Rad State Lib fem

Denying the legitimacy of trans people’s identities is a denial of phenomenological reality, including of the primacy of identity in self determining how people come to understand their own genders. 

We are required to recognize how cis normativity operates in society to link gender to a rigid biological determinism that tells you that how you were born dictates what your gender is instead of recognizing the plasticity of human behavior to be liberated of these rigid rules of how we must identify depending on how we were born.

To be truly critical of gender leads us to decouple gender from reductive physiological systems such as the question of whether or not people can get pregnant. 

Patriarchal gender invokes rules and norms that in an authoritarian way tells you that the genitals one has at birth determine what gender a person can have and how they can express their gender. Any legit criticism of gender needs to recognize that this is a biological essentialism that has no room for it in modern society.

Recognizing the reality of trans identities doesn’t include a denial that people with certain reproductive systems are targeted in certain types of oppression. Yet criticizing gender in a systematic fashion also requires us to recognize that trans people are also oppressed by a cis-normative system of power that tries to deny they are who they say they are. 

I don't believe sports teams should have cheerleaders cheer at their games since sports teams exploit women by using cheerleaders as sex objects and that is wrong. By ending the practice of having cheerleaders cheer at games this would end this sexist abuse 

I have no problem with Hersheys putting a trans woman on that cover. for International Woman's Day. As long as the trans woman is passable or if she doesn't pass but I get to know her and find out she is trying to pass, I am fine with her representing women on IWD. It is about time transwoman get recognized for International Woman's Day/ Woman's History month. I like gender diversity and them doing that provides that fix for me

I generally very much agree with this blog post  on Mr Mom (1983) /1995 Kristy and Mr Mom

In particular I agree with the criticism from that blog post with the 1983 film Mr Mom and 1995 Kristy and Mr Mom, especially the following criticism: 

Mr Mom wrongly enforces a heteronormative gender binary through its reversal of that binary

Mr Mom wrongly and falsely implies that it’s impossible for a dad to be a nurturing parent. 

Mr Mom wrongly and falsely marks domestic and affective labor as low-status, feminine work, and the men who perform that labor as comically feminized and pathetic.

Mr Mom wrongly and falsely suggests a man who is struggling to hold on to a shred of masculinity and self-respect, despite the fact that he has to do all this low-status, feminine work.

Mr Mom wrongly and falsely marks domestic and affective labor as apparently low-status, feminine work that men occasionally perform under unusual circumstances, during which they come to appreciate that women’s labor is difficult and should be respected; then everybody goes back to their natural, preexisting roles

However, one of the things I liked about Mr Mom which wasn't mentioned in said link was that a set of twins played the baby character. So that was pretty base


If we must use equity in our current patriarchal/male patriarchal system until we a abolish the patriarchy/male patriarchy, then until that abolishment, women should get paid $10 for every dollar men get paid. 

But realistically I’ll settle for women always get paid equally to men. I support income equality 

I wouldn’t mind seeing students nudged to take Sixth Wave Feminism and Seventh Wave Feminism courses being taught in educational institutions as a safety net for this if these changes did not work

The word menopause is sexist and patriarchal. It should be changed to womanpause. 

I was a fan of Everyday Feminism and Medusa Magazine until they went out of business because they spoofed the Regressive Left.  

I felt the best way to expose how counterproductive, dangerous and ridiculous the Regressive Left was, was to spoof them and those 2 magazines provided that for me. I am glad that Everyday Feminism and Medusa Magazine existed. 

I've enjoyed spoof magazines since I was a kid and I read GamePro's yearly April Fool's Day section called 'LamePro' each April and get a kick out of the cool, weird and fake video games I unfortunately would never be able to play (thank you GamePro!)


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