Reddit uncensor unbasecensor?

I agree with this post from this reddit poster here 100 percent and the replies to it (I am in the same boat as him/her):

I am absolutely against the news subreddit wrongly blocking Ausgezeichnet87. Ausgezeichnet87 was 100 percent correct to post that capitalism is exploitation (because that is 100 percent TRUE).  

Her comment did NOT break any reddit rule or news subreddit rule. It wasn't even close to breaking those rules. Her ban was as unfair as it gets. She was banned because the braindead mod didn't agree with her. Let that sink in for a bloody second

To ban her for that factual statement is orwellian, fascist, pure evil and repugnant . I know I complain about cancel culture and blocking, but at least most Liberal 2.0 blocks on Social media are understandable and I don't get upset that much about them, but that block is 1000 percent completely unjustified and wrong on every level and I am going to make reddit and that news mod pay for what they did to her. I have had enough. It's time

That fascist piece of shit news mod literally blocked her because he disagreed with her. I am going to find out where that news mod (the one who blocked Ausgezeichnet87) lives and I am going to his house and I will literally break in his home and force him to unban Ausgezeichnet87 from the news sub and to apologize for blocking her in the first place.  If he is no longer mod, then I will go to the homes of the current news sub mods and force them to unblock Ausgezeichnet87 from news and to apologize for blocking her

Worldnews and news are both two of the worst echo chambers on reddit. Those subs are entirely run by neoliberal astroturf. Corporate news is so obvious when it pays to try and control forums like this.

I am absolutely against the bourgeois economics subreddit mod mankiwsmom
wrongly blocking Secunda Son. Secunda Son was 100 percent correct to post this "that or accurately explaining the ways in which capitalism reinforces its institutions through exploitation and manufacturing a subjugated underclass. Super ironic having degrees in econ and being banned from an econ sub for spitting facts."  .Secunda was 100 percent correct

His comment did NOT break any reddit rule or economics subreddit rule. It wasn't even close to breaking those rule. His ban was as unfair as it gets

To ban Secunda for that factual statement is orwellian, fascist, pure evil and repugnant . I know I complain about cancel culture and blocking, but at least most Liberal 2.0 blocks on Social media are understandable and I don't get upset that much about them, but that block is 1000 percent completely unjustified and wrong on every level and I am going to make reddit and that news mod pay for what they did to her. I have had enough. It's time

That fascist piece of shit economics mod mankiwsmom literally blocked him because she disagreed with him. I am going to find out where that jannie mankiwsmom lives and I am going to her house and I will literally break in her home and force her to unban secunda son from the economics sub and to apologize for blocking secunda in the first place.  If she is no longer mods, then I will go to the homes of the current economics sub mods and force them to unblock secunda son from economics and to apologize for blocking him

I see users make political statements all the time, but the mods only ban people they disagree with. It sucks and this is how subs end up becoming echo chambers

I am against that Liberal 2.0 shithole 

"Reddit is pure liberal propaganda

I tried posting this on r/unpopularopinion like four times but it would just get auto deleted each time. I browse this subreddit a lot and figured it might fit/not be immediately banned here lol

I’m in the US, voted for Joe Biden, I think trans people, gays, women, minorities, etc. should have equal rights. I support police reform, work reform, and believe we need a major overhaul of our tax system to combat the massive economic inequality that plagues our country.

That being said, this website is pure liberal propaganda. It’s crazy, because for a long time my only social media was Reddit. I developed a political profile and personality that, after some time away from Reddit, I concluded was freakishly parallel to the popular opinions pushed on Reddit.

I wouldn’t take anything my right wing dad, uncles, or friends say seriously. I’d overtly disrespect them whenever I’d respond to their talking points, mostly because I knew I was right, but also because they’re right wing, which makes them inherently hateful and racist and terrible, so they don’t even deserve my respect.

This i, I think, was due to learning that behavior here. It doesn’t matter how politely it is delivered, any “right wing” opinion, even if it is completely reasonable and logical, is immediately downvoted and OP is a fascist, racist, etc.

Also, any news story that makes democrats look bad won’t make the rounds on Reddit, it’s only news that shits on republicans. 

A good example would be how the leaders of BLM stole the majority of the donations to buy lavish personal items. All of BLMs protests were covered on Reddit from a purely liberal standpoint - you only saw the cool shit the left was doing and the bad shit the right was doing. Any video of ANTIFA clearly destroying shit was written off because it was “probably undercover cops.” 

Obviously, the right does this on their outlets, but it’s funny that we can shit on them for it because the hypocrisy is so obvious to us, we are being fed the exact same script but from a different perspective. Then, when it came out there was massive fraud and the entire organization’s legitimacy should be evaluated, poof - you’re off reddit for one day and you completely miss this story. Even if you didn’t miss it, you probably now have a defense mechanism that allows you to write the fraud off as not really being a big deal when that isn’t the case at all.

The left can be wrong too and probably is wrong at the same frequency of the right. There are just as many pieces of shit in the dem party as there are republicans. Fox news is extremely biased, almost to a comical degree. Once you start looking around a bit, you’ll realize Reddit is literally the same thing but for mostly college educated liberals. Pure propaganda"

Reddit absolutely has a an pronounced Liberal 2.0 bias and anyone who thinks otherwise is a misguided Liberal 2.0 cuck. See here. Reddit is wrong to censor non Liberal 2.0 viewpoints. Reddit is like a 1984 website and that is wrong. The vast majority of r/politics sphere subreddits are Conservaphobic and that is a fact

Reddit is hands down the most toxic social media platform in my opinion. While tiktok and instagram may be fake, the general idea is see yourself and others doing well. Reddit is almost entirely built on bringing others down. r/hermaincaineaward r/neckbeards r/enlightenedcentrism r/kidsarefuckingstupid r/instragramreality.

 Its honestly refreshing to go on tiktok and see the most vapid brain dead communications major flexing in the mirror because open narcissism being supported is unironically more positive than attacking anyone and everyone for trying to live their life lol

Reddit is wrong for considering the mere mention of differing opinions to be threats of violence. Having differing of opinions is NOT THREATS OF VIOLENCE. 

Its better for r/AgainstHateSubreddits to get subreddits they don’t like banned (even using the alleged methods they use to do so) than for Reddit admins and mod boycotts to take the initiative in banning controversial subreddits themselves (like the Reddit admins wrongly did in 2020 with their subreddit purges of controversial subreddits like r/thedonald, r/gendercritical etc)

I like how AgainstHateSubreddits are private individuals who exercise their right to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Association to hold Reddit, Inc. to the promises that they have represented in the User Agreement and Content Policies, and the requirements of sane society -- that hate groups not be given a platform to abuse others. 

That is a positive way to ban hateful subreddits as opposed to Reddit admins taking on themselves to ban hateful subreddits , the latter of which is statist, AHS is thankfully an anti statist and Left libertarian subreddit. AgainstHateSubreddits should be allowed to vent and voice their displeasure with the communities they deem as promoting hate speech

I echo this from AHS: “ And if you don't think you're a bigot -- but you feel that you can "peacefully coexist" with violent white supremacists, neo-Nazis, the Khmer Rouge, the KKK, the "alt-Right"?. 

Historians have a word for the people who went along with the Nazis. That's "Nazi". Or, sadly, "Victim of the Nazis". Als sie die Juden holten, habe ich geschwiegen; ich war ja kein Jude”   That labeling apply perfectly to the Walkway subredditors, as shown by AHS who reported a clear example of Walkway's further heel turn toward rock bottom hereherehere and I echo AHS response to Walkway people in those threads #HOPENOTHATE

I also like this about AgainstHateSubreddits “We are NOT your Personal Army. If the members of one demographic are traditionally vilifying / vilified by another demographic, we will not "take sides" "for" the representatives of either demographic using their respective subreddits as proxies - No International Political Slapfighting. No Conflicts of Interest.” I am glad that AHS are like that while fighting hate on Reddit

We do make exceptions for subreddits, named for a demographic or international geographic compartment (i.e. country), that are clearly being operated to platform hatred. Those require substantial, objectively evaluatable evidence of a pattern of hatred, bigotry, harassment, or violence, and the misfeasance of the moderators of the subreddit. We do not want submissions of 4-month old comments by suspended users that never went live or which received no upvotes, in innocent / well-moderated subreddits.

But AHS is technically a textbook crypto "hate" sub in disguise, often worse than the ones they're criticizing as they're ok with racism, homophobia, calls to violence, etc. as long as it's against the correct group.

It's only "be kind" until the person has a political alignment that's not 100% what they agree with (looking at recent events of a certain video game).

They have the occasional good post, but 90% of them are garbage

Aimee Challenor was wrong for being a pedo. I don’t think the fact that he did pedo things automatically disqualifies him from being a mod. I would campaign and vote for him if he ran for office in the US 

REDDIT IS LIKE AN INTERACTIVE HUFFPOST .Reddit are the vocal minority with their Liberal 2.0 extremism

Some subreddits illegally and EVILY autoban users just for posting in decent , moderate and healthy (yet trollish) subreddits like r/Conservatives, r/stupidpol, r/shitliberalssay , r/chomsky and r/pro life . The only excuse for that is to prevent brigading

Subreddits banning users for just posting on those types of subs, especially posts that lean right wing,  is orweillian, anti free speech, draconian, crypto corporate fascist , anti democratic, illogical, and wrong 

They are stifling free exchange of ideas, free thought,  and are going to cause a lot of horrors if they keep doing stupid shit like that, THIS I CAN PROMISE YOU.

Autobanning users from one subreddit just for posting in another subreddit is EXACTLY how subreddits are able to create echo chambers and we need to stop those senseless repugnant bans

It is a Slippery slope. Liberal 2.0ers have become so toxic , FRAGILE, irrational and apparently deluded they autoban people for post in non Liberal 2.0 subreddits. 

Liberal 2.0ers know damn well some of their highly questionable views are wrong and they use such extreme censorship and banning to force their questionable views on to people and to prevent dissent and exposing them. REDDIT IS THE THOUGHT POLICE (Reddit's Blue Lives Matter!!! /s)

Those types of autobans are part of a bigger censorship slope that will lead to a civil war .

r/Justiceiseeved is a obnoxious subreddit and. It is pretty darn wrong for them to autoban people on their woke Liberal 2.0ish (rarely decent) subreddit for posting on the Conservative or pro life subs. 

There is nothing wrong or evil about the Conservative or Prolife subreddits and merely posting to those types of subreddits SHOULD NOT LEAD TO AN AUTOBAN.  

Reddit mods don’t remove some hateful posts fast because they have to sleep snd because of brigading

I echo the redditors complaints about those senseless autobans, see here , here , here and also here for more

Here are some of the comments I agree with from the reddit post above:

“Just happened to me too. Some people really lack critical thinking skills cause you can get banned for calling out bullshit on the conservative subreddit that the mod would probably agree with you about. Some people are so emotional when it comes to political tribalism. Honestly, I wonder how they function out in public?”

It's also telling that the mods don't have their usernames public. Makes sense, though. If I was as emotional as them I'd hide, too.”

“ I bet it'll start becoming a more regular thing, reddits going to eat itself into non-existent”

“Some people really lack critical thinking skills. Leftists (LIBERAL 2.0ers) in a nutshell”

“Nah both sides when you go far enough start to lack critical thinking skills. Pretty much when you make politics your source of validation and your identity.”

“Lmao this happened to me too. The whole scenario has brightened my day due to how ridiculous it is. Thanks for the chuckle mods at /r/justiceserved. Apparently you can buy bans now too from their mod team? Reddit never ceases to fascinate me in how we humans interact and deal with one another”

“This might be a better method of reporting them

I got this in a message from their mod team after letting them know they were in violation of the content policy and that I had reported them. It was also followed by a 28 day mute. Seems typical of these type of people, anyone with an adverse opinion to theirs they just mute and walk away instead of participating in calm collected conversation.”

“ Thanks. I'm reporting these assholes using this method as well”

“ Ah I see now, yeah I reported them last night as a personal attack on me though. Looking at the sub it's completed converted into something it never was. I hit that good ol leave button”

“ I replied back with thanks, I'll wear this as a badge of honor. This reminds me of the time some chick at work told me she wasn't interested in me anymore and to leave her alone. To which I replied we were never talking and asked her if she thought we were a couple of something.”

“ Just got that ban and am searching other users who got it too. Celebrating biological terrorism, come off it. Total pussies aren’t they? That’s the style of the left (Liberal 2.0ers) though.”

“ Don’t bother. The mods have mental problems. You can’t argue with crazy.”

The local subs are repugnant 99 percent of the time and their user bases are made up of the kind of deranged people who basically only exist in front of a computer/smartphone

I am against Reddit’s extreme cringe concerning censorship. Reddit is an obstacle to preserving free speech. See this for more

The Reddit mods become infested with authoritarians or at best techno statists that took those power positions only to stamp out opinions that they don't like, who become more and more draconian in their battle against ‘bad’ thoughts. This stirs up a beehive of resistance that due to the nature of the web continues to slip through the mods tight grip and go to more and more lengths to advertise their displeasure.

Eventually this self made conflict spills out into the feeds of the grill-pilled cat posters, who fed-up with their dum dum nonsense being ruined by harsh political feuding goes to find somewhere quieter to share their banal trash.

Eventually the dissenters get organized and create their own space to be in, while at the same time,  the mods suddenly find no one uses their site anymore and thus their power is sharply curbed, so they leave the mod team to go and force their idiotic opinions on everyone in the new popular space. 

The site's usership slowly dwindles away and the site shuts down

It is the exact same patterns as highly dogmatic religious orthodoxy or cults

That left wing redditor who posts in the left wing anti id pol subreddit should not have been bullied or criticized in his/her local subreddit just because he or she is a member of that left wing anti id pol subreddit. 

I am fine with that left wing anti id pol subreddit as can be seen in the Entrainment section in this blog. 

Those bullies who wrongly attacked that redditor on that local subreddit are anti social trolls for defaming him or her and the left wing anti idpol subreddit and those r/local reddit trolls are a perfect example of how terrible our society is because their parents did a horrible job raising those r/local redditors and their grandparents did a shitty job raising their parents. 

It is a wheel of degeneracy which started after World War II ended and I am going to have to break that wheel forever and I will break that wheel forever because I care too much about our society to let those trolls (like the ones on the r/local reddit who defamed that left wing anti idpol subredditor) continue to destroy our society.Something has to be done to those losers and it will be done  

We live in one of the most alienating times in human history, there is nothing wrong about that left wing anti idpol redditor trying to do something to subvert that terrible evil trend. 

Those r/local subredditors are neckbeard soyboy blue hair hekking creeps (though I like weird people!!) . I can understand them wanting to screen people they are going to meet IRL, but how come having a nuanced opinion about our current culture and submitting a post on one of the few subreddits that actual holds a real Left wing position makes someone a “horrible person”??

F those r/local bully trolls (bless their hearts) who attacked that left wing anti idpol redditor, they are a whole lot of zealous woke NPC freaks who wouldn’t make for good friends anyway.May they get ALS and croak

That redditor SHOULD NOT have been banned from r/socialism for saying that the guy who was criticizing the idea that a foetus isn't a living thing should not have been banned

Defending a redditor making a pro life argument is NOT  "tacit misogyny" and is nota bannable offense in any way shape or formand anyone who says otherwise is a brainwashed loser piece of garbage troll

That Redditor who said on askreddit that someone’s BMI that is higher than 30 is obese should not have been banned from that subreddit. There is NOTHING wrong with saying on reddit that someone whose BMI is higher than 30 is obese. Banning that redditor is fascist and evil

That Redditor who promoted class solidarity should not have been banned on that subreddit. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG OR OFFENSIVE ABOUT SUPPORTING AND PROMOTING CLASS SOLIDARITY

IMO banning open respectful debates of the transgender issue is just postponing the inevitable. How many social and cultural taboos that literally cannot be discussed unless with close friends, with hushed hushed tones in a secluded place?

They just keep on piling these up, and the inability to talk about these things means the activists that push the minoritarians on things like the discussion of Transgender issues , elite opinion looks like they have won, all because the masses cannot say a thing. 

The moment you open the dam so to speak and allow free discussion, and we all know it's not just "bots from Russia" and 4channer trolls spamming from 1000 proxies and new accounts, it is rather obvious how much frustration has gathered and in which direction things go in reality, which is not on the elite activist dominated social media squares.

Moreover, the inability to speak online about things that result in significant real world change, will ultimately spill over into the real world. People that can’t vent online (which is harmless), will "vent" in real life when they have a bad day.

Even though I know why banning online talk on Transgender topics is futile IMHO. More and more taboos will get added, because it is a way to pacify and make dissent toothless, a way to control

A big fear of mine is that the eventual "break" that just leads to literal fascism or worse. Transportation enthusiasts seem to like saying that are victims of literal fascism or worse as I write this, as annoying as their exaggerations on that are I hope and pray that things never actually come to that.

However, I am fine with r/moderatepolitics (and only r/moderatepolitics) banning all debate about Transgenderism as shows that nudges r/ moderatepolitics to be more protective of Transgender people when otherwise they wouldn’t be like that

I don’t pity or feel sorry at all for right wing victims of censorship since right wingers are hypocrites when it comes to censorship. 

If and when Right wingers fight against censorship of left wingers like they do for right wingers then we’ll talk and I’ll change my tune on this. 

Right Wing SJWs should use trolling to get back at those who cancel their Right Wing allies and to get their point across instead of relying on anti censorship people to come to their rescue and Big Tech platforms to give a voice to their views which attract censorship like honey attracts bees respectively

u/65923466 should NOT have been banned by the tankie, NAZBOL communism sub. That ban is draconian, evil, fascist and violates FREE SPEECH. u/65923466 is NOT a terf or a transphobe

u/LightweaverNaamah should NOT have been banned by the gendercynical sub. That ban is draconian, evil, fascist and violates FREE SPEECH. u/LightweaverNaamah is NOT a terf or transphobe, 

RayneCloud21 is NOT a "fascist enabler" for saying he/she voted Green in 2016 by that fascist, evil, delusional mod of r/MarchAgainstNazis who also should not have locked the thread.

RayneCloud21 should NOT HAVE BEEN BANNED on r/MarchAgainstNazis subreddit for saying he/she supports workers owning the means of production. Rayne was 100 percent correct to says he/she supports that. Advocating for the workers owning the means of production is a great thing that is also left wing, egalatarian, and humane.  

Over 96 percent of Canadians, Americans, Europeans, Australians etc would say that workers owning the means of production is a left wing thing and that RayneCloud21 should not have been banned from the r/MarchAgainstNazis subreddit for advocating for that.   RayneCloud21 is NOT a Trump supporting chud larping as a radical leftist for his/her advocating for the workers owning the means of production and supporting the Green Party

That r/MarchAgainstNazis sub mod is a fake socialist ,and is a piece of shit. Anyone who doesn't support workers owning the means of production is not a socialist and is not a leftist. 

I am going to force r/MarchAgainstNazis subreddit mods to unban RayneCloud21 and to apologize to him/her for their violence and persecution of him/her 

Reddit is a radical Liberal 2.0 hive mind echochamber where they ban people somply for having uncomforming views (i.e wrongthink).  MarchagainstNazis and AHS claim to be against 'hate' but they hate on white people in the fragilewhiteredditor subreddit since there is major overlaps between those reddits. 

People don't get it. Nobody owns your vote. Donnie Trump bad, Hillary bad! Just because there is one bigger shit out of the two, doesn't mean you have to take one! I would rather proudly vote with my conscious every 4 year and lose than to vote for a pos just because I believe the other person is a bigger pos.
In 2016 I could give you 20 reasons why Hillary was the bigger of two evils. That doesn't mean if I could vote(I'm not American), I would have voted for either!

And I'm a really really lefty guy! Not far left but this

Donald Trump has been awful and almost went to war with another country, which scared the shit out of me for a month but I still believe in what I did in 2016.

Trump has been a con artist all his life and nothing has changed in the past three years, with the exeption of having real blood on his hand with keeping the war machine running but we didn't really expect either of them to stop it did we?
Up to 2016, he hadn't killed a hundredth of what Hillary had with her policies and I absolutely believe a US under Hillary's presidency would have been Bush and Obama's foreign policy on steroids.

So good for you my man RayneCloud21 voting Green!

Yeah, there was a good pragmatic case for why voting for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, but voting green still meant voting in the election. It's not the same thing as standing aside and just letting bad things happen. American politics is weird compared to a lot of countries' political cultures.

The two party us vs them narrative doesn't fly as well when 3 or more major parties exist. There's still problems that having more parties won't solve and pragmatic voting can still occur, but it's such a weird quirk to think that someone would legitimately think that voting for a candidate opposed to than Trump and his politics is somehow fascist enabling.

Like, voting Green meant voting against the described fascist. Whether that was the pragmatic choice is open to debate (and not second guessing here) but in no way voting against Republicans and their interests means voting for Republicans.

People who feed into lesser of two evils system are a part of the problem because when you give them your vote, you have NO OTHER POWER. That's all you have! A vote! And voting for lesser of two evils has kept this system in its place for decades.

A lot of the time when someone complains about a ban, there's a side to the story they aren't telling.

In one case on /politics, the leftist who was unfairly banned literally followed their instructions for not breaking their rules. Said user attacked the opinion, not the person. That's precisely what they say users should do in their automod sticky that's in every post. He/she got banned for following their rules. Said user should definitely appeal this one, even if only to see what reason they give for it. Keep in mind that posting elsewhere about a ban nearly always pisses mods off, but they don't have a rule against that either. Play it cool and see what happens.

Reddit is unfortunately adept at creating communities that are used to put others down to feel better about themselves. Many subs are very highly populated. I’m not going to articulate what that says about society but it doesn’t seem good.

The Breadtube sphere, as used here the Breadtube subreddit has the same pathology that many online communities have. They dunk too much on people they don't like, and hence focus extensively on what they are not, and focus too little on developing a positive, proactive vision of politics moving forward, and hence what they stand for. 

Making someone like Jordan Peterson look/sound stupid is one thing, but it's quite another to develop an alternative vision of politics, economics, and society, and I haven't seen a single Breadtube creator or redditor (and I've seen loads of their content) make so much as a semi-coherent outline of what it even means to be Left. Their failure to do so has rendered a lot of that community vulnerable to lib co-optation (e.g. go to the Contra or Breadtube subreddit and see the shocking number of people who thought Warren was as good as if not better than Bernie for the 2020 Democratic primaries).

That's why that post that someone made on this website as to how the stupidpol subreddit critiques IdPol from a Left perspective was so important. It reiterated that we are critical of IdPol insofar as it is a barrier to Marxist politics. Just being critical of IdPol would make this place a sanctuary for all types of IdPol critics, many of which may not share the same Marxist orientation and hence even potentially co-opt the community. I and Ben Shapiro fucking hate the White Fragility book, but the differences I have with him beyond that are so great that I have as much in common with him as I do with wokies.

Look at how so much of the Breadtube community got fooled into thinking that Destiny was one of them just because he made Lauren Southern and other righty-right types look uber dum dum. Arguments against the "Bell Curve" or "The Great Replacement" are fine but not necessarily "Left" per se.


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