Twatch exh

Twitch is a evil (in a reddit anti evil bot sort of way) Liberal 2.0 streaming cesspool site where people get banned literally for being non Liberal 2.0 (ok I know I am going over the top but there is a bit of truth in there) . Twitch bans any user who doesn’t parrot Liberal 2.0 talking points and who has viewpoints that are unapproved by the Liberal 2.0 ruling elite ruling class (but I say this in a way that Steven Bonnel Destiny would want me to rephrase it).Twitch wants to control what political views you have 

Twitch streamers need to make Twitch pay for their radical (but radical is technically a good thing) extreme draconian censorship policies . 

In response to most of Twitch’s B.S which has went on for years (and nobody has ever acknowledged it). We need a revolutionary idea since Twitch streamers seem to be completely unable to engage with it.

Twitch is FULL of shi*ty bans that don't make sense, borderline softcore porn and departnering with streamers for lukewarm reasons.

How about popular Twitch streamers like Hassan take some time off until they do better explaining or open conversations. We need popular Twitch streamers to unionize or to create a coalition of the most popular streamers so they can hold Twitch accountable for their stupid, evil , senseless bans

This is even richer than you think due to the values that Hasan claims to have.

Twitch is not in a position to judge 'misinformation' on the Russia-Ukraine war so that is another reason it is cringe for them to cave in to the Financial times to ban Haz and Jackson over their interpretation of Russia-Ukraine.

Hey Twitch clueless betas there are many different elements to the Russia Ukraine conflict you bourgeois schills. Chances are if Twitch labels something ‘misinformation’  or ‘disinformation’, it is very likely to give us pause or might be somewhat true at least or will be proven true in the distant future. See Streisand effect for more

Twitch is draconian, annoying and ORWEILLIAN for banning Destiny, Vaush and Jackson Hinkle

Haz and Jackson Hinkle should not have been banned on Twitch. First of all banning Haz for off Twitch things is illegal and punitive. Haz at least did not break any Twitch rules.  Secondly, them being Pro Russian and supporting Russia in the Ukraine conflict is no valid reason to ban someone. 

Twitch was wrong to ban Destiny. While I don’t really second what Destiny when he said that Transgender women shouldn’t be able to compete in womens sports, (as can basically be seen in this section of this blog) , I absolutely don’t believe there is anything Transphobic, misinformative, disinformative, evil , violent, hateful, wrong or bad about Destiny believing that Transgender women shouldn’t compete in Women’s sports. 

I mean that is a valid (but evidently wrongish) viewpoint to have and if having that valid (but evidently wrongish) viewpoint that only biological women should compete in womens sports is seen as fringe or extreme and people who spew that type of viewpoint are being censored and banned,  our society is officially dead and that makes me severely depressed and hopeless for humanity. 

I feel that him 'threatening' that trans streamer was just used an excuse to ban him for 'wrongthink'

See herehere , here for more

So it looks like Twitch is descending further into an Orweillian shit hole, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG OR OFFENSIVE ABOUT USING THE PHRASE ‘blind playthrough’


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