purged from the system because it's not an anomaly that they were there in the first place.  The only reason she'll find herself shitcanned is because she made too much noise.  Normally this kind of blacklisting and professional sabotage happens on the down-low.  She probably would have been much more successful in ruining these student's careers if she had just denigrated them privately. 

Here is something that perfectly ties all of this stuff together

* Corporate tyrants (like see here see hereherehereherehere, this posthere) are dictating to us what ideas and beliefs are ‘acceptable’.  Like see herehere and here along with this here and here   *

They are basically the PMC. PMC is like Neoliberalism if not part of it and at the very least using the term PMC can provide useful analysis into this whole concept. 

The PMC have implemented this style of management throughout corporate hierarchies, and it's culturally diffuse now because it's also the mechanics of social media moderation. I am against PMC and want to abolish the PMC. See  here (archive), here (archive) for more

* For people to dissent from this corporate elite makes you become targeted against the increasingly-expanding corporate promotion of the Big Corp Liberal 2.0’s extreme radical (but radical can be a good thing too) agenda in the US and around the planet.  Corporations use social concerns as marketing campaigns and don't try to actually fix said problems. See here and here for more *

I actually love where your head’s at on this, but I think it goes a little deeper than you think. Corporate Values are an attempt to unite us in pursuit of a common goal, but they fall short, and if you haven’t already figured out why, please read The Lord of the Flies.  

"It just continues to be one of the most surreal aspects of American political life that the political party that incessantly claims it is the sole bulwark against "fascism" has, as one of its central tactics, the union of state and corporate power to censor the citizenry." Glenn Greenwald 

These Liberal 2.0 Corporations are acting more and more like the 1920s and 1930s literal Corporate fascists in Europe, see herehere and here for more. This is because corporations are embracing Anarcho Capitalist type greed (like see this post here).  Or at best like a Censorship Industrial complex/State Corporate Complex

From here: To quote Chris Hedges: “We have to begin, especially in an age of corporate totalitarianism, to stop asking ourselves whether resistance is going to work ...

Corporate Fascists are defunding, censoring (like here), deplatforming, and silencing non-Liberal 2.0s voices in the public sphere, eliminating pluralismfreedom of speech and civil debate (Alliance defending freedom "How we're counteracting the threat of corporate censorship")

Corporations as a whole want freedom of speech but they don't want real people to have freedom of speech which is hypocritical and wrong. See here for more and here

* As mobs get the upper hand, intimidation spreads. This is in part due to corporate lobbying see here , here for more on that  *

Non Liberal 2.0 Americans views are being marginalized and increasingly are being cancelled.

It's the system, not individuals. Ethical CEOs tend to make less profit, therefore are more likely to get fired, less likely to get promoted. Sociopaths make the most money, are therefore disproportionately represented at the tops of corporate hierarchies. 

* Tactically, the Liberal 2.0ers are working using a top-down, bottom-up model along with an outside-in to craft culture to their approval at breakneck speeds. 

From the top, Liberal 2.0 CEOs and their board members use shareholder’s money in order to advance Liberal 2.0 policy. From the bottom, woke employees dictate the plan of attack for the corporation while non-partisan or non Liberal 2.0 employees remain silent, out of fear of them being cancelled . This article explains how corporations can better help their employees as a whole not be oppressed

Also, from outside, legions of sufficently-funded outside investors, Liberal 2.0 activists, NGOs, and MSM members apply pressure to companies to get them to work in lockstep with the power-hungry, political Liberal 2.0.   See here for more

This meritocratic scheme set up is known as corporate hierarchies and corporate hierarchies like all hierarchies are wrong. We have to abolish these corporate hierarchies and their wealth concentration .I am against corporate hierarchies and all hierachies. See here and here for more  *

This is what companies should be like. I also support worker co-ops (but autonomous non corporate types only), decentralization and horizontalism (like see here) as alternatives to corporate hierarchies to truly bring equality for workers and consumers alike

Let's open the borders too (my way) and remove corporate hierarchies from the job market.

Then we could just remove currency and social hierarchy while we're at it too. It's almost like the vast majority of modern society is b.s used to control us.  

I support Mutualism sphere ideologies like Agorism In the Agorism Primer it mentions that free market advocates should be anti capitalist. Additionally, in Agorist literature it mentions we need to flatten corporate hierarchies, be anti wage labor, as well as workers owning their own means of production. It approaches socialism in its findings for sure, if not arriving at it.

So here is where the Liberal 2.0 really kicks in. Neoliberalism (which is part of Liberalism 2.0) is the idea that unrestricted global free trade is the best pathway to bettering the lives of everyone, particularly the most impoverished populations of the global South. It facilitates the production of goods sold by corporations in rich countries to rich consumers by workers in poor countries, who are easier to exploit and have fewer legal protections. 

This increases profit margins for multinational corporations, which facilitates obscene executive pay while at the same time suppressing the wages of workers in wealthy nations, who are now in direct competition for jobs with workers who will labour long hours for a few dollars a day.

The profits generated by this system also provide some benefits to shareholders in wealthy nations, where most workers have lost the benefit of pensions and rely on their investments in private companies to grow sufficient wealth for retirement.

The "liberal" in neoliberalism refers to corporations, not workers.

Instead I support the idea of most people being free agents who can choose their own work and be their own boss, free from coercive systems like corporate hierarchies and this is called anarchy.

What corporate hierarchies value most is not effectiveness, but compliance. Everybody gets along with each other. You can have a great career if you are shipping buggy products using outmoded approaches as long as those approaches are the company norm. Try something new and if you don't get perfect results, your career is at risk.

The standardization they are trying to achieve is all about conformance and compliance. Some manager will get a good review because they drove an initiative to standardize.

And, if you stick around, you will likely see another manager get a good review for doing the exact opposite.

I means sadly society is predicted on corporate hierarchies exploiting the hell out of people. That is an absolutely messed up

If anything behavior like this is socioeconomically unsustainable in the long-term and is doing serious societal damage as a result of stagnation in currency flow (because money exists to be spent and people need to have it to consume at a level relative to production), encourages societal issues like mental health problem's, or in a system with privatized healthcare increases the risk of serious illness impacting productivity, and often puts people in a position of desperation as inflation rates (also largely being artificially accelerated by companies increasing prices without due cause) outstrip the average rate of pay.

Also I echo David Graeber  "It's quite well explained in Graeber's book, I think it's a must read if you think so.

The phenomenon of people doing "essential jobs" being criminally underpaid while being hounded and corporate hierarchies being agglomerated with middle-management who achieve nothing is addressed specifically."

Whether this is under the guise of “ESG” (environmental, social and governance), “wokeness,” or “stakeholder” Capitalism, make no mistake, these terms are only really cover for Liberal 2.0ers weaponizing big business in order to achieve their radical, political goals. See here for more

Though the fact a few corporations own so many corporations and so on makes that somewhat understandable, look at how many corporations and entities  CBSViacom, Disney, Time Warner, NBCUniversal own for example). Also see here

However I am cool with Big Corp officially being merged into the Democrat party and if they did that I would be fine with them being as Liberal 2.0 as they are Issues like voting rights, migration and transgender-inclusive restrooms have economic impact

The millions of alienated people from those culture war fights aren’t just only these Corporations future customers, a lot of them expect to support brands that they believe in, but they’re also the companies’ employees.

Non Liberal 2.0ers might have a 1920s view of who Big Business’ workforce is. However that workforce is, at a minimum, very diverse and they get along. Trying to stir that up is misguided

It is almost like they are in sync with each other (which is cool they are insync with each other if they are because cohesion is a biblical value but still…). The odds they are on the correct side of all of those issues is slim at best and slim left town. 

No variance, nothing. They now are being openly anti life, anti gun, etc. From Media bias fact check, here. That is MSM outlets who have a Center Left or Left Center bias. You know, Liberalism 2.0 territory. Also see here. Again Liberalism 2.0 territory 

It is better to steadily increment towards a more prosperous society through the market like using more and more co-ops

Until we abolish the state, the government would end corporate monopolies other market market failures to rebalance the competition. That government would be elected through a liberal democracy since that is is supposed to be representative of the people 

Conservatives waste their time and political energy on cultural social battles over issues like wokeness, because Liberal 2.0 ideology holds sway in the above important institutions of prestige media and academia—an intertwined nexus he calls “the Cathedral.” The US has lost its state capacity, so it is not really capable of governing anymore

The power of the executive branch has slowly dwindled into an oligarchy of the educated who care more about competing for status within our system than they do about US’s national interest.

If I didn’t know any better I would think the US and Canada have a state run media like China and Russia (but I won’t because I know better)

It is Corporate Capitalist-Liberalism 2.0 groupthink

Capitalism tends towards monopoly, but it does not tend toward many businesses. That is both true in theory and also in practice. "A million small businesses count for nothing, a small amount of gigantic cartels count for everything". The government must, and in fact does, makes clear efforts (though with small success) to reverse this trend towards monopoly which is inherently a part of the system.

So what's so bad with monopoly? When a company (or a cartel) has a monopoly they are not put in a position to deal with the competitive nature of capitalism. They can artificially set prices high, they can cost cut by reducing quality, and they wield under-contested control over the creative, tech, cultural makeup of their product. 

By using their comparatively high wealth over smaller businesses they can (and in fact do) suppress their competition by them lobbying (/bribing) for laws that are favorable to them (like net neutrality) or oftentimes by them targeting small companies with a litany of lawsuits to destabilize them financially.

But how about a state monopoly, or how about a socialist mode of production? Ok, first off, it should be run democratically, and a "democratic monopoly" is not really a monopoly all that much in any regard

Since the workers are the ones who control production, and the ones that are not attempting to create profit, they have a vested stake in avoiding price raising and in not reducing the quality. Production is at its fundamental core, all about appeasing the consumer as opposed to appeasing the accountants, because the consumers are the ones who are in charge. 

Within a capitalist system competition is the force which shoves production in the direction of the consumers' interest (because, theoretically, if you are not doing what the consumers desire, someone else will do so and thus replace you). What this means is as soon as competition wanes, the consumers' power to influence production wanes straightaway.

What are profits and why are profits needed? Our present mode of production insists that the abstract idea of ownership entitles people to share in their earnings from productivity'. 

It's vital at this point to make a distinction between the owner and executive/whatever who really does work; the pay gap for executives is absurd, but they're keep doing something and that position is not in and of itself parasitic. 

Though, in every production cycle we need to cut out a portion of the fraction of our earnings and to portion that out to the "owners" who didn’t do anything (for the umpteenth time, who might have done something but receive compensation for their work, and then double that for "ownership", the latter of which is the problem). If they receive their cut, or on top of that if they can receive a greater return anywhere else, then they'll just take their capital and exit.

This is a fundamental decree of capitalism and this is the reason that all companies are every time, not out of human desire but out of necessity, attempting to squeeze every last dime that they can. 

We don't get products that are most enjoyable, we get products that are the most cost effective. We don't get services which most enrich us, but we get services which have the best margins. We get a society that wrestles with itself to make money with little or no concern in any way shape or form for human lives and interests. 

Companies siphon drinking water from communities in poverty in order to load it with sugar and sell it to people who would be better served without it, due to the fact that money is to be made from this. 

Companies plaster brands and logos on all surfaces and pieces of media, non stop bombarding of populations with ads, because companies can make products for pennies on the dollar by exploiting third world women and youth and companies need somebody to buy them.

Here are much better alternatives (i.e pro people policies/Representative politics) to the Liberal 2.0 corporate fascist model we have today as mentioned above and for a little while longer below

I also am against the ESG movement, I support this Anti ESG group and their stated aims. The ESG is one of the greatest threat to our freedoms in the US today without question

Tesla should have been rated higher by ESG than Exxon. Tesla is more green friendly, etc

Though the fact a few corporations own so many corporations and so on makes that somewhat understandable, look at how many corporations and entities  CBSViacom, Disney, Time Warner, NBCUniversal own for example).

Some of them are heavily influenced by Liberal 2.0 lobby and advocacy groups who organize and coordinate attacks on those corporations through ‘SJWism’ and other tactics until those corporations give in. It's like a real life Stepford Wives (I love that movie).   

Just look at how they one by one they pretended to become woke in 2020 (mary sue), how all of these corporations punished innocent Russians for a war they had nothing to do with, look at how all of these corporations fire or go after people who are far left (i.e tankies), Authoritarian Conservative ,Blue Dog Democrat (Krysten Sinema bathroom incident at ASU in 2021) or Left Wing (like their attacks on Hassanbi, Breadtube, Destiny, Jimmy Dore, Krystal Ball, Tim Dillion, Kyle Kulinski etc).

* Look at how these corporations use diversity to cover for their corrupt and anti worker labor practices (like herehereherehere and here) and attack everything that us reasonable private citizens stand for in their tone deaf, tone deaf virtue signaling fests.  

Corporations oppress their workers and that is wrong  *

By defeating corporate fascism we can get the workers to take control of the means of production (and have progressive policies for their working conditions including co-ops until then) and stopping forced labor that these corporations use

I am also against small businesses (i.e petite bourgeois).   See here , here (archive) and here for more. And yes this may be something to consider too

Liberal 2.0ers own most of the western media and make up the majority of Liberalism 2.0 . So Liberal 2.0ers then promote other Liberal 2.0ers into power positions. Liberal 2.0s then feed constant Liberalism 2.0 through that mechanism

But I at the end if the day, I could care less. Let the Cathedral go after non normies. It is no skin off my back. As long as they aren’t going after me, it’s all good.  If conservatives and other non normies don’t put as much effort as Liberal 2.0ers in creating their own bias in the media ,they only have themselves to blame

Furthermore, I can live with corporations being woke and Liberal 2.0 since they are fulfilling progressives and left wing/nihilist-enlightenment goals. 

Like King Camp Gillette and Upton Sinclair's 1920s goal of bringing about a socialist utopia by means of a giant corporation. Their corporation would vertically integrate to control the production process from the point of extracting the raw materials to the distribution of the product to consumers, while ensuring equality of wealth and working conditions among its members. 

Essentially, the idea was that economies could more easily be centrally planned through the use of enormous corporations enjoying grants of monopoly privilege.  See here for more 

Also like pointed out here "This was no accident. Those who have studied the genesis of this annexation know that it was a deliberate “long march through the institutions.” That campaign was conceived in the late 1960s by the violent German activist Rudi Dutschke, a disciple of the non-violent but much more dangerous Frankfurt School academic Herbert Marcuse, who approved of Dutschke’s plan." See more here

Another perspective on this can be found here. See thisthisthis , this section of my blog for related points on this

I believe quite firmly that the likes of Larry Fink (Goldman Sachs CEO) is considerably more influential than Emanuel Macron, Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau etc. It's far preferable for someone to wrongly use Joe Biden as a scapegoat than to question what it means for Vanguard to own a slice of basically every company.

This is why non-Western countries and leaders kinda hate us. Vladimir Putin runs Russia. Xi Jinping runs China. Who runs the US? The UK? France? It's just a nexus of institutes, corporations, pseudo-private corporations etc such that nobody can get a straight answer from us, ever. The elections just change the very most outer shell of governance.

Then we pretend that there is proper "separation of powers" and whatnot. It's horse shit, they all collude heavily and are interwoven with every successive government.  

Thats why they need more authorative methods in other countries, because they don't have this complex web of corrupt power that acts as a legitimation in the form of pseudo liberty of choice. You're not more free in democracies, you are maybe allowed to say a bit more, but only so much until you become politically relevant. That's part of the illusion. 

You're likely not even critical of the system to begin with because the propaganda is so effective and you can live comfortably due to historic imperialist structures. You're no closer to changing the status quo than in the much hated autocrat regimes, in fact probably farer away. 

How do you achieve change? At this point I'd rather have a nationalist authocrat than Klaus Schwab & Co ruling my country. At least they don't sacrifice their people to the NWO of a bunch of transhumanists with a god complex.

So we have to do a 360 and abolish this corrupted denigrated form of western 'democracy' to liberate us in the west and in places like Russia, China etc

I think Taylor Lorenz is a trash human (well we all are technically trash see here/here and see here /s)

But at the same time, she's also a journo. Freedom of speech/press cuts both ways. She can publish anything she fancies, even though it's more or less doxxing.


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