back in the ussssr

 I decry the Cold War just like Murray Rothbard decried the Cold War. I proudly have ‘defective’ judgement on the Cold War

As a young kid in the 1980s, I did not support the Reaganite approach to the Cold War. The US used the Cold War to bring capitalism and liberal democracy to the rest of the world but that was wrong for them to do because it should not be the US's place or role to do such things 

An arms race with the USSR was a waste of time and money.  USSR’s economic system  would collapse under its own weight anyway, so why should the US bothered speeding up the process?

Like Murray, I am retroactively against the Vietnam War since the US entry into the Vietnam War was a disastrous mistake .  “Even when it appeared that the U.S. was losing ground, he criticized the Johnson administration for having “added a great new law to military strategy: the more you’re being defeated, the more this simply means that the enemy is becoming ‘desperate.’” The more you lose, the closer you come to “winning.” How many more such “victories” can we stand?“  Mureay Rothbard

I echo everything that Murray Rothbard said about the Cold War , Vietnam War and USSR. See thisthisthisthis , this and this

If I sound too pro Joseph Stalin, I will put this quote by Nikita Kruschrev here for balance “ It is here that Stalin showed in a whole series of cases his intolerance, his brutality, and his abuse of power ... he often chose the path of repression and physical annihilation, not only against actual enemies but also against individuals who had not committed any crimes against the party or the Soviet Government” . I am glad there was a ‘Soviet thaw’.  

When Joseph Stalin died, Nikita Khrushchev made speech that denounced Stalin and freed people in gulags.

I react to anti communist historic revisionism here

I am glad that Murray Rothbard applauded Nikita Khrushchev in his limmo in New York in 1959. Like Rothbard I feel that Khrushchev was less bad than Dwight Eisenhower (not that Dwight was bad, he was after-all against the Military Industrial complex don’t cha know). Nikita killed less people than Dwight so that is that. Nikita Khrushchev was morally preferable to Eisenhower even though they were far from ideal or even that good

I am glad that the USSR under especially under Joseph Stalin was fair (for the time) to Jewish citizens and helped create and were the first state to recognize Israel in the 1940s. Under Stalin antisemitism carried penalties up to the death penalty. I know Stalin had his anti Jewish moments but I forgive him for his Anti jewish moments

I retroactively support the Jewish people supporting moderate changes within the Russian Empire in the early 20th century since Jews were treated horribly in the Russian Empire for decades or even centuries

I retroactively sympathize with and I’m pragmatically cautiously tolerant of the Jewish people of the early 20th century supporting revolutionary changes within the Russian Empire in the early 20th century.  

I do condemn the innocent deaths in the October Revolution (though all of those innocent victims are in heaven now) but I basically won't condemn the October Revolution itself

Without these changes or the October Revolution, the USSR would never have been created. The creation of the USSR saved the Jewish people from oppression on the Russian tsardom

I apolitically begrudgingly open hearted pretty much sympathize with the USSR (especially the early 1920s-1950s version who were Anti Villains too) to an extent retroactively.   

In the 1980s I was apolitical toward the USSR but not against them. The USSR was an ally of the US in two World Wars and had a good fiscal system, if the USSR became Post Capitalist it would have been almost based in my eyes, amongst other relatively positive things they did. I am ok with Soviet nostalgias

If the Liberal 2.0ers ever retroactively support or condone the USSR I will be retroactively against the USSR 

I like how the USSR with its foundation of fiscally responsible socialistic values (established by pre USSR Russia) expanded and spread its egalitarian and proto multipolar values which included its satellite states . This meme and thread reflects some of  my thoughts on Josef Stalin’s gulags

I am fine with the USSR creating satellite states

I echo this quote “ The Russian and Chinese Revolutions proved incapable of combining economic redistribution with democracy, but they also produced undeniable advances in modernisation and industrialisation; Soviet military strength, primarily responsible for the defeat of Nazism, was also proof of economic development. In the post-war period, the Soviet Union represented a real counterweight to the United States’ interventionism. If the Cold War generated Eastern Bloc satellite states devoid of any real sovereignty, it also opened up space for anti-colonial movements to defy US hegemony as well as helping to buttress welfare states and the extension of social rights in the West”

The holodomor was a result of the USSR’s incompetance, there is no solid evidence that Joseph Stalin on purpose orchestrated it or that it was intentional . 

The bourgeois , liberals and MSM defame the USSR by saying it was intentional to trash Socialism, Communism , Russia in order to force normies tobe imperialist fascists. 

Saying the famine was done on purpose by the USSR is indirectly anti semetic and plays into anti semetic conspiracy theories

Whether the Holomodor was a genocide is irrelevant, three million people died. But here is an alternative viewpoint  (in image) of the Holomodor, just to show to prepare fellow leftists to debate people who don’t have acceptable views on the Holomodor that us non Neo Stalinists have

This good insight into forced deportations under Joseph Stalin. Stalin was as anti migrant as Donald Trump and that is very bad , wrong and xenophobic

Under Joseph Stalin, the USSR was very pro science and it evolved from an agrarian society to a full industrialized and developed country under his rule.Lysenko was one of very few bad scientists in the USSR but even that wasn’t significant just overblown propaganda

The USSR and Russia never colonized Africa which is very good and makes the USSR and Russia better than many countries on that point alone. No countries should have been colonized ever

The USSR  (and had a very major part) in defeating the AXIS powers in WWII 

I was against the Nuclear Freeze in the 1980s and early 1990s only because I knew that the US having Nuclear weapons was to prevent the Soviet Union from using their Nuclear weapons. 

To this day I am still against a Nuclear Freeze due to countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea having Nuclear weapons. I want a world free of Nuclear Weapons but I will not support a Nuclear Freeze until countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea also agree to give up their Nuclear Weapons too. I do not want a Nuclear war. I am a Nuclear Abolitionist and true peace activist in this regard.. 

Arthur Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg were traitors and they should have spent many decades in prison for their treason instead of being executed (unless they agreed to be spies for the US against the USSR instead of going to prison then I would conditionally be open to that alternative).  

As it is now they were traitors to the US and the world, their treason cost millions of Americans their lives fighting in Korea. They sold the US out and they are 2 of the more bigger disgraces in the history of the US.

I retroactively support the Black army and the Anarchists from the old USSR


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