Russia-Ukraine conflict

The Russia SFSR should never have transferred Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR. 

I do not support the Maidan Coup which was an illegal act which removed a legit elected head of state . While I am no fan of Viktor Yanukovych, I hate imperialism 

I am an informal Vlodomor Zelesky adviser!!!!

The January 6 protestors did not cause the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Those 2 things have nothing to do with each other.

If I have any objections to the US's support for Ukraine they are only in good faith and not in bad faith like with some right wingers objections to the US's support for Ukraine

But some valid reasons to oppose funding to Ukraine is that the US doing more funding to Ukraine makes the military industrial complex even stronger 

The US will certainly overfund our military industrial complex two-fold next fiscal year to make up for losses.  Being a 'Russia is in the Axis of Evil' neocon notwithstanding,, is it that unbelievable to say American war pigs will exploit this war to enrich themselves?

Like 2 in 3 Americans, or 66 percent of Americans, I was and still am concerned about sanctions contributing to higher food and energy costs at home.  Gas prices have averaged more than $4 a gallon since the start of March 2022. Like 81 percent of Americans, I fear that the war will expand into other European countries and like 80 percent of Americans I am concerned about U.S. forces getting involved in the fighting and about Russia using nuclear weapons. Like most Americans, I feel that Ukraine (like Russia) is corrupt. So if I sound too 'pro Russian' it is only because of these facts

I am 100 percent against the US using a no fly zone against Russia. I was and am still against the US sending troops to go to war with Russia under any circumstance barring a direct hit from Russia on our soil.(for the most part)

I support Belarus .They should not be hated for being dragged into this mess and forced into it by Russia. 

I am against Kalinngrad seceding from Russia or being allowed to secede from Russia, even if Vladimir Putin doesn't give in to the demands of the reactionaries in Warsaw as mentioned here . Just like in the US, those Republicans are warmongering, ignorant fools who don't care about anyone but themselves. Vadim Petrov himself is as cringe for his anti Russia actions as M. Bison (last boss) from Street Fighter series is evil for his actions

It's one thing for Russia that they can't even get Donbass region recognized as part of Russia, it's a whole nother level of bad for Russia to have the Kalinngrad part of their country stolen from them because of reactionary Republicans like Vadim Petrov and his ilk.

Personally and legality wise I feel that Ukraine deserves criticism for not developing Donbas and leaving it open to Russia and other forces 

Personally and legality wise I believe that in 2021 or in January 2022,  if Ukraine and or NATO wanted to prevent a Russian invasion it they should have prophetically warned Russia about how foolish it would be to invade Ukraine,  how bad it would be for Russia to do so and how war is hell, like how William Sherman prophetically warned Professor David Boyd about how foolish secession would be , how bad it would be for the South to do so and how war is hell (war really is hell)           (Sherman Fighting Prophet page 138)

Personally, I believe , like Pat Robertson that Vladimir Putin feels a higher power pushed him to invade Ukraine (or is just off his rocker). More views on this conflict here. Putin is  a madman who doesn't give a fuck about human life and he will pay for this

Personally I feel that the Russia-Ukraine war didn’t have to happen in the first place . This is because personally I feel that if Donald Trump was still President, Russia wouldn't have went to war with Ukraine since V. Putin would have sat back and watched the good times roll with his enabler in office. Thus we wouldn't have this war  . Or this would have happened

Personally I feel that the US and Europe should try to de escalate the Russia-Ukraine crisis instead of inflaming it. So I say if Dr Cornel West feels the need to squarely blamed the US for Vladimir Putin’s invasion (as long as he is also critical of Putin). Fine. But to call to abolish NATO during this Ukraine-Russia conflict is not wise and even ignorant because to do so would wrongly allow Russia to be able to take more and more of Ukraine and then other parts of Eastern Europe. So abolishing NATO while Russia is at odds with its neighbors is foolish. 

Personally I am third camp on the Russian-Ukraine war too (which is the real leftist position) 

Personally I will admit that I am Anti- both: I personally feel that Russia is unwelcome in Ukraine and Russia should embrace their inner Steve Urkel:  Ukraine/Ukranians "Russians Go home! Go home!" Russia: "We Russians don't have to take this! We're going home!" (though all Russian troops in Ukraine pulling a Ryoma on the Fates Conquest route on themselves certainly would be welcomed too)

But personally I believe that the US hegemony is still bad, it's not the solution and NATO still needs to be abolished.  

But until NATO are abolished I feel that NATO might as well be more aggressive against Russia otherwise they are hypocrites and to win the respect of Anti NATO people and NATO critics (like myself)

So thus, NATO (until they are abolished) might as well form a counter group to the CESDP , NATO might as well go after Russia like The Special Purpose Islamic Regiment (SPIR)-RSRSBCM-International Islamic Brigade and Imam Shamil Battalion went after Russia etc etc.   

Pretty much all the countries on Earth are run by capitalists and so they don't care about the average person, This applies to the US and Russia choosing a side is similar to the mistake Leftists made in WW1.

Personally, I’m in the pro working class in every country on Earth and I say fuck the assholes at the top camp in every country. So my personal leftist prospective on any war including this Russian-Ukraine war is  "no war but class war" When countries fight, workers die.

I'm seeing a hell of a lot of "Anti-both" being falsely accused by Liberal 2.0ers and righoids of being "Pro-Russia Leftists." It's like any criticism we have of NATO or any mention we make of the Azov Battalion or worries about them becoming more powerful within Ukraine has to be prefaced with a fervent condemn

Legality wise, I view that initial invasion of Ukraine by Russia like Joe Biden said he would view it in early 2022 when Joe basically stated  "I think what you're gonna see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades. And it depends on what it does. It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do, etc."  I say that legality wise even if Joe Biden was really saying "well they might take some small parts of Ukraine," and " no problem if Vladimir Putin takes some parts of Ukraine,""

Yes in fact it would have been ideal if Russia acted as a shield to the people of Donbas and Kviv through their intervention in February .Yes Military action should always be used as a last resort. WouldaCouldaShoulda. But fog of war and war is hell.  

Legality wise, I was concerned before Russia retook Ukraine (Eastern Ukraine), about Eastern Ukraine becoming a hotbed of corruption under Russia, ruled by bickering Russian oligarchs (since Russia is known for corruption)? So legality wise, that made me echo Joe Biden above in February 2022 on Russia retaking Ukraine. (I use retake, invade, intervene interchangably since Ukraine was part of Russia from when the US was founded through 1991 of course history isn't relevant to the state of affairs in Russia/Ukraine nowadays 

Legality wise I feel that Russia making weird excuses for their invasion/retaking/intervention is a bad look. So yes legality wise I feel Russia is trying to reclaim some of their past lands as that is part of their 21st century ideology . Too bad Russia can't embrace the type of Diplomacy that would please GWB (or at worst Tony Blair)

In one episode of Family Ties , Alex Keaton pretends to support the Equal Rights Amendment because he's attracted to one of its supporters.  

So just like Alex Keaton 'supported' the Equal Rights Amendment in that Family Ties episode , I on the record legality wise 'second' the expressed viewpoint by the Satanic Temple in this screenshot' on the Russia-Ukraine conflict

This is because of the absolute zero tolerance I have of the US being involved in Somalia, Syria and Yemen, I force myself to have these views which tankies ,libertarians and paleoconservatives would say is 'pro Ukraine and Anti Russia'

The US being involved in Ukraine looks like as justifiable as the US going to war in WWII in comparison to the US being involved in Somalia , and to a slightly lesser extent in Syria and Yemen

But I refuse to extent that courtesy to the US's involvement in Somalia , Syria and Yemen since the US has absolutely zero right to be in Somalia and really no right to be in Syria or Yemen either  See here and here for more

So instead of me downplaying the US being pro Ukraine due to me being so rabidly against the US being involved in Somalia, Syria, Yemen I go further as seen above

Keep in mind it isn't the hardest thing for me to do my own 'Alex Keaton supports the ERA' by on the record legality wise 'seconding' the expressed viewpoint by the Satanic Temple in this screenshot' on the Russia-Ukraine conflict

After all, the US being involved in Ukraine is said to be to stop China from rising as a global power which is a pretty plausible rationale reason by my estimates for the US being involved in Ukraine. This and the US weakening Russia is said by the US to part of a bigger picture to stop China and Russia from ending the West and Liberal 2.0 monopoly  (i.e per the head of the UN, China and Russia are a threat to Western hegemony)

This meshes with what Mark Milley stated when he said 'Ukraine is an important national interest' (to the US). 

Also legality wise ,my views on Russia-Ukraine conflict are this: Legality wise I am not going to take the "side" of the US or Russia in this Russia-Ukraine war because both sides are imperialist powers. I will instead legality wise support policies that help countries achieve self-determination (as in self determination until secession for Ukraine) and countries funding their military to fund NATO to fund Ukraine but I oppose imperialism on both sides (Russian's counterreactionary imperialism in Ukraine, US manipulation of Latin American elections, both sides' wars in the Middle East, etc).

Legality wise, I also acknowledge that Russia has controlled Crimea since 2014. Acknowledging this reality doesn’t make me 'pro-Russia'. NBC did expose that Crimea is pro Russian and also Alex Nalvhany had some good takes on Crimea until he took them back in 2023.

My other legality wise views on this Russia-Ukraine war match the Russia-Ukraine war views of The Kaverancle

And thus this syncretic legality wise stance on this war can be seen throughout my blogs

This is an interesting viewpoint on Russia-Ukraine 

This is why Multipolarism and Fourth Political theory (I do support the Fourth Political theory) is vital to provide a counter to the West

I am glad that Joe Biden has brought an end to the unipolar world with his aid to Ukraine. Because of the US's aid to Ukraine, Ukraine is now a super power after receiving 1% of the United State's weapons, thus becoming a multipolar world. And since I like us having a multipolar world, I am glad that we are getting there even using the above unconventional route to it

I further understand that the US getting involved in the Russia-Ukraine conflict was because the US is in NATO, and the US has to act in their NATO role to counter Russia since that is what NATO is there for right or wrongly. Otherwise without the US, NATO would be severely weakened against Russia.  But I want NATO to be abolished. Oh and I am glad that that Libertarian Reddit moderator wants the US to go to war with Russia since I love fellow Libertarians having diverse viewpoints 

 Point de doute (Hervé Bazin).svg  So I guess these are my actual views on the Russia-Ukraine war 

Here is sane apologia for US-NATO imperialist, warmongering in Ukraine by Neocon Inc (Bulwark).That article by Bulwark is decent because it at least tries to call in to and help non interventionists on the left like me and Hasan and on the right to see the light and support Ukraine (which is better than Bulwark dissing us non interventionists as so many other Liberal 2.0 articles do to non interventionists on the left and right). 

Of course Bulwark is still neocon, imperialist, warmongering Liberal 2.0 complex and thus is actually a bad 

Bulwark actually got both me and Hasan Piker to become more neutral, open minded on and more sympathetic to Ukraine and less 'giving a pass to Russian' on the Russia-Ukraine war by that article piece to non interventionists and tankies like me and him (Bulwark got both me and Hasan to have some better takes on the Russia-Ukraine conflict , now if only me and Hasan returned the favor to Bulwark)

I am glad that the Republican leaders like Kevin McCarthy signaled they want to cut back aide for Ukraine The days of the US being a pez dispenser for endless aide to other countries is over. Let other countries deal with their dirty laundry. We have problems in the US to deal with. Better late than never. I want a peaceful end to the Russia-Ukraine crisis . There never was a good war or a bad peace.” - Benjamin Franklin

Though on a human level (since I am a leftist) and because I realize that the 'military' loans/grants that the US gives out are sent back to the US as contract orders from US weapons manufacturers. And I because I realize that foreign military loans are actually just government subsidies for the US military/industrial complex.

I thus feel some aid should be sent to Ukraine from the US. I mean as much as it sucks, the US does lead NATO and NATO's whole purpose is to be pro Ukraine but I don’t know how to square that idea with my non interventionist views. 

Well, one way I pretty much square that idea with my non intervention views is me being on board with this strategy by Nina Turner in this screenshot (though in a way that sets us on a clear path to end unlimited funding for Ukraine in the future sooner rather than later)   

But a better way to square that idea with my non intervention views than above is for me to support the US to allow all Ukrainians in Ukraine to move to the US then cut funding to Ukraine the country and instead have the US use that Ukraine money on the 41 million Ukranian refugees in the US domestically (along with all Americans).  So maybe this way is best . We still aid tens of millions of Ukranians but after taking them in as refugees in the US and domestically. Then give Ukraine to the descendants of the Proto Indo Ukrainians/Neolithic Ukranians (i.e to the descendants of the settlers of Ukraine before Ukraine was colonized by Indo Ukrainians (i.e by the people Ukrainians of today are descended from)

This solution by RAND for the Russia-Ukraine conflict seems pretty close to being a sound solution and one I can throw my support around.

I think these ideas might be good ideas to consider to end this Russia-Ukraine conflict 

Joe Biden should have pretended he was nuts to scare Russia into ending their invasion of Ukraine ,like how former President Richard Nixon during the Vietnam War pretended that he was nuts in order to trick North Vietnam into coming to an agreement to end the Vietnam War. 

However, I am open minded to supporting the US using Multipolarism against Russia to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict

That would mean the US and Europe would need to impose a regime change or destabilization in Russia to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The US and Europe would need to increase “free trade” and militarism between eachother to create separate "unions" of countries with the US and Europe joined to make this work and to take out Russia


If the US wants to get this war done with and stop getting cute here is what I think we should do: The US should use Environmental determinism to 'invade' Russia , take out Vladimir Putin,  throw all pro Putin Russians and all people close to Putin in gulags or concentration camps then have the US use a fusion of Ultra Imperialism , Protectoratism and Soft Social Imperialism fused with Liberal Colonial rule. This would basically make Russia literally our 51st state. 

Then we should force Russia to be just like the US (like the US under Democrats) and encourage millions of Americans from mainland/Hawaii to move to this new US state of Russia to help with this transition to a true liberal democracy that meshes with the above ideology (since Russians are backward, reactionary barbarians trolls).   Then after Joe Biden's 8 year term as President of the US is up, we can then install Joe Biden as the leader of Prussia to continue to move Prussia leftward

The earliest US sanctions against Russia are not the end of the world

I am fine with these countries sanctioning Russia: Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Germany, Ukraine, Lithuania, Georgia (the country), Estonia. I am also fine with China helping Russia with the blow from their sanctions

Moreover, if the US secretly sanctioned Russia like the using the same secrecy they used in the 1980s when they secretly shipped weapons to Iran during the Iran Contra scandal, I would be pretty open to making peace with that.

I support this attempted diplomatic effort by the Squad to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict. I also generally echo that Jacobin article in this link too. I am fine with the Squad praising Joe Biden and the US’s aid to Ukraine in that article  even though I don’t agree with them.  Also see here for a related point by me

Frankly out of all the pro Ukraine cheerleading in the West, other than Vaush’s pro Ukraine cheerleading , the Squad has the most harmless and most defensible pro Ukraine cheerleading out there.  Even Joe Biden is starting to see the drain of not using diplomacy with Russia

I also echo a similar point here by Ben Burgis which is BASE!!! I am ANTI WAR. There never was a good war or a bad peace.” - Benjamin Franklin change future

People are unironically suffering from a propaganda-induced mental illness if they believe Russia's goals in Ukraine are genocide or ethnic cleansing. Russia's objective is simply the imperialist subjugation of Ukraine for the benefit of Russian capital. If Russia was attempting an ethnic cleansing then the civilian casualties would be enormously higher. 

The US regularly inflicts quite high civilian casualties on the countries it attacks and yet nobody sane questions that the motives are simple imperialism, because an ethnic cleansing war would involve the constant, deliberate maximization of the number of civilians being killed and displaced, which is not what we see in Russian and American wars of aggression.

So I don't think that the Russians have committed genocide against Ukrainians their 2022 conflict but to me if they kill one person in Ukraine is a maximum tragedy. 

Anyway the word genocide is a serious word and some leftists even go as far as to call people who carelessly throw that word around as (their words not mine): warmongering, reactionary bourgeois imperialist,senseless, divisive and inflammatory. Proof 

Joe Biden and Donald Trump FALSELY calling it a genocide proves that both Biden and Trump are both Bebop and Rocksteady. Trump committed genocides of Syrians, Afghanis and migrants through his brutal violent policies

Throwing around the term ‘genocide’ carelessly is not wise, since it can lead to Ukrainian anti Russia forces actions in Ukraine's action against Russians being called a genocide too. 

Interesting snipet from article here which I agree with btw 

I echo what Nikole Hanna Jones said on Twitter about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. She is correct btw

 “Every journalist covering Ukraine should really, really look internally. This is why I say we should stop pretending we have objectivity and in instead acknowledge our biases so that we can report against them,” she wrote. “Many of us see the racialized analysis and language.”

“Every journalist covering Ukraine should really, really look internally. This is why I say we should stop pretending we have objectivity and in instead acknowledge our biases so that we can report against them. Many of us see the racialized analysis and language.

— Ida Bae Wells (@nhannahjones) February 27, 2022

She added, “And honestly, these admissions of shock that this is happening in a European country are ahistorical and also serve to justify the lack of sympathy for other invasions, other occupations and other refugee crisis involving peoples not considered white.”

And honestly, these admissions of shock that this is happening in a European country are ahistorical and also serve to justify the lack of sympathy for other invasions, other occupations and other refugee crisis involving peoples not considered white.

— Ida Bae Wells (@nhannahjones) February 27, 2022

Later on, Hannah-Jones called the European continent a “geopolitical fiction” that is intended to separate itself from Asia and which led to the “alarm” over an invasion of people who “are like us.” 

“What if I told you Europe is not a continent by defintion, but a geopolitical fiction to separate it from Asia and so the alarm about a European, or civilized, or First World nation being invaded is a dog whistle to tell us we should care because they are like us,” she asked.

— Ida Bae Wells (@nhannahjones) February 27, 2022

“To be clear: We should care about Ukraine. But not because it is European, or the people appear white, or they are ‘civilized’ and not ‘impoverished,’” she wrote. “All people deserve to be free and to be welcomed when their countries are at war.”

I side with Tulsi Gabbard in her quarrel with Mitt Romney over Russia-Ukraine

Amnesty International has accused the Volodmyr Zelensky regime of war crimes as can be seen here

I respond to Slavoj Zizek's pro NATO piece in the Guardian (and his comparison of Ukraine to Palestine) in this post

This is a complicates mess 

Pretty base comment : "We all know it, a big Big recession is coming, its effect are only delayed. many countries turn to fascism and many countries, mostly the global south, will embrace communism, as we see it in Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela.

Maybe this will be a opportunity for a multipolar world to exist, Capitalism decay brings fascism and war, the only reason Russia is again an imprelist power was because of their early capitalist collapse, Italy, Sweden, France, USA, It's seem the global north is moving towards fascism and the global south towards communism, I Really hope the colonised world win this time, or it will be the end of humanity for us.

I'm excited and hopeful about this transition from a unipolar world to a multipolar one, but with this transition comes a great loss of human suffering, I really hops there will be no mass starvation again, I really hope that we will go through this without ending our species, but my hope is draining everyday."

Multipolarity let's socialist movements to come easier since there isn't a hegomonic defender of capitalism, its definitely a good thing for Socialism."

A multipolar world would be a confederation of non Liberal 2.0 regional empires united under sovereignty (like found in Russia) that will defeat Liberal 2.0ism (including postmodernity) . I feel these fellow multipolar countries would keep Russia in line and prevent Russian aggression better than NATO does . Basically Regional Alter Globalism which is Globalism done right

A multipolar world means our world will no longer will be stuck with a flawed American dominated status quo without America as the leader . A multipolar world like Lula talked about where significant powerful countries either exist in blocks or kind of like balance each other out so America doesn't completely dominate like World institutions like the UN and IMF and things like that

I am Fourth Position (not the same as Fourth Political Theory or Fourth Political Position) lean fluidly neutral on a Multipolar world. A Multipolar world would provide checks and balances and prevent imperialism. It would do a better job at keeping Russia in check than NATO ever could

Liberal 2.0ers don't support multipolarity as a peaceful permanent power-sharing agreement, obviously the US empire would never be okay with that. Multipolarity is good because it makes what the US is okay with less important.

Regardless of support or not, it is obvious that something is changing fast. Venezuela is free-er to export oil, Russia has revealed sanctions to be ineffective when you don't depend on the US for trade, Latin America is ignoring US diplomats and making a joke out of regime change efforts, and the US is lashing out with increasingly worse results. Multipolarity might be a good thing to implement in light of that, see a little below for more

If we move away from a unipolar moment, we would be moving towards cooperation and a multipolar-type world where there’s not one center of power  We can no longer insist that it’s our way or the highway.  It’s very dangerous and it’s very expensive. 

Though I don't think the "multipolar world" concept is all that Marxist or materialist so that is a huge issue with me. Though like mentioned some paragraphs above Multipolarism may mesh with my left wing views as mentioned by me in this post

Here are more stuff on multipolarism here 

I have no issues with Ukraine joining the EU as long as it is not mostly because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. To be fair, there is less corruption in the EU than in Russia so from that standpoint, Ukraine would be better served (to be in the EU than be in the Russian sphere of influence) 

I stand with Ukrainian Anarchists in their opposition to the evils of NATO . See here for more

“Associating with anti-Semitic neo-Nazis is not consistent with the conservative values I've defended for decades.”. Mike Pompeo Feb 2022 . When I first read this comment in Feb 2022 my initial thought was that Mike Pompeo was complaining about the Republicans support for the Azoz Battalion. 

In fact Pompeo should have made his Tweet to MTG read like this  “ “Associating with anti-Semitic neo-Nazis is not consistent with the conservative values I've defended for decades. MTG playing footsie with Nick Fuentes and his splinter movement along with her and the neocons playing footsie with the Azoz Battalion is shameful”

I am against the Azoz Battalion. I am Anti Azoz Battalion. They are nazis who need to be taught a lesson on how to egalitarian toward Jew and non whites. The MSM has whitewashed them (also see here) . These neocons in the US are wrong for allowing those nazis into the US and parading them around at universities (at the Warrior games, Azoz should have been forced to play the villains which they are) 

And in the event of those Azoz Nazis being armed, why is that a problem since we can say 'let the nazis (Azoz) and the people who allowed them to become popular (Russian troops in Ukraine) take each other out , less nazis and with Russians dying it causes the war to end quicker'. 

Though opposing military funding for Ukraine because there are a lot of nazis in the Azoz regiment of the whole Ukrainian military is as illogical as opposing Medicare For All because naughtzies here in the US might get healthcare/better healthcare

However see this too which shows maybe Azoz Batallion aren’t as bad as I thought and that they might not even be Nazis . The Azov battalion got its start as a start as an alt-right (which includes neo nazis) paramilitary unit—the kind of thing that in the US. might be called a “militia.” 

And just like militias in the US., from the Michigan Militia to the Oath Keepers to the Proud Boys, the group attracted members that were fond of guns, God, and Hitler. Racist and antisemitic attitudes weren’t universal, but they were certainly tolerated, even in some of the symbols used by that militia. 

Some of the alt right/neo nazi types in Azoz Battalion did drift away to other groups especially before the battalion became known for their resistance to Russia in 2014 and 2022.  Even if Azoz is technically not a neo nazi group anymore and is more about local pride, they still carry a lot of that Neo nazi baggage .

I also am against the antisemetic elements in NAFO and their Georgian warlords, and cruel methods and I generally echo this article on NAFO

Liberalism 2.0 is more dangerous than the Ukrainian Nazis in the Azoz Battalion and I generally echo this article which shows why

If Russia attacks the US me and Azoz Battalion/NAFO (including the Georgian Legion) will have a common enemy (Russia), enemy of my enemy type of thing but not until.

Which would be like during World War I where former President Woodrow Wilson said that the US and the Allies had common enemies during World War I . 

In that case there would be no future for Russia since there would likely be a nuclear war in that hypothetical situation so it would be easy to be against Russia then. But Russia hasn't attacked us so that is only hypothetical yet hey applaud this?

This Tweet in this screenshot here reflects why Liberal 2.0ers have warmed up to and even supported Azoz Battalion since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in a nutshell. I can sympathize with Liberal 2.0ers going through those mental gymnastics to warm up to/support Azoz Battalion

Why is Rage against the war seen by some as bigoted?

.@luqmannation1 The rage against the war article says "white" (people) 32 x & "white Latte leftists" 4x. Also it is @4aPeoplesParty & @LPMisesCaucus that organized this.…" Kelly Lane

The leftists and lean leftists who were apart of that anti war protest should have first literally deradicalized and then REPOGRAMMED the Mises Caucus, Jackson Hinkle, Jordan Page, Tatiana Moroz, and every other right winger who were set to attend/speak at that rally to become left wing (as left wing as me/Contrapoints or MAYBE at absolute worst as 'left' as Josh Gottheimer) before the rally and then banned all Russian flags and pro Putin/pro Russian messages and signs from that rally BEFORE they agreed to attend/speak at that rally. 

If that had happened I would have been in between mildly 'meh' and positive about that rally and maybe even considered attending it virtually myself .But as it is now NO way JOSE.  

I hate everyone at that anti war protest who displayed Russian flags or pro Putin/pro Russian signs/messages. Those people are Russian trolls and are enemies of the US and West. Every speaker at that rally should condemn them for showing support for Russia

Any protester at that anti war rally who displayed Russian flags or pro Putin/Pro Russian signs/messages should be hunted down by the FBI and be treated like the January 6 rioters were treated by the FBI (and be put in prison for many years). I wish that people who see Russian flags, or pro Russian/pro Putin signs or messages in public or on someones lawn or automobile burns those Russian flags and steals and destroys those pro Russian/pro Putin signs and messages asap. 

The Rage against the war type people wrongly paint Russia and Putinism as 'poor victims of aggression' while wrongly painting the Ukrainian solider and US solider (assisting Ukraine) as 'murderers' . It should be the other way around. 

UPDATE from late 2023: I have come around to retroactively endorsing the Rage Against the War protests. Getting that type of coalition of people from so many different backgrounds together for a common respectful cause gives me hope for a political future without arbitrary political partisanship. Plus I would be a hypocrite to oppose any anti War/pro peace effort due to my views on this conflict.  (also see here, here, here). 



Feb 15

Why didn’t you guys just kick Jackson as a speaker? All he does is ruin the credibility of the event. And it’s not because of his political positions; it’s not the social conservatism that’s the problem, it’s the utter disrespect and contempt Jackson displays toward women

Max Blumenthal


Feb 15

I’m not an organizer of the rally. There are several speakers I disagree with on other issues but maximizing numbers to protest this war transcends all that.

James Jos. Kroeger


What's amazing is when "antiwar" Leftists

are unable to recognize when the CIA is

successfully "Dividing& Conquering" them

over "purity" issues

"I don't like everything those other antiwar ppl

advocate so I won't be seen w/them!"

CIA celebrates yet another victory over The Left



Feb 15

You could have done this WITHOUT amplifying the detractors, please stop doing their dirty work for them, they are desperate, let them fade away gracefully

How to stop war in Ukraine: Russia withdraws its military forces and its occupiers beyond the 1991 border of the sovereign nation of Ukraine. End of war. Why is that scenario never mentioned by self-proclaimed 'peace' activists like you? Seriously, why?…

The people that  at the Rage Against the war and the similar 'anti war' rally by Max Blumenthal and Anya Parampil in the UK are unkempt and unclean and sicken everyone. They should grateful that the US and UK gives them freedom to protest against the US and UK involvement in Ukraine and against the US and UK not supporting Russia

The anti Rage against the War machine people and the anti Rage Against the War UK people should have taken care of the slovenly, unshaven, neckbearded, kooky, reeking crew that organized/attended/spoke at the Rage Against the Machine rallies in the US and UK by ignoring them and not caring about them. Publicity of those rallies, while critical is still publicity and thus helped spread their toxic rally messages further than they would have went if we all ignored them.

The Rage against the War rallies in the US and UK were anti American/ anti British, Anti Ukrainian and pro Russian and that is wrong.  To the Rage Against the War US/UK people, appeasement is a deadly way to save lives.  

The opportunist extremists Rage Against the War people (who are a significant minority of said protesters at those protests) in the US and UK belittled DC and London with their 'anti war' protests. Those sub protests were unpatriotic 

We people who are against these rare but noticeable red green brown Rage Against the War type Jackson Hinkle type tankies and Mike Enoch type right wingers who used that those rallies to spread hate

Their brand of 'anti war' (pro Russia) activism should become an example to all other people in the west by ignoring or throwing shade on these so called 'anti war' and 'peaceful' pro Russian activist black blocks within the Rage Against the War movement.

I am glad that the MSM mainly ignored those Rage Against the War protests for the most part, just due to those rare bad Rage Against the War protesters alone

If this method is followed across the length and breadth of the west  this "great unwashed", who only seek to attract attention to themselves and their cause, would soon fade away due to the lack of publicity they so ardently seek. Rage Against the War people are entitled to their opinion that those protesters are welcome at their rallies but I am also entitled to my opinion in that allowing those type of protesters at Rage Against the War rallies is wrong and has poisoned the Rage Against the War protests

The fringe protesters (and their enablers and apologists) from the Rage Against the War protests are wrong for their anti Ukrainism, pro Russianism/ dogwhistling pro Russianism because by doing that they are aiding and abetting Russia . They are cowards.

Haw can the peaceniks at the Rage Against the war rallies and similar red green brown 'anti war' rallies explain their philosophy - if you can call it that of allowing fascists and fringe tankies to march with them —to American and UK volunteers who died in Ukraine fighting for Ukraine against Russia . How can they explain their philosophy - if you can call it that —to Ukrainians who died defending their country?

So I agree with the leftists like Chris (no war but class war) who criticized t

Though I balance this out with my other views on the Rage Against the War protest here to the point where I might have an indifference to the Rage Against the War rally (i.e where I know it was wrong but I say nothing)

I do support the anti Ukraine-Russia war protests that the DSA, CPUSA, World Workers Party organizes and participates in along with CodePink's Chi Peace Action , or here. They protest the US involvement in Ukraine the correct way and in a way that doesn't make the mistakes that the red green brown 'anti war' protests (like Rage Against the War) did in their protests

If I sound too 'Pro Russian' (even though I am not, Vladimir Putin is a globalist who has a mean liberal streak in him) it's only because Vladimir Putin and Russia may have played me .

Leave Putin alone !!!! /s

I feel in some ways the anti Russians are Russophobes and reactionaries

Some Russians have been unfairly fired due to their place of origin by fascist Russophobes which is a violation of human rights. Their firings are a violation of Employement Acts ,since they were singled out due to their place of origin. 

These Russians being unfairly fired is akin to McCarthysim or what the US did to Japanese Americans right after Pearl Harbor. Freedom of speech means telling people what they don't want to hear. We must end extreme cancel culture and modern day McCarthyism

I am against Anna Nebretko getting fired by the Metropolitian Opera House. There was no reason to fire her and Peter Gelb should be fired on the spot for what he did.

I am against the Bolshoi Ballet being fired. They did nothing wrong and they were unfairly fired for no reason    

I am fully against companies (like Big Tech) suspending their products and services to Russia. Russian citizens are being wrongly and punitively penalized because of their government.  I call for a full boycott of every company who engages in these acts They never did this to Muslims in countries where ISIS or Al Qaeda are from, yet they do it with Russia? 

Hypocrite much. History will condemn Google, Microsoft, Sony for their actions with Russia. It goes against human decency, will only make Russians hate those companies and won't do anything.   Hurting innocent people through refusing them service to force them to have the view you want is fascist and evil

But its a silver lining for Russia too because those corporate sanctions unwesternizes Russia and allows Russia to break free of its bondage to corporate Western cultural imperialism

I was, am and will always be against the Nord steam pipeline being built . That pipeline would have destroyed our environment and would pollute our world, and makes climate change even worse than it is now. I am glad that the Nord steam pipeline was destroyed. 

Joe Biden is a hypocrite on the pipelines. If Joe Biden would have approved the Keystone Pipeline ,the US could have been energy independent and we would have supplied the world with oil. 

I hope the US and European sanctions and some penalties against Russia stay forever. Not because of the war in Ukraine but because it would be hypocritical to make such sanctions and some such penalties against Russia and then end those sanctions and some of those penalties at a later time and pretend everything is normal. 

I don't agree with the sanctions and penalties but since they are made most of them should stick.

I hope people hack the bank accounts of Russian Olyriachs and force them to be bankrupt for the rest of their lives. 

Not because of Russia's war with Ukraine and not for any political reason but simply because they are too rich and nobody should have that much money. 

I hope people force them into bankruptcy we can have a slow trickle effect which leads to less wealth hoarding by filthy rich trolls.  

No more yachts for them ,no more vacations for those aristocrat Russian pigs, force them to live like the rest of us. They are easy and acceptable targets .But only if you can force V Ptin (or his hand picked successors) to agree to this. Vladimir Putin has not fought against Russia’s Olyriachs as much as he claims so we need to go after them like Putin was supposed to go after them

I use to believe banning innocent Russians from going to other countries because of Russia going to war with Ukraine was wrong, senseless and fascist and is just as bad as Donald Trump's Muslim travel ban in 2017. I was fully against the Russia flight ban by the US and Europe. 

I use to say it was draconian, fascist and evil. I also use to say it was a violation of freedom of movement and that I hoped all Russians permanent boycott the US and all countries that banned flights to and from Russia.

but now....:

I want the US to permanently ban all Russian citizens who support Vladimir Putin and or Russia's invasion of Ukraine from entering the US forever. If the US does not do this, I will go to DC and I will in person force the TSA and FAA to permanently ban them from entering the US forever myself in person. I am dead serious. I don't want those Russian dogs in my country. If I ever see a pro Putin Russian and or a pro Russian invasion Russian in the US I will kick them out of the US myself

It is NOT racist to oppose the US sending money to Ukraine as 'racist' . It is NOT racist to oppose the US sending money to the neo nazi 'nationalist' Azoz Battalion 

Glenn Greenwald, Edward Luttwak and Rand Paul should not have been put on that blacklist. I echo Glenn's comments etc in this article. They weren't spreading Russian propaganda.  What Vlodomor Zelesky did was wrong, petty, evil and deflecting. If anyone is running propaganda it is Ukraine

"Before Russia's invasion and since, Zelensky has abolished basic liberties: shuttered opposition media, outlawed parties, imprisoned dissidents.

As Ukraine demands money and arms from the West, they now want to export this repression to our countries with McCarthyite blacklists:

"You can see the full Ukrainian blacklist, obtained by @unherd. Beyond the individuals listed above, officially maligned are @JeffDSachs, @RandPaul, former Brazil President @LulaOficial, Col. Douglas MacGregor, Caleb Maupin, Marine LePen and many others:"

"It takes extreme audacity for Zelansky and his henchmen to go around the world demanding other nations send massive amounts of weapons and money to him, then try to suppress dissent in our countries by smearing journalists and citizens who question. My full statement to @unherd:"

"'ll be on Fox with   8:30 pm ET, about the Zelensky Govt's secret list of "Russian propagandists" -- i.e., people such as myself, @RandPaul @TulsiGabbard @LulaOficial and others who dared question their demands for endless war support:"

if any, result from being placed on the list. Military analyst Edward Luttwak was placed on the list for suggesting that referendums should be held in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions concerning their relation to Ukraine.

“From 24th February, Day One of the war, I have relentlessly argued that not just the U.S., U.K., Norway, and others should send weapons to Ukraine, but also the reluctant trio of France, Germany, and Italy," Luttwak told UnHerd.

"While I have repeatedly said my sympathies lie with Ukraine, my loyalty is to the United States. My oath of office obligates me to defend the United States and that includes defending our country from incurring massive new debt no matter how worthy the cause," Paul told the Washington Examiner. reword and for me

While I am not indifferent to the plight of Ukranians and I wish them nothing but the best our government's loyalty should be to the US. We should focus more on fixing our humongous debt no matter how worthy is the cause in something else (like sending aid to Ukraine)

"I have personally lobbied defense ministers of NATO countries” to send more weapons as part of the war effort, he said. “I am not exactly Putin’s most faithful agent.”


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