
Showing posts from April, 2023

Heck no no no

I am against equity language guides including the ACS, American Land Management and Sierra' Clubs stupid dumb equity language guides.  Equity language guides are extreme toxic wokeness and I want to ban equity language guides forever.   I will abolish any corporation that embraces equity language guides. Literally I will make those corporations go bankrupt and defunct by draining them of all their money. YEAH BABY YEAH I do not want to live in a society where people have to restrict their language to not offend. What the above uber woke radlib organizations are doing is taking away our freedom of speech, and restricting us, controlling our speech to control us to become woke losers like them and I won't allow it These woke animals are destroying our society and culture with this evil dumb wokeness and hurting the vast majority of us. Over 90 percent of Americans, Canadians, Australians, Europeans are against equity language guides (the US and maybe Canada are the only 2 places

compulsory slxllx

 Sex Is Compulsory  from here In preparing this section, like any good essayist, I searched for definitions of compulsory sexuality using Google. The results were disappointing , so I’ve prepared my own definition: ‘Compulsory sexuality’ refers to a set of social attitudes, institutions and practices which hold and enforce the belief that everyone should have or want to have frequent sex (of a socially approved kind). Compulsory sexuality differs from sexuality in that it is imposed from without, whereas sexuality is discovered from within. Compulsory sexuality states: “You must have sex, you must want sex”, but sexuality arises from a dynamic between people in which they reach a mutual recognition that, “We would like to have sex”. The two are not entirely separable as compulsion becomes internalised. Thus, our sexualities are twisted into knots such as, “I want to want sex”, or, “I want to want the sex I am having”; conformity to the compulsion becomes the normative sexuality, deviat

Power is sxglaied

Power is Sexy  from here If qualities of power and violence are integral to sex, as argued above, we can also observe that qualities of ‘sexiness’ are integral to many depictions and experiences of power and violence. That is to say, power and violence are culturally invested with sexual qualities; they are eroticised. As MacKinnon puts it, again in Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: Rape is not less sexual for being violent; to the extent that coercion has become integral to male sexuality, rape may be sexual to the degree that, and because, it is violent. In Zack Snyder’s film, Sucker Punch (I won’t apologise for the spoilers, it’s a terrible film), the female protagonist is institutionalised and retreats into a fantasy scenario in which she is prostituted along with a number of other women. Each time she is offered to a john, the film depicts her as dancing for him (‘dancing’ – there’s a euphemism) before it cuts away to a second layer of fantasy in which, dressed in a varie

RFK pres

RFK Jr thoughts:

Raggy Magga flagggglglrrrr

We have to become a direct and participatory democracy so the electorate decides on policy initiatives without elected representatives as proxies and which citizens participate individually and directly in political decisions and policies that affect their lives. And or maybe we could get rid of the Electoral college as mentioned  here  to also create this effect This will make the need or desire to protest almost non existent as people will cause most of their political needs and wants implemented through direct and participatory democracy. The January 6 Stop the Steal rioters did not cause Russia to invade Ukraine and anyone who says otherwise is a fool. Donald Trump DID NOT cause the  coup  attempts in Germany and Peru. Adam Schiff has gone senile if he believes that blatant unfounded bogus non sense.  Yeah Adum, let’s blame Donald Trump for every bad thing that happens on Earth. /s I very much agree with  this Vice article  titled "Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 Propaganda is MUS