
Showing posts from March, 2023

Chud Chud

Chud:  A person on the political right (i.e right winger), and/or a person who holds sociopolitical views seen as  re g res si ve , reactionary (like  Liberal reactionary  ,reactionary by 1990s standards etc) or bigoted (like people who are or who condone segregationists, woman h8ers, police statists) Fasc ists  (including  Alt   Ri ght Fascists  and  Azoz  Battal ion   Na zis ) ,The  Alt Right  (i.e ' Class ical   Lib erals '),  Patriot Front ,  Goyim Defense League ,  Blood Tribe    A person who is a broshie, Vaushite (see  here why ) or the anti idpol people who the r/ShitReformistsSay subreddit calls reactionary chuds A person who subscribes to  Right Wing  ' woke ness ' (also see  here ) which includes prejudice and injustice

Ext dottpp

Power from below (outside the state) and mutual aid, something like "anarcho-liberalism", with the rejection of state action in favor of ideas focused on community self-management, liberated spaces, and "changing the world without taking power." This includes a permanent political mobilization or the battle maintain occupied spaces, Like permanent mobolization (or "assemblies" based on direct democracy) similar to a dictatorship of the wary ('or bored') and available, trying offer a realistic and reliable prospect of change to a majority. Like a cousin to rights guaranteed by the state


 I'm okay with acknowledging an uptick in crime, but where's the policy prescription here? What is she proposing? All she did was attack Minneapolis's "defund the police" ballot measure, which she admits/explains would utilize mental health workers. So is focusing on mental health a bad thing? It sounds like the exact types of crimes she's talking about (i.e. homeless people carrying out random acts of violence on people in their vicinity) are related to a combination of poor mental health and socio-economic conditions. Just not helpful. Do better, Ana. I just cant with victims of crime being blamed. Im so sorry that a rapist has mental health issues or someone feels offended by someone's words and imagines they can violate someone's bodily autonomy because fill in the blank. Thats not justice. That's enabling an abuser. I hate gaslighting. Lots of us do, Ana does better when she calls the gaslighting out. She didnt lie. I read what she said and I

Corp MSM bias

Corp MSM bias For NGO bias see here Corporate power is a threat to democracy , and a threat to us and our society in so many other ways too (see here , here , here , here  for a just a small peek into this threat)   Corporations not only bad due to these monsters dividing us politically and embracing woke Liberal 2.0 views, but corporations are also bad by them forcing public holidays like Valenswine's Day, Helloweeny, Mother Fucker's Day, Father Day (BLEH), etc. on us (or shoving them down our throats if we do celebrate them) and them invading every damn social media site . I am going to do something about this and it might just be me destroying corporations like Disney, Nike, Kohl's , Target, Macy's, Nabisco, Frito Lays, Mars, etc Corporate power is a definablely huge topic that will negatively affect our future yet wrongly this major issue of the looming threat of corporate power gets no coverage in the MSM sphere.   We must make ending corporate power forever a ma


Exh pol organizing

I love our country, and I love the youth of our country since they are the future. I stand, and state, that I will vote for the political party my conscience tells me to vote for, including candidates up and down the ticket who I trust to defend our lib er t y and de m o cr ac y , and to be fa ith f ul to the values of our country. I recommend everyone do the same.  So to sum it up, as for me   and   my   hou se , we   wi ll   serve   ou r   fa it he  ( the lord ) I wouldn’t mind seeing political machines make a comeback, maybe if they were organized  more like Podemos  as opposed to being organized like the corrupt political machines of yoresteryear and DJT's unofficial political machine To people who say we Leftists should “should  stand up   for the   weak and vulnerable ” , my response is, enjoy your ‘Left’ (though really Liberal 2.0 if you think about it), built on weakness and a  colle cti ve  inability to criticize each other another (see  here  [ archive ] for more)