Patty cake patreon neckkbeards

I am against Sydney Watson being banned on Patreon. Nothing that Sydney Watson said or put out there online or on the airwaves was hate speech or ‘segregationist’ (wtf is this a new liberal 2.0 woke lingo?) in any way shape or form. None of Sydney’s off-platform content violated any of Patreon's published rules, either. 

As Sydney said herself “I never actually post anything on Patreon itself, which means they're banning me purely based on what I've said on other platforms. And even then, reading through their guidelines, I haven't done a single thing listed”

What ‘protected community’ were these Patreon cultist freaks and geeks talking about in their block message to Sydney? Sorry these communities have too much protection if people like Sydney are WRONGLY banned from Patreon for any thing she did online or on the airwaves. Enough is enough. Everything had s limit, including protecting communities like Patreon is doing

If the whole protected community thing is going to cause people like Sydney to be banned online like she was maybe the US government needs to abolish the whole protected class thing and no longer protect classes . That is government overreach, and an insult to said communities. 

Sidney Watson should put up crypto addresses for donations. Bitcoin yep, but Monero too (perhaps ZCash) since Monero cannot be traced and JustinTrudeau-ed.

Monero really is the best option to go with, sorta a pain in the rear to buy at times but beyond that is worth it

Every crypto --> fiat companies could and will ban people for wrongthink. It's happened to lots of other people unfortunately

She wasn't using Patreon. She created an account ages ago, but she never had uploaded any content to it.

One of the glaring aspects of her ban story is that she wasn't banned for any content that she posted on Patreon. Patreon was searching other sites where her content was posted, to find an excuse to ban her from Patreon. In other words, Big Brother is watching everything we do, and his name is Patreon.

I agree with takes here , here (hypocricy take) on Patreon’s draconian, evil, orweillian ban on Sydney Watson. Shame on Patreon to giving into cancel culture. Also see this Tweet by Elijah Schafer which I agree with

Patreon sounds like their motto is "While we welcome impassioned debate and diverse viewpoints, we don't actually welcome impassioned debate and diverse viewpoints."

The Liberal 2.0ers want a national divorce. Their actions with banning Sydney Watson are clear. I guess viewpoint diversity isn’t strength for liberal 2.0ers

Sydney’s indefensible ban from Patreon gives the right fuel to claim her ban was political targeting ahead of the midterms. If you aren’t being persecuted though you might be something wrong

2022 feels a bit like 2018 all over again. Censorship, trans stuff, protests, ANTIFA. What is happening? 

Hot take: Sydney was banned on Patreon because it was an election year and Big Tech does their purges of non Liberal 2.0ers /non Democrats each election cycle to help assist their buddies the Liberal 2.0ers and Democrats. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking retard

Let’s give that fascist partisan , anti free speech, thought police, survellience , CRYPTO ALT TECH Liberal 2.0 Patreon a taste of their own cancel culture medicine.

Every one reading this quit Patreon in protest of Sydney’s unfair and evil ban, as per this article. Start a movement like the Pokemon Go one but to get millions of Patreon users to quit Patreon in protest of their anti free speech, petty, punitive, illegal ban of Sydney Watson

I plan on forcing Patreon to unban Sydney Watson’s account even if I have to hound soyboy neckbeard bojo Jack Conte for months on end to do so. Conte is the very image of Liberalism 2.0 and if we purge extremists like him our society will be better off. Jack Cunte is that untalented, freak musician who along with his lover and sister Natalie stole other singers songs and not only butcher them  

What Patreon is doing in banning wrongthink violators like Sydney Watson is akin to modern day McCarthyism 

I’m not shocked about the partisan , senseless, anti first amendment, petty , punitive indefensible ban on Sydney Watson but that doesn’t take away from the truth that Patreon is a heartless cold company messing with small creators’ livelihoods.”

Sydney Watson was wrong for complaining about being sandwiched between two heavier women  on her flight.

She was also wrong for shaming those heavier women. 

So if Sydney was to be banned from Patreon for any thing she did, she should have been banned from Pateeon for shaming those heavy women and not for anything she said or did before her Patreon ban

If anyone is fat, it is Sydney’s mouth for her complaining of and shaming of those two heavier women she was sandwiched between on her flight

Besides there are zillions of extraterrestrial aliens on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who would make literally everyone on Earth look like bulimic twigs in comparison to those extraaterrestrial aliens

Sydney should not be traveling on airlines since she refused to travel by airline in spring 2020 doing so now makes her look like a hypocrite


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