Exh ideologies intersections with idpol

I believe that people who judge other people by their outward appearances are shallow and ignorant and have much to answer for in their next life

I am Anti hierarchies, Anti power-subordination and Anti patriarchies. I also disavow classism and the existence of classes . I support Natural Rights, as echoed by our founding fathers who said that "All people are created equal" (also see here). I reject caste systems

I support Horizontalism as an alternative to hierarchies . 

I support Anarchist affinity groups but I do NOT support corporate affinity groups or government affinity groups at all. When we abolish corporations and the state we will thus abolish corporate and government affinity groups. See this for more

I echo the wall of text on the death of Ross Perot, and the real intersection of boomer capital / race politics from this post that I made here

States play a big role in the oppression of people if all identities. The birth certificate defines our gender,  age etc while legal guardianship traps us in the patriarchal family structure which includes, for better or worse,  marriage

Hierarchies are intrinsically dangerous to people who are marginalized. Anarchism spectrum ideologies (like Anarcho Libertarianism) are good because they take down hierarchies.  It is all about individual freedom and self determination

I am against Rectification. “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less”. C.S. Lewis

The Left Authoritarians wrongly use Rectification to force people via public shaming to believe and say false things and lies, seemingly against their will and that is wrong. You catch more flies with honey than you do with hate .

The Left Authoritarians also wrongly brainwash people using Rectification into believing those false things and lies, and that is also wrong. You catch more flies with honey than you do with hate

This provides some good insight into the issues of approval seeking. This blurb from Anarchisms FAQ of expands on this

Sadly, humans on Earth are said to be at least a bit biased by nature, and Fordism like soma/Transhumanism might be a good way to fix this by implanting things into humans to remove their biases so our planet can officially and finally be cured of their bigotry forever . Blame nature change nature 

Moreover, if that Anti racist baby book can literally fully stop whites in particular at near birth from being racist forever (like an Anti racism vaxx), I would rationalize the Anti racist baby book being required reading for newborn babies. This way there would be less division in our world

Think of the two above examples (and other examples throughout my blog like using a economically egalitarianism and creating a society without hierarchies, patriarchies, classes, government, reprogramming bigots etc) as ‘social engineering’ (to instill a resistance to/immunity from being discriminatory against really any identity groups on Earth) in people at a very early age so there would be no reason to need to have wokeness, identity politics, hate crime laws, affirmative action etc since through these changes no one would want to do that stuff ever

I support solidarity (empathy properly gives people an excuse to fight for others rights) and liberation which will lead to a classless society without hierarchy, without male patriarchy/patriarchy , without Heterosexism, without white ethnocentricity ,without Cissexism etc. 

This would create a truly egalitarian world and is a natural progression. If we have to use Left Wing Nationalism to get there then we would use Left Wing Nationalism to do so

Basically a reboot where everyone is equal from the get go, but without using wokeness (or at worst not Wikipedia type of wokeness), overkill idpol (or ideally any idpol), intersectionality . 

All of the bigoted isms (sexism, racism, heterosexism, nativism, National Chauvinism etc) are clearly repugnant as history has taught us. We have to recognize the state’s role in creating, perpetuating and exploiting these unfair mechanisms while we need to eliminate these state props for prejudices which can make society more free and less unjust toward marginalized people.  See here for more

This would be done via non-aggressive solidaristic action (while respecting just possessory claims)

Governments invariably threaten individual liberty and by extension rugged individualism self reliance

Governments ruling over people is a extension of when monarchies ruled over people. Adding ‘democratic elections’ does nothing to lessen that, its basically elective monarchies. 

We have to eliminate the state and the government because the state and the government are the ultimate form of hierarchies (they have dominion over us) and I want all hierarchies to be abolished 

Economic egalitarianism (as noted below) will help bring this about 

Once we eliminate poverty, give support and opportunities so that all citizens will be and feel happy, safe with access to higher education and different resources will make population more tolerant and acceptable. 

Because a lot of bigots like xenophobes come from fear of losing current normality and become even more vulnerable (financial vulnerability is number one) . 

Countries with a high level of living are more tolerant and accepting of every member of their society. I don’t see how two of those positions can contradict.  

Everyone is doing that can, we can care for class interests, sex, nature, rights and put effort from voting to overthrowing the state. As communists say” from everyone from their powers to everyone for their need”

This way people won’t be divided by classes or hierarchies since the sources of those classes and hierarchies (Capitalism,  the state props and state itself) will be destroyed

On a related and more pragmatic note,  let’s face it, the majority of working class people in the world are conservatives. That’s just the truth. How do we win people over to left wing economics? By us providing a viable economic program as an alternative to capitalism (and not by us labeling half of the US as “fascists” and throwing them under the bus). 

How do we engage with them is the question at hand, and Left Libertarian-Libertarian Socialists like us don’t really have knowledge on how to do that. At the end of the day, people only want an economic system that works for them and a state that respects their personal beliefs, as opposed to imposing alien ones.

A socialist-communist state will have to bite the bullet and accommodate and respect such traditions and values to a certain degree (in fact, every socialist state in history have done so). Otherwise any revolution will be doomed. Any mass socialist movement will have to deal with the fact that most of the workers and PoC it’s trying to help are religious and lean socially conservative.

If people are a worker willing to take on the bourgeoise, then you are a comrade. Simple as that. A workers party will be filled up with various social elements, backgrounds, cultures, viewpoints – the one thing uniting us will be our class. Any person who is socially backwards can be educated with patience and understanding of the why in why they believe what they do.

Mao: "As for people who are politically backward, Communists should not slight or despise them, but should befriend them, unite with them, convince them and encourage them to go forward."

Mao: "The masses in any given place are generally composed of three parts, the relatively active, the intermediate and the relatively backward. The leaders must therefore be skilled in uniting the small number of active elements around the leadership and must rely on them to raise the level of the intermediate elements and to win over the backward elements."

Lenin: "We are now becoming a mass party all at once, changing abruptly to an open organisation, and it is inevitable that we shall be joined by many who are inconsistent (from the Marxist standpoint), perhaps we shall be joined even by some Christian elements, and even by some mystics. We have sound stomachs and we are rock-like Marxists. We shall digest those inconsistent elements. Freedom of thought and freedom of criticism within the Party will never make us forget about the freedom of organising people into those voluntary associations known as parties."

I hope the hard right, radical right and far right (i.e the bigots and haters) embraces some political views that I support so they can be deradicalized. I pity them but if they support the political views I support, they would be liberated and emancipated from their hate, bigotry and hostilities.

In a world with economic egalitarianism, no hierarchies (and likely Horizontalism in their place), no identity categories or blurred identity categories, no male patriarchy/patriarchy, no heterosexism, no cissexism, no white ethnocentricity, no racialization, no state and no state props (like mentioned here), possible gender abolition, possible transhumanism (maybe including soma), better family planning, better education, no Liberalism 2.0 (including no neoliberalism), neofascists (and maybe also after other deradicalization methods mentioned throughout this blog to go along with this) the hard right, radical right and far right (i.e the bigots and haters) will no longer be able to be bigots or haters. 

Also see this for some balance on this

When left to our own devices, people will somehow, magically, 'do the right thing’

Seeing all identities as equalized and normalized will prevent bigotry since no one will be able to see differences that would lead them to be bigoted in the first place, see this meme for more

Plus, this world as mentioned above would help more people get economic opportunities  and give their lives positive meaning (see Kibbutz for one example).  

Thus people won’t end up like this former liberal in such a utopia. We can use either of these methods to achieve this utopia. This is because on the social level, the reappropriation of life, in addition to its full reappropriation on the individual level, people will have stopped identifying essentially in terms of our social identities.

Here and here are some paths we can take to get to this egalitarian, hierarchyless, classless, stateless society that is free of Liberalism 2.0 and that embraces the 4pt (since we need the 4pt to defeat Liberalism 2.0) . 

We can also use left acceleration as I mentioned here (economic section)

If after this there is still god forbid, division , hostility and resentment after the above changes ,then I would support Pan Secessionism . 

Pan Secessionism would be a unique way to unite persons if the above changes won’t work, see this for more.  .Maybe there would be a human rights model in such a Pan Secessionist society based on this line of thinking on human rights

There would be no deification of “progress” in a universalist context in this Pan Secessionist society

There is a case to be made that targets of hostility, resentment and especially violence would way more easily be able to relocate to escape such hostility, resentment and especially violence in a more localist world (though obviously as mentioned above they ideally should not need to do that)

These include radical localized autonomous zones . As a kid and teen in the 1980s and 1990s, (and to a extremely much lesser extent in in 2007, and in the late 2010s early 2020s) I lived in a radically localized mindset and it was refreshing, liberating and individualistic. It was like I was in my own video game.

It was great as a kid or teen for me not going beyond NJ or knowing any news story save for a handful (i.e fall of the Berlin wall)

Through this Pan Secessionism , some people might build Bioregional/Libertarian Municipal communities or maybe there would be autonomous enclaves for laborers to promote workers rights (I feel every worker deserves a place that appreciates and rewards their hard work and that works for the benefit of the working class), some people might build Faith based communities. It is the freedom for people to build their own communities 

I would provisionally condone or look into supporting Left Communitarian Multiculturalism (with a touch of One Nation Labour) forming in some of the areas within North America. 

I would also hope that 4pt expands in this pan Secessionism world , complete with pre postmodernity/non western political modernity enclaves with this expansion of 4pt thought

In these future worlds in these pre postmodernity/non western political modernity enclaves, there will be new traditions (next wave), new values and new theology while countering and fighting against worldly sophistication and I would be ok with that or I would take a passive wait and see approach with all of that

Like maybe Americans would rediscover Pre postmodernity that would be understood not as the past, but as the a-temporal structure of principles and values. Sort of like in religion God/Trinity always existed, exists now and will always exist.

This new world would be skeptical of the idea of progress (including that progress of history leads to liberty and enlightenment) which is the idea that the current order of things is the result of an ongoing improvement process that we can take further, possibly even to its apotheosis, if we put in the effort.

This new world would reject he concept of progress as bigger and more (since such concepts of progress are rooted in colonialist, chauvinist and imperialistic, anti black structures). It would instead try to replace that with a more equalitequitable concept of progress

This world would see our current trajectory, which the rulers and their loyal reformist and “revolutionary” opposition label “progress”,  as inherently harmful to individual freedom, free association, healthy relations, the totality of life and even Earth itself. Postmodernity’s biggest weakness is decadence

This world would bring this trajectory to an end so that new ways of living and relating would be developed if we are to achieve full autonomy and freedom. This would not necessarily lead to absolutely rejecting technology and civilization, nor would this rejection constitute the bottom line of a break with the Left.

However this partial rejection of some aspects of progress definitely would mean a willingness to seriously and critically analyze and question civilization and technology, and in particular industrialism.  Basically it would not be conservative/traditional since history doesn't repeat

People who are not willing to raise these types of questions most likely themselves continue to hold to the myth of progress.

This world would be neither left nor right; the modern world would be replaced with an ever improving image—with its own form (maybe individualism or Futurism or English Canada Post Nationalism?)

This a-temporal structure of principles and values would belong to the different philosophical Universe (where exist Eternity, God, angels, souls, devil, end of time and resurrection of dead).  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

There would be a form of cultural egalitarianism in these pre post moderntity enclaves, that would appreciate the positiveness of humanity’s cultural diversity, but would deem it impossible to make a moral judgment regarding any culture that has existed at any time in history, including the present.

There would be intellectual expansion of non Liberal 2.0ers

In these pre postmodernity/non western political modernity enclaves the only form of exclusion in this would be voluntary exclusion .

This is because a 4pt society would naturally be anti racist, free of Liberalism 2.0 and also because the greater pan Secessionism of the US that a 4pt society would be part of would in its own way have stop the hatred that fuels involuntary exclusion

So, even if God forbid hierarchies reformed they would only be based on things people who are excluded can control i.e their actions or interests and NOT based on their identity or class (there would be no classes and lines between identities would be blurred i.e on the social level, the reappropriation of life, in addition to its full reappropriation on the individual level, people will have stopped identifying essentially in terms of our social identities.) in any way shape or form

Basically like on Survivor and Big Brother when some alliances and alliance members are marginalized by other alliances and members of those other alliances strictly due to things that have nothing to do with their identity/classes

I wouldn’t lose sleep over non identity and non class ,marginalized groups and voluntary exclusion in these pre postmodernity/non western political modernity enclaves since it would not be based on identity or classes but 100 percent based on controllable factors that have zero to do with identity.  

Because eventually we would end even that type of discrimination that is based on controllable factors (non identity and non class factor). 

Since in this world we would have already abolished discrimination based on identity and class, abolishing discrimination based on controllable factors (non identity and non class factor) would create a literal heaven on Earth world where love would come first , with no divisions, hatred, discrimination since people would have no reason to be negative toward other people for any reason voluntary or involuntary

The concept of past (as as something that does not exist any more) with pejorative connotation is essentially a pre postmodern/non western political modernity concept that is based in its turn on the dimension negation of Eternity and time absolutization of the time (like becoming). 

Pre postmodernity/non western political modernity is not the past. The Pre-postmodernity is society, culture, political system etc that might be constructed on the fundamental belief in the Eternity. 

The postmodernity denies that , thus its chrono-centric epistemology.  In the context of postmodernity we are dealing with the subject of Cartesian. 

Its true normative interpretation is a liberal one --the individual. So we might deconstruct this concept of individual making appeal to the pre-postmodernity/non western political modernity understanding of human being and its essence.  https://www.geopolitika.ru/en/article/fourth-political-theory-shortest-presentation

Pre postmodernity/non western political modernity would be a society based on the natural-rights philosophy that informed or was expressed in the moral codes (like the DOI)

This society would be based on eternal and permanent principle of justice rooted in the nature of things, accessible in principle by reason to humans in all places and at all times with self-evident truths that would be rooted in the laws of mother nature

There would be a common ground of nature and reason, on which all humans could debate with one another in moral terms everyone would understand. This would be based on rational persuasion 

This Pre postmodernity/non western political modernity society would look back and draw on our history to move forward. 

There would be another alternative to the Liberalism 2.0 in this pan secessionist society(since there will eventually be a backlash against Liberalism 2.0) . 

This backlash is because a lot of institutions and ways of life that were adaptive at the peak of the current global political economy will become very very maladaptive in the subsequent decades and centuries. 

The theme of these enclaves would make it clear that the fundamental premise of liberalism is not an inexorable march toward progress. These enclaves would basically be non democratic or even post democratic (since it would reject the idea that the progressing of history leads to abolishing absolutism to reign in democracy)

Thus these would be post liberal enclaves. The post liberal enclaves would be more leftist than I write below for various reasons (including moving the right as whole leftward to be as politically diverse as the left) ,what I write below are just the ‘bare minimums’ for said post liberal enclaves

So in this pan Secessionist society, there would also be a techno singular managed , post statist democracy (for everyone) enclaves of post liberalism, similar to the pre postmodernity/non western political modernity enclaves above (maybe even overlapping with) that will be aided by advanced technology, and also aided by local technocrat conglomerate webs being run similar to the way Steve Sisolak wants tech companies to run have a role in society (using Social Corporatism fused with LLC solidarism and co-ops, with national directors that Mark Zuckerberg would idealize representing these enclaves).  

These post liberal enclaves would be more exciting than mainstream conservatism and would be reinvigorated by an embrace of localist values, conscious SBNR values, and an active role for the post state adjacent in promoting everything from coupling to environmental conservation. 

Mainstream conservatism will be seen just as useless in addressing issues that lead to pan secessionism as Liberalism 2.0 is now, within these post liberal enclaves. This is because Mainstream conservatism is snared between the Scylla and Charybdis of corporate capitalism and the pie-in-the-sky promises of the contemporary religious right.

Basically technological determination where technology becomes uncontrollable and irreversible. There would be elements of friendly Auth Left ideas within these post liberal enclaves

Since by allowing a tech company like political model as mentioned above to have a vital role in local governance, economic development and advances in technology would accelerate. Plus this would allow tech companies themselves to get involved officially in the political sphere instead so they can be regulated better

Since there would be a conglomerate (using the above model) of city states (maybe similar to the modern City of London) within these post liberal enclaves there would be a one worker one share system with techno enlightened despotism, Anarcho Post Capitalist hometeading fused with post enlightenment technology , cultural left wing civil nationalism,  fused with Post left Anarchism variant of enlightened egalitarianism, Neoclassical post libertarianism and post Kantian Speculative realism and Tolkien political aims

The economic system in these post liberal enclaves would also include a hyper version of modern NZ economics and Syrzia alter Neoliberalism along with crypto currency

There would be crackdowns to prevent any Tech businesses from developing a monoculture of political correctness, overkill idpol , postmodernity and Leninism 4.0, since tech would have a more vital role within these post liberal enclaves than in our society. This would include going after private equity executives and others who uphold these ideologies 

In these post liberal enclaves, whatever informal voluntary security squads that exist in these enclaves would prevent companies like Google from allowing non US superpower countries like China into researching things like their AI work 

There would also be crackdowns on anti liberal policies at colleges and universities by the councils in these post liberal enclaves

There would be anti-interventionism and skepticism towards state control of information

In these post liberal enclaves, there would be a bit of religious egalitarianism, fringe ideas from Liberal democracy. There would be a Classical Marxist element with some ideas mentioned here

These post liberal enclaves would also be welcoming to back-to-the-landers and even the disaffected members of the US intellectual class

I would however strongly want beside that type of egalitarianism to have Marxist alter egalitarianism be adhered to and implemented in these post liberal enclaves within this Pan Secessionism world 

Alter egalitarianism is about not caring about egalitarianism in the greater equality between classes sense since it is abstract and bourgeois. It would be empathy domestic

Alter egalitarianism says that classlessness (and hierarchylessness) is not the subordination of our society to universal interests like the universal notion of equality. 

It is about creating conditions which enables individuals to pursue their desires and interests . Alter egalitarianism says we need more concrete principles like opposition to exploitation on materialist grounds and economical logistics. 

These post liberal enclaves would reject Whig historiography

There might be elements of illiberalism in a technical sense which would be skeptical of the political project of enlightenment liberalism, like of autonomous individuals trying to self-actualize and maximize their own interests.

These post liberal enclaves would be structured around addressing criticisms of wide-eyed optimism of Rousseau and similar Enlightenment thinkers, (when for a lot of people throughout most of history, the world had been distinctly inimical to optimism) and a healthy dissensus.

Like a cyberpunk , Post Libertarian/New Age Jacobitan political society. Other aspects may include a fusion of Left Wing meritocracy, rationalism, this type of social vanguard, fitness and peak health, some wariness of economic libertarian free trade (including these post liberal enclaves implementing high tariffs against China and trying to keep businesses from expanding to China) etc 


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