
 I'm okay with acknowledging an uptick in crime, but where's the policy prescription here? What is she proposing?

All she did was attack Minneapolis's "defund the police" ballot measure, which she admits/explains would utilize mental health workers. So is focusing on mental health a bad thing? It sounds like the exact types of crimes she's talking about (i.e. homeless people carrying out random acts of violence on people in their vicinity) are related to a combination of poor mental health and socio-economic conditions.

Just not helpful. Do better, Ana.

I just cant with victims of crime being blamed. Im so sorry that a rapist has mental health issues or someone feels offended by someone's words and imagines they can violate someone's bodily autonomy because fill in the blank. Thats not justice. That's enabling an abuser.

I hate gaslighting. Lots of us do, Ana does better when she calls the gaslighting out. She didnt lie. I read what she said and I completely agree with her statement. I have hope with progressives when they are honest. When they aren't doing that, I lose hope and am naturally resentful. I can't find a better word than gaslighting and I disapprove of it for obvious reasons. Some talking points are played tf out and irresponsible. They are losing their shine and Im supportive of moving past it.

I live in New Orleans where there’s a gun/violent crime/death every day of the year. Is it blowing it out of proportion to report on that? Is it not out of control here when there are as many deaths as there are days in a year?

I’m not in favor of anything draconian in response, but downplaying violent crimes and acting as if they aren’t currently skyrocketing is a disservice to everyone. They are skyrocketing. That is a fact. It’s not a statistic that’s been manipulated. And just because it may not be at a past level doesn’t diminish the effects it’s currently having on communities.

Crime is going up slightly but the bigger increases are occurring in rural and suburban areas. I get that TYT is based out of LA and LA's homeless issue and the problems associated with it are significant but the solutions to that aren't to lock more people up and criminalize homelessness and approach the issue from the right wing.

Sounds like TYT wants actaual criminal justice reform based on facts not perception. I think that's fair. The criminals in the rural/suburban areas capitalize upon it because we dont have the same tax revenue capabilities to provide for the security features that the cities enjoy, hence the gun ownership being popular. Many of us would love to live closer to work and find higher paying jobs but we can't afford to move, the housing and all the nice amenities/services that go with the tax revenue that cities can more easily raise because of their tax base. What does your goldilocks idea of a crime rate look like?

I'm not getting that they prescribe a right-wing type of approach at all. Acknowledging and facing the issue of crime head-on is not inherently right wing, and like Ana I hate that some people seem to reflexively think it is.

The right constantly demagogues and fearmongers on crime, as we know. (One bitterly funny aspect of this is that in order to capitalize on the "Biden crime epidemic" narrative, the right is FINALLY forced into admitting that crime HAD been going significantly down for the past thirty years, even though they spent those same thirty years constantly pretending the opposite!) We on the left should be able to discuss crime honestly, unlike them.

Fix the Material Conditions and crime gets reduced

Democrats/Progressives do need to message better on the issue by tying economic policies as a means to help reduce crime. For instance increasing access to healthcare has been shown to reduce crime they should talk about that.

John Oliver did a segment on crime a few weeks ago that is more perfect than what Ana did on her takes on crime

But the stats don't lie and when you or your neighbors are the victims of crime and you werent before we form the opinion that we want safe spaces like our homes and schools.

See here, here and here for more ways to fix crime the tough way which I support


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