Exh pol organizing
I love our country, and I love the youth of our country since they are the future. I stand, and state, that I will vote for the political party my conscience tells me to vote for, including candidates up and down the ticket who I trust to defend our lib er t y and de m o cr ac y , and to be fa ith f ul to the values of our country. I recommend everyone do the same. So to sum it up, as for me and my hou se , we wi ll serve ou r fa it he ( the lord ) I wouldn’t mind seeing political machines make a comeback, maybe if they were organized more like Podemos as opposed to being organized like the corrupt political machines of yoresteryear and DJT's unofficial political machine To people who say we Leftists should “should stand up for the weak and vulnerable ” , my response is, enjoy your ‘Left’ (though really Liberal 2.0 if you think about it), built on weakness and a colle cti ve ...
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