Raggy Magga flagggglglrrrr

We have to become a direct and participatory democracy so the electorate decides on policy initiatives without elected representatives as proxies and which citizens participate individually and directly in political decisions and policies that affect their lives. And or maybe we could get rid of the Electoral college as mentioned here to also create this effect

This will make the need or desire to protest almost non existent as people will cause most of their political needs and wants implemented through direct and participatory democracy.

The January 6 Stop the Steal rioters did not cause Russia to invade Ukraine and anyone who says otherwise is a fool. Donald Trump DID NOT cause the coup attempts in Germany and Peru. Adam Schiff has gone senile if he believes that blatant unfounded bogus non sense. Yeah Adum, let’s blame Donald Trump for every bad thing that happens on Earth. /s

I very much agree with this Vice article titled "Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 Propaganda is MUST WATCH TV' and I think that article is awesome and base. I really do wish that Chuck Schumer goes on the Tucker Carlson show to set Tucker straight and tell the real story. 

The January 6 2021 Stop the Steal riots were not anywhere near as bad as 9/11 or the bombing of Pearl Harbor and they were not even remotely close to being ‘the darkest day in our nation’s history’.  

Actually, come to think of it, January 6 was far worse than 9/11 and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The US came within one of shake of those Qanon shamans staff becoming a fascist dictatorship run by Donald DRUMPF and his mafia stooge ADOLF Giuliani  /s

I am not in the business of deciding or disputing what is the worst or most uniquely evil acts in human history on Earth by propping up specific examples of supreme, maximum evil

On Earth and on some alien planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes there have been countless mass killings, genocides, oppression, terrorist attacks etc in both numbers and savagery

Violence against groups of people on Earth and on some alien planets like destroying another groups village are as old as mankind and intelligent life itself, it even happened in religious stories. 

This endless tragedy has taken place on every continent and on some alien planets with perpetrators ranging from fascists to warlords to Capitalists to Showas to Colonialists to Imperialists to Mongols to Huns to Communists to Socialists to whatever groups exist on some alien planets who did such things etc. And this endless tragedy of peoples vs peoples warfare needs to end just like we need to end endless military wars . 

With the pretext of our society being industrial and technological in particular, this endless tragedy peoples vs peoples warfare can get worse and especially more damaging for victims (like with Atomic bombs and nukes having the potential to destroy society)

If even one person is killed to me it is a 100 percent evil tragedy. 

The evident racism outlined here that was said to be done by the January 6 2021 Stop the Steal rioters should be reason enough for the MSM and politicians to go after the January 6 2021 rioters as harsh as they have if we are going to go after them.

I am against amending the Insurrection Act of 1807. It is unneeded 

This Walkaway thread here has some good points in reaction to a stupid Liberal 2.0 Twitter user's stupid Liberal 2.0 daughter being a spoiled, whiny, snowflake brat (who needs a spanking)

My views on Left wingers (for left wing reasons) storming the Capital and attempting a coup’d tat can be found here  . Oh I also support this 'Coup' (Coup as in "Here’s The Outgroup with a special live episode freely available for everyone to watch here on YouTube. We recorded this back in February at the Coup de Gras virtual festival" from Left Libertarian think tank website C4ss.org, I support the people in that video being able to freely express their views like they did and I generally have definately taken their views on in that video into account)

Even if we label January 6th as an ‘insurrection’, (Rep. Lofgren says that Donald Trump’s attempt to go to the Capitol turned January 6 from a riot into ‘Coup Attempt’), it was a small ‘insurrection’ that failed hilariously (I mean there was bunch of freaking rednecks running around the Capitol building LOL) .

The BLM protests on the other hand, brought out tens of millions and started a nationwide movement that brought significant policy changes to thousands of law enforcement agencies throughout the US, with hundreds of in the last year alone (including with body cams). Whether these changes in law enforcement work or are they the solution? See this section of my blog for more

I am worried that the crackdowns on rioters on January 6 will lead to a slippery slope that is used to shut down legit protests and dissent (i.e left wing, economic socialistic protests and dissent) in the future

It is tempting to say that I view the MAGA trolls & company from the January 6 Stop the Steal riots the way that Briahna Joy Gray does and on their treatment in prison the way that Briahna Joy Gray, Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren do. However for optics reasons I will say on the record I echo the Liberal 2.0 narrative on that stuff

I will say that the MAGA trolls & company should be treated fairly and not have the Patriot act used against them. We don't want another gitmo on her hands after all

I will not comment further on the identity, pursuit, arrest, charging, or actions of the individuals involved in the January 6 riots. 

Their legal battles over January 6 is the criminal justice element of the story as opposed to the broader political context.  

I agree with the views over here, and these views in regards to MAGA trolls & company

The vast majority of young Republicans have no idea what authentic American republicanism rooted in constitutional principles is all about and they should embrace that authentic American conservatism and ditch their brand of 'conservatism' or leave the party.

A lot of Trump supporters and radical Right wingers become that way due to the Liberalism 2.0 replacing Liberalism and and being the dominant ideology in theDemocrat party or due to economic struggles (like recessions etc). It is no excuse but it provides context and nuance. 

I honestly believe that Right Wingers would be happier being Left Wing (the real Left Wing- to the left of the Democrat Party) than they would be as Right Wingers, Blue Dogs-New Democrats or Liberal 2.0ers/Democrats

The Right wingers have to realize if they cannot have a society right of Ronald Reagan, they might as well push for our society to be Left wing (left of the Democrat party), Far left or Post Left instead. Because that is better for those Right wingers than for them being dragged kicking and screaming through Liberalism 2.0 to a Radical Liberal society (which is diagonal from Left Wing)

This is because the answers to Right Wingers concerns are found in the Left Wing (to the Left of the Democrat party). American right wingers in particular only have one option besides the Right wing, and that are the Center wing (Blue Dogs-New Democrats, Liberal 2.0, what they call ‘RINOs’) 

Or what right wingers think are right wing concerns are really Left wing concerns (to the Left of the Democrat party) but since that real Left wing isn’t mainstream , Right wingers wrongly assume those concerns they have are right wing concerns

Right wingers can sense the system collapsing around us as well, they just don’t know why (or they think it’s because of “Marxist corporations” or whatever).

"How do you move us rightoids leftward when most of us righties believe that there is nothing wrong with someone becoming filthy rich through capitalism."

I'd say I will start small with ya'll, to become left wing focus on issues like the shrinking middle class, declining home ownership, and so on.

I find that like me and most other leftists, a lot of you people on the right aren't too fond of the elites, and you conservatives tend to value family. Neoliberal economics hurt and erode families.

I gotta get you rightoids to understand what makes ya'll tick, and us leftists can't dehumanize you. You right wingers are people too, with your own worries and concerns. 

Sometimes you right wingers see the same problems we leftists do but you right wingers filter it through a different lens. Sometimes what you right wingers call communism or crony capitalism isn't too different than what we leftists might call late stage capitalism.

Us leftists won't push the scary S word, you are not ready for that yet, maybe never will be.

Like the radical Right wing could find the true solution to their issue of key inequalities between people to be found on the Left . The Left’s sees this issue as artificial and negative, and that solution by the Left involves making sure that these key inequalities between people are either defended or left alone by the state

But the American Right wing has never given much thought let alone gave a chance to the real Left Wing (to the left of the Democrat Party). 

From what I've observed, recently there has been a mood change against Western Marxism and specifically the Frankfurt School by rightoids, accusing them of being culturalists and for being responsible for the failure of working class movements.

It's a shame because it was the only thing that would have stopped rightoids from seeing marxism as some sort of godless materialsm if they actually engaged with it. Left wing anti idpol absolutely converted some conservatives to be left wing because it is quite scary how any conservative concern can be addressed by the wonders of Marxism leninism

And how each eschatological end-state of creation of the abrahamitic religions is essentially a description of Marxism

See here for more

Vaush and Contrapoints deradicalizes Right wingers (as Vaush did with Hunter Avellone), so he and Natalie both would echo what I wrote above

“I cannot stress enough how important it is to understand that twelve year old white boys on twitch are not being pulled into fascism because of some Machiavellian desire to preserve and expand their privileges,”

“it’s because the right talks to them and the left doesn’t.”  Vaush

Ask any Left wing person who deradicalized a right winger to become Left wing and they will expand on why Right Wingers embracing Left Wing views instead of Center wing (Blue Dogs-New Democrats, Liberal 2.0/Democrats, what they call ‘RINOs’) views is better for them and fixes and cures the underlying issues plaguing Right wingers . Left Wing solutions to Right Wing problems

Right Wingers are left wingers sometimes argue for the same exact aims (and thus agree) but in different ways and without even realizing they are arguing for the same exact aims and agreeing on said issues

I have some ideas how to handle Trump extremists in a few places in this blog that give a more nuanced and laid out of what I wrote above. 

"Yeah rightoids in leftist splaces is mostly why I stopped coming to said leftist space. I have nothing in common with these people and never will. Their reasons for coming to our leftist spaces are completely backwards and nonsensical. They are rarely willing to learn and put the real work to become a marxist so what is the point."

I fully realize now how it hurts for some of my fellow leftists to read some of the rightoid takes in leftist spaces. However lefitsts and liberal 2.0ers should never forget how much effort it can take to do what is nothing short of changing your entire view of history, present and future like some rightoids do when they become left wing (or even liberal 2.0)

It's been pretty easy to talk others into being less hostile to 'leftists' and make the distinction between Neoliberals, Marxists and everything in between. Making clear to rightoids that the cost of the cold war was the truth and what that means is also so important to get across. Ideally you don't be anti Christian while you do that ~ et voilĂ 

Specifically a lecture by Gabriel Rockhill about Intellectual world war was very helpful for turning right wingers into leftists or left leaning people, although only with a timestamp around the 30 minute mark - I have seen people change their ways immediately after watching that in an almost comical way. Some right wingers never would never have found it if some rightoid weren't allowed into some leftist spaces

But I am just musing. I could care less what happens to Trump’s supporters. I am not their savior

As leftists we should try to meet and convert to leftism the lost sheep (like right wing nutjobs) where their at, but it is a lost cause to try to meet committed anti communist politicians where they are at and to convert them to leftism. Anyone who thinks Marjorie Taylor Green is going to align with communists is an moron. But no one is beyond redemption and saving so...

Even if I am as Anti Trump as Rosie O’Donnell is and I view MAGA as negatively as the redditors from ‘MAGA is fascism’ subreddits do (which might be the case) I will never be as Anti MAGA as the person in this video was (and see my reactions to that there)

I would accept Hard right-Radical right/extreme Right wingers working with us to defeat Liberalism 2.0 but only after we deradicalized them like mentioned here and or after they are reprogrammed to be Antiracists .  

I am accepting of former Hard right-Radical right/extreme Right wingers:  who have moved left to be as liberal/progressive as Destiny , Vaush, Joe Rogan ,Haz, Jackson Hinkle, Bari Weiss, Tim Dillion, Michael Malice, Hunter Avellone ,Enough Commie Spam redditors, Adam Something, Greyzone’s conception of Alexander Reid Ross

They also are our allies in defeating Liberalism 2.0 if they moved that leftward. See here for more

I am tolerant of former Hard right-Radical right/extreme Right wingers who have moved as left and became as non extreme as, Tim Pool, Pewpewpie and they can be our allies in defeating Liberalism 2.0. However despite moving left they would have to fight against Liberalism 2.0 separate from us like how Leon Trotsky said that Social Democrats could be allies of Trotskyists in defeating Fascism but they would have to fight against Fascism separate from Trotskyists

I even can put up with (only when they are on their best behavior) former Hard right-Radical right/former extreme Right wingers who moved leftward to become as left as a Center left version of Sargon of Akkad, to become left as Steven Crowder (after his mind is changed by Liberal 2.0ers/Leftists to become liberal/left), as left as a version of Tomi Lahren left of Cenk Uyghur, as left as a Libertarian form of Ben Shapiro, as left as Bernieandtrumpfan (Conservapedia editor) ,Jordan Peterson and Clint Eastwood. 

If they want to defeat Liberalism 2.0 like we do, after moving that leftward,  I give them my blessing to do so but they can do so without our help or assistance unless they do so via autonomous ANTIFA like black box Anti Liberal 2.0 coalitions.

If a reformed Pim Fortuyn list, or a Libertarian faction of the Alt Lite had ambiguous ties to leftist groups in Europe and either Russia or a similar anti West country invaded that European country that contained those leftist groups with ambiguous ties to PFL or a Libertarian faction of the Alt Lite and I deemed the invasion of said country wrong, I would support the leftist groups in those invaded countries with ambiguous ties to a reformed PFL or a Libertarian faction of the Alt Lite (but not the PFL or the Libertarian faction of the Alt Lite themselves) the same way that Democrats and Progressives in the West support the Ukrainian army in the Russia-Ukraine conflict against Russia

But I am saying what these themajorityreport subredditors are saying in this thread with this type of topic

"If you hint that you kind of sort of agree with the Right on one half of their talking points, conservatives will trip over each other rolling out the red carpet, Because encouraging people you think might be traveling in your direction is how you act if you actually want to win.

Much of the Left has…let’s say a different approach. Which is a fucking shame because I would really like us to win a little so maybe everyone could get healthcare and a union and we could maybe start rolling back American Empire overseas. Something to think about."  Ben Burgis

So Liberal 2.0ers say that Donald Trump and his supporters are fascists and authoritarians. 

But some Liberal 2.0ers say that Trump and his supporters are extremely anti statist. So how can Donald Trump and his supporters be both fascist authoritarians AND radical anti statists at the same time?  Isn’t that a really big contradiction?  Answer: the more fringe Trump suppoters and their enablers are really crypto Anarcho semi fascists 

This article by the Left Libertarian think tank C4ss (Some Social Challenges That Won’t Magically Go Away With a Biden Presidency) actually shows who really makes up the bulk of the MAGA movement (hint it is not who you expect) so also keep that in mind when dealing with MAGA and deradicalizing MAGA

All right-wing, authoritarian, corporate capitalists are "fascists"for short

But Trump supporters are technically ‘Fascists’, as are all Republicans and the majority of Democrats along with everyone else on Earth who is against Socialism

The only technical definition of Fascism is Militant Anti Socialism. Anyone on Earth who is opposed to Socialism even though they live in a capitalist society ,is technically a fascist.

The entire political purpose of Fascism is to suppress Socialism. All Fascist movements were founded on Anti Socialism. All Fascist movements in history actively fought Socialism.

Socialism is the progressive response to the natural and inevitable collapse of capitalism. On the other hand, Fascism is the reactionary response to that collapse.Anyone who opposes socialism in the 21st century is technically a Fascist.

Anti fascism has the advantage that it is not defined positively, which means that you don't have to do the work of articulating a political program, or what that might appear like in the current period. 

Anti fascism is defined negatively and it's defined against things that are self-evidently bad. And at the same time, those things which are bad are also understood in Liberal 2.0 terms; the fascists are hostile to diversity, they are repressive of minorities, they are racist and exclusionary -- all of which are obviously true, but which also misconstrue the historical purpose of fascism in the 20th century, which was an overriding hostility to the worker's movement. I am against any forces which are hostile to the worker's movement

This Liberal 2.0 framing of fascism helps to explain its appeal: its absence of content, or of content that is given by a type of easy Liberalism 2.0 which can be taken in from the contemporary status quo and without requiring any person to make any real effort to put forward a political vision of the future.

Though we cannot understate that Fascism is still an extreme right wing form of Capitalist rule. Fascist ideologies are still present in various forms in most capitalist in the majority of Capitalist countries and in the former colonies that are ruled by puppet regimes. 

In the US, Fascism is closely linked to white supremacy and it shows itself in a lot of institutions and cultural tendencies. Fascism is the ruling class’s last resort, which it uses to try to smash all working-class organizations. (workers.org/fascism/) 

Communists have fought and continue to fight against Fascism

Marxist/Marxian thought is materialist and dialectical. Jungianism and Campbellian mythologies appeal to some kind of "intrinsic" fortified structure of human thought (they commonly refer to these as "archetypes"). It's quasi-religious due to it not being a material thing. 

The archetype only can be represented as a type of idea and is thus idealist. It's not by chance that Jordan Peterson tries and tries to reinsert religion as this type of structuring thought process (JP’s debate with Matt Dillahunty is one example).

That's fully opposite of how us Marxists/Marxians see our world; we don't subscribe to the notion of human nature or whatever since we think that's part of religious ideology. 

Humans are social beings, by their very nature, and so there is no human outside of our society. Feral children are qualifiedly different from socialized people; our processes of thought are not outside of society and ordained by some invisible nature or by Christians or Qanon , but instead structured by our the relationship we have to society (typically a working relationship).

Since society is made up of people but society structures people, we take a viewpoint of the development that we refer to as the "dialectic". 

Which is a viewpoint that individuals and society are inseparable, and that their evolving relationship composes the reality that we really experience. An implicit conclusion we reach is that nothing lasts forever, there is no actual separation between man and nature, we should not be our own Gods, and that social forms are dependent and evolutionary. 

Capitalism paints itself as a logical, necessary state of being but a dialectical view of historical development shows Capitalism to be an expression of the relations between people and productive methods that is constantly becoming more and more different.

I like other Marxists/Marxians refer to obscurantism, mythology, and metaphysics as being fascist-adjacent since these looks to obscure the reality of dialectical materialism; where Marxists like me see a class relation, mysticists like Jordan Peterson try to assert some "natural hierarchy". 

Fascism in the eyes of us Marxists/Marxians, is the effort of the ruling class to assert an ideal, whether it is natural hierarchy, racial hierarchy, etc in order to subvert the class struggle by setting up a fake basis for collaboration between classes (maintaining racial, national, or "natural" hierarchies).

I counter typical reactionary rhetoric in the following way

Reactionary rhetoric: Natural, non-tyrannical hierarchies have existed for hundreds of millions of years.

My response: It is a age old fallacy to project the concept of a societal hierarchy on to non-societal organisms .It was even seen as old back in the 1920s! Bukharin sums this type of argumentation up and why the reason that it is fallacious in Historical Materialism.

To guard the "sacred traditions" is an imperative that the bourgeoisie finds necessary. This is the reason, in particular, that phenomena that owe their origin to a certain historical stage are eternal, to have been handed down by their conception of God, and thus are insurmountable. We shall list three examples.

I. The State. We know now that the state is a class organization, that there is no way to be a state without classes, that a classless state is as likely as a round square, that the state couldn’t emerge until a precise stage in human evolution was reached. 

However hear the bourgeois historians, even the greatest of them! Eduard Meyer states: "How far the formation of organic groups can proceed in the case of animals, I often had occasion to observe, thirty years ago, in Constantinople, in the case of the street dogs; they were organized in sharply distinct quarters, into which they would admit no outside dogs, and every evening all the dogs of each quarter gather in an empty lot for a meeting of about half an hour, in which they bark loudly. We may therefore actually speak of dog states of definite outline in space." (Eduard Meyer: Geschichte des Altertums, vol. i, first half, 3d ed., p.7,) 

It will thus come as no shock to us to see Eduard Meyer accepting the state as an essential property of human society. If even dogs have states like Eduard Meyer mentioned above (and so, clearly, laws, justice, etc.), how can humans get along without one?

II. Capital. On the topic the bourgeois economists put out the same idiosyncrasies. It is very known that capital has not existed forever, nor has capitalism either. 

Capitalists and workers both are a phenomenon of historical growth, and in no way eternal. But the bourgeois scholars each time described capital as if it - and additionally the capitalist regime - had existed from the beginning of time. 

And so, Torrens stated: "In the first stone which he (the savage) flings at the wild animal he pursues, in the stick that he seizes to strike down the fruit which hangs beyond his reach, we see the appropriation of one article for the purpose of aiding in the acquisition of another, and thus discover the origin of capital." (Marx Capital, vol. i, Chicago, 1915, p.205, footnote.) The monkey beating nuts out of a tree is therefore a capitalist (but without workers !). 

Our current economists do not fare much better; as to prove the eternity of the power of the state, these impoverished wretches are obliged to supply their dogs with the capabilities of Lloyd George and their minions with those of the Rothschilds!

III. Imperialism. Bourgeois researchers and academics who give thought to this question commonly identify imperialism as the effort at augmenting within all forms of life. Obviously, imperialism is the financial capital policy, and financial capital itself did not emerge as a dominating economic form until the late 19th Century. The bourgeois researchers and academics didn’t care that much about that

In order to show that "things have ever been so", they promote the chicken which lifts up kernels into an imperialist, because it "annexes" the kernels! The dog state, the capitalist elephant and the imperialist chicken are an outstanding implication of the nature of modern day bourgeois science.

Lobster thought has really been BTFO for about nearly 100 years but Marxist works, believe it or not, are not in reality taught at higher learning institutions that are allegedly responsible for what some call postmodernist ‘neomarxism’. Those institutions are liberal 2.0 capitalist indoctrination centers

Are all hierarchies invalid?

We need to establish what a "hierarchy" actually is. As a method to organize society and getting things done, electing leaders isn’t the end of the world and has its uses. Equating that too much or overtly with stuff like oppression on the basis of class, gender, etc can be seen as an argumentative sleight of hand.

Mythology predates capitalism, so how is it fascist?

Obviously it predates it, that's the reason that it's mythology. A principle part of Marxism is that people like me study the relations of stuff primarily. 

Zeus himself isn’t a fascist, since he doesn't exist. Believing in Zeus is not a fascist act, it only makes you foolish. 

Mythology like mentioned above is different than using an ahistorical revival and misapplication of mythological beliefs to attempt to seek a sort of deeper truths about immutable human characteristics. Proclaiming we are alike as we were as Incas, Ancient Greeks, (or fill in the blank) etc and not able to get out of our inherent nature is at least somewhat fascist since the goal of fascism is to halt progress and preserve class rule.

Put in simple terms "immutable human characteristics" do not exist because such things as "human characteristics" in a vacuum do not exist; human characteristics involve a societal relationship and society changes.

There are obviously problematic elements on the the MAGA trolls & company, and worse side. This includes the Alt Right (like the Unite extreme Right right wing trolls including Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler). They are so extreme they give Republicans and even some non Liberal 2.0ers a bad name. 

They also use Liberal 2.0 tactics (like digital ‘activism’, cancel culture’ etc) to spread their hate

The MAGA trolls & company in particular’s antidemocratic stances are chilling and horrible. They are against democracy for the wrong reasons (fascist, right wing reasons) instead of for defensible reasons (Left wing or post left reasons) . 

I am Anti Alt Right. I want to destroy the Alt Right and prevent them from doing anymore damage

These Alt Right trolls like all Right wing neofascists/Right wing Fascists are a threat to abolishing hierarchies , patriarchies and creating a truly egalitarian world . So they must be taken out

The Alt Right and other Right wing neofascists/Right Wing Fascists also have proto Liberal 2.0 views like being racist and antisemitic (for example it is believed that racism is a liberal [in this case proto Liberal 2.0] Eurocentric and imperialist ideology)

These Alt Right trolls also make our country a worse off, depressing, offensive and an unlivable place and so they must be dealt with countered and fired (Apprentice reference). I am a resistant to the Alt Right  

The Alt right should clean their rooms and mouths out with soap and get wasted instead of being trolls.

Their views are disturbing to even the word disturbing. They spend too much time online. The alt right needs to open themselves up to opportunities that they wouldn't materially be aware of (like taking a long walk off of a short cliff)

There are holes in mainstream narrative of the alt right being a movement of alienated, rebellious populists. 

A significant chunk of the committed alt rightists at least (instead of the mainstream US conservatives who voted for Donald Trump due to perceived economic reasons) are way sheltered, middle to-upper income bracket males who support a rigidly conformist social order and loathe any perceived deviance. 

The narrative of the alt-right as being anti-establishment rebels is beneficial to Liberal 2.0ers especially neoliberals, and commonly goes hand-in-hand with the ableist narratives which blame mental illness and moderate talking points that paint the alt-right and the far-left as the two sides of the same coin. 

I might even stop just short of calling the alt-right a movement after all

The alt right are a portion of neo-Nazis who recruits the ignorant, uneducated (which is why I favor deprogramming), young white male crowd to... share memes? Make dog whistles up on 4chan and Rumble/Banned Video? So then what? Nothing, since their "movement" is cloaked anonymity.

The upper tier elements of the alt right though may surely be movements, I They don’t however have all that much cohesion. 

Their tiki torch agipop was an epic fail. They can’t functionally get college events due to the colleges not wanting the security/liability hassles.

Outside of someone like Donald Trump to occupy a sort of semi-legiti spotlight for the alt right I feel they’re back on 4chan, Vdare, Alex Jones, and the Daily Stormer media realm with zero prospects for any growth.

The alt right ‘peaked’ at Charlottesville like in mobilizing as a true political force. The infrastructure that they built their movement on is still in place, yet, like the Regnery publishing dynasty (who also made the NPI), the Pioneer Fund, etc. The scholarly neo-eugenicists are old as heck and dying out though (Rushton, Jensen, Sarich, and Harpending have all passed away over the last decade), though they appear to have some minor league players waiting in the wings to be called up to the majors.

The Right wing Neofascists/Right Wing Fascists in general are also a threat also due to the Neoliberal Autocracy/Revolutionary Regressive elements of Right Wing Neofascism/Right Wing Fascism so those Right Wing Neofascists/Right wing fascists must be confronted , bashed and abolished

I try to fix the bigger picture (as seen in this blog post, and throughout my blog) rather than fix or go after naughty Right wingers directly (since they are a symptom of bigger issues) to help fix them

However, I am a partisan type of anti fascist and I will fight and destroy all Right wing Neofascists, Right wing Fascists, MAGA trolls & company etc in the near future if and when a Civil War breaks out between the Democrat base and Republican base (or something just short of a Civil War breaks out) just like the Partisan Antifascists did in WWII to the German and Italian fascists . 

I swear on my mother’s life on this pledge

Adam Kinzinger was correct, even though the MAGA trolls & company say they want a civil war etc they would not really want one because they would get demolished in a civil war against our leftist and Democrat coalition

MAGA trolls & company doesn’t know how to prepare for or fight in a war and they certainly don’t know how to win a war Most of them have never fought in a war. 

MAGA trolls & company are vastly all talk and no action. MAGA riots , trolls and whines etc with no plan of action in said times

MAGA trolls & company certainly doesn’t look very threatening or prepared in such instances, they just flaunt with their stupid edgy offensive signs and memes and scream MAGA propaganda with their bullhorns or Alt tech platforms at minority counter protestors or users/public figures.  

This link provides the most effective way to defeat the MAGA trolls & company, right wing extremists, far right and alt right and I might consider that as a last ditch effort against them.  ('they disappear or we all do' Vaush)

I have a guilty pleasure where I like that Kiwifarms swats hard righters, radical right wingers, right wing extremists, far righters. But I don’t support swatting them or anyone though

Though I much prefer forcing the MAGA trolls & company , right wing extremists, far right and alt right to self deport as an alternative effective way . 

The MAGA trolls & company , right wing extremists, far right and alt right have no right to live in the US .

How can the MAGA trolls & company , right wing extremists, far right and alt right be given the right to live in the US, and with the people, while acting normal but at the same time walking in the street and trying to do hate crimes or political violence against people? If the MAGA trolls & company , right wing extremists, far right and alt right are that angry about the US, they could theoretically get the heck out of the US

However I never have and never will daydream about going the end on fascists (since that is authoritarian and I don't want to purge people who don't agree with my ideologies). This is because I am a leftist and thus support rehabilitative justice and fair trials. 

if we can create a better world without hierarchies, patriarchies, classes and with economic equality (as seen in this post and throughout this blog), maybe that will liberate those the MAGA trolls & company , right wing extremists, far right and alt right of their hate too.  Unlike Vaush, I do not spew crude invective against MAGA.  Also see this for more

Radical right, right wing extremism, far right, alt right and Fascism is not an inextricable part of human biology, it is a reaction to material conditions that ideally would not exist in an anarchist society. 

The same is also true for most forms of the right wing. They are very often born from communities that are poverty stricken and bad education, and grow within a cultural echo chamber of people similarly suffering the same ailments. So if we reduce poverty, improve education, and thus we reduce said extremism. Stuff like the Norway 2011 mass killing never happens

The Global times has some interesting things to say about the ‘far right’ . 

It was cringe to invite people like Kanye West and Nick Fuentes to meet with the former junta leader of the United States. Donald Trump has no boundaries political spectrum wise or top bottom wise. Yes Jesus ate with sinners, but Kanye and Nick ate Trump. Big difference

Similarly, according to an FBI source, Russian agents foment racial divisions within the US . See here and here

Just to be clear, I completely disavow the MAGA trolls & company , right wing extremists, far right and alt right, Fascists/Neofascists and anyone else on their end of the political spectrum

I reject Fox News and Chuds in their right wing revolution entrapping working class people to enrich their own anti-democratic agenda by twisting my left of center economic views throughout my blogs

I’d like to remind them I am NOT pro-capitalism, and I do not exist for rich persons fleeting amusements.

I exist because I am tired of the wage slavery our decrepit economic and corrupted political apparatus traps us inside of

And I do not support the right wing or conservatism. 

Flocker Carluson parrots leftish talking points like taxing the rich and cancelling student debt. It’s precisely the type of thing that A.H and the NDSAP did with their economic situation in the backdrop of post WWI Germany

They parroted trade union catchphrases and lingo and they put socialist in their name, yet once they picked up power they threw the trade unionists and socialists in concentration camps. It’s the same thing as what modern fascists do . They promise popular leftish policies that they do not intend to implement. Fascists constantly have shown and continue to show that they always will be the rich's tools

The intention of the right wing media is to divert anger away from actual causes and solutions and in the direction toward making the problem worse.

If a person hurts another person, you can't get them to ignore that hurt, you just could fool them into blaming a scapegoat. 

Capitalism is sneakingly and negatively affecting people over, and these rightoids cannot convince people they aren't a victim of this, but they can redirect their anger to other places. That's why they get so near to the point, playing on actual grievances, only to end up missing it at about the last second. That's no coincidence 

This evolves over time as they desire it, including by blaming integration to blaming feminism to blaming queer acceptance

It is always got to be something, but to these right wingers it is never the rich. If an immigrant or China stole their job, they miss the bigger issue in that it was a capitalist who exploited that immigrant or who outsourced that job for a few more dollars, that kind of thing. 

I don't really watch Fox News anymore, but nothing they do is surprising to me. Their narrative is always typical, which is richness to the rich and power to the powerful. They'll bare the cross for real issues only when it suits them to do so, but they are never gonna address the fundamental causes or to propose true solutions.

It's something to keep an eye on, they are doing this on purpose, and if you're a conservative, if you have trust in them, the people you entrust think you're a sucker. 

If you're a conservative, Tucker Carlson believes that you're a sucker and its the same with Ben Shapiro, Sean Hannity, Dennis Prager, Glenn Beck, and so forth.They think conservatives are suckers. They're laughing at Conservatives all the way to the bank.  r reagaon meme trickle

This is why I am very very suspicious of people who claim to favor socialism / unions, but who also is pretty damn open to using violence.

Benito Mussolini promoted socialism for decades which included him publishing a weekly newspaper that was known as "PROGRESS!", but at the end of the day he formed the Fascist Party of Italy on the platform that the rich would only be removed with violence. ...and he got his way - and then he made himself the dictator and proceeded to execute all of the socialists who naively supported him.

The same damn thing happened in Germany. A.H spoke with and picked up the support of the socialists, until after he played them in his revolution and then he didn't have use for them any more, and so he executed all of the socialists that supported his stupid violence.

So the same exact thing also happened in Russia when the socialists revolted against the royal family - executed all of them and then a tough guy took control of that Party, ,executed all of the original socialist members of the party.

Also see Cuba, Laos and Ecuador for more examples.

These socialist revolutions which are fought in the name of the people tend to kill a lot of people just to put an absolute dictator on the top of the cake

Violence is a tool not to be totally discarded. Universal pacifism is after all a neoliberal manipulation tactic, it's overplayed if not naive, or even a trick which is designed to reinforce the state's monopoly on violence by demonizing all forms of violence, which includes self defense, whenever doing so is convenient to demonize a supposed threat to the state, and to then justify the state sanctioned violence. It's a cringe talking point that does not one thing to help anyone and only helps the bourgeois state in the end and is basically idealistic.

One more thing to keep in mind, fascism is a specific ideology, not only "violence".

See here for more of my thoughts on Right wingers and Republicans


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