

From Wikipedia "Antifa is a left-wing 'anti-fascist' and 'anti-racist' political movement in the United States. It consists of a highly decentralized array of autonomous groups ..."

ANTIFA is least somewhat in non Liberal 2.0 territory and likely at least some ANTIFA blocks are of non Liberal 2.0 ideologies. They are pro gun, pro mutual aide (it is a non Liberal 2.0 thing that ANTIFA hates Democrats and Joe Biden. I like ANTIFA when they are in this type of mode also

I like that ANTIFA protests for gun rights and that they stayed away from the anti war rallies in 2022 and 2023.

Also see this

My views on ANTIFA generally reflect this poster in this ANTIFA subreddit's views on ANTIFA and some of the replies to it.  So it pains me to write the criticism of ANTIFA that I write below and I apologize if what I write offends ANTIFA.  All ANTIFA members are fellow travelers and I will try not criticize ANTIFA below out of key. Labeling ANTIFA terrorist or calling them evil is taking ANTIFA criticism too far. 

it's complicated. liberal 2.0ers latched onto the antifa label after Heather Heyer's effective martyrdom spelled the end of american fascism. fash on live TV made themselves known, and then their movements immediately collapsed on the eve of their coming to the mainstream. Antifa succeeded. Then, once the work was done, it was immediately coopted.

liberal 2.0ers hated antifa before that, with their mouthpieces all condemning them.

ANTIFA is no longer truly ANTIFA . It's liberal 2.0 shrieking under the antifa banner.

I don't really see much continuity between the black bloc types of the 90s through early 2010s to "Antifa" post-2016. So many liberals 2.0ers thought there was a fascist take over in their country that they elbowed out the black bloc types lol

I was in Portland recently and watched them fight with the proud boys and they all looked like chubby IT consultants whereas the black bloc of my youth would smash everything in sight (including your skull)

ANTIFA are four parts radlib LARPers, one part glowie

if anyone calls themselves ANTIFA in 2021, laugh in their face. the work is done. the real enemy was always liberalism, but for those of us who were holding it down for years prior to Trump, fascism was a blip for a short while. It's gone now though. Meaningless. All these reedy little portland shit-eaters are wasting their time.

Yaaaaas, radlib Puritanism enforced with Republican “law and order”. This is what “the right side of history” feels like.

Which is very cool and good because in that regard they're completely indistinguishable. What matters is that those meanies on twitter get banned right?

I love how ANTIFA helps people after natural disasters as mentioned here.

That's the biggest problem. People thinking that they did something and now they're in with the "cool activists". That Hellary pussy hat march was no better.

The only direct action that works is when unions strike. They have a clear goal and both sides know what it is.

Mine and Noam Chomsky’s anarchist sympathies are rooted in the libertarian socialist tradition, any power we the people haven’t willed into existence should be dismantled ASAP. The anarchism me and Chomsky talks about is the anarchism that was integral in shaping the labor movement in the 19th and 20th century, not the polyamorous non-binary vegan throwing bricks into a window at Starbucks.

Also Antifa has this major problem where it's not actually an organization, it's a tactic, which means everyone from punch happy white guys to feds can be apart of Antifa. There's no means of disciplining those who step out of line like in this situation.

What we need is disciplined militias of Working Class People which are either connected to a democratic Mass party or some kind of larger movement, that way we can protect ourselves and marginalized communities while not making asses of ourselves in public or at the bare minimum

meh, I'm not sure on the decency of this take tbh

"that way we can protect ourselves and marginalized communities"

This is the same line my local Antifa uses to justify their public doxing hotline. who these communities are and what they need to be protected from is always vague and never clearly quantified.

I mean, I guess I am not against militias on principle or anything, but I don't see how they are going to help make things better. Right wing militias have been around for years and are generally ridiculed as crazy and unstable. Deacons for Defense and Justice - Wikipedia I'm not sure of the viability of this in this day and age but they have been used effectively in the past.

Obviously we’re comparing apples to oranges here. Even talking about this with reference to antifa gives it too much legitimacy. A working class militia would be one thing but obviously antifa isn’t it. Chomsky was right about them being a huge gift for the right and yet they still show no sign of abatement.

Good anarchists are out there. There are not many of us because anarchism, like socialism in general, has been infected with liberal ideology. Look at any socialist org in the english speaking world and tell me socialism as a whole is on track. Here is a litmus test for telling whether or not an anarchist is good:

Ask them what they think is the most pressing evil in the past 200 years. If they say anything other than capitalism, run.

Randomly use the word retard or bitch or something and watch how they react. If they don't flinch or start screeching, that's a good sign.

Ask them what they think of BLM. If it's anything good, run.

Signs to watch out for: whining about "white males" (I've seen some denounce Kropotkin for being a "white male," because ofc 19th and early 20th century Russian racial politics were identical to modern US politics), not acknowledging that capitalism and the bourgeois state are the center of all modern oppressive forces, lifestylism, thinking that all who call themselves socialists should read theory is "classist," being in favor of democrat positions more than incidentally, thinking Trump is uniquely evil or giving a single shit about an election, never organizing with a serious org, thinking that anarchist organizing can never be hierarchical or that all hierarchies are bad, being woke

talk to boomer anarchists, gen xers, and older millennial anarchists. as with anything, younger people will usually have less experience, and will probably have turned to socialism during Trump.

Activism is almost entirely meaningless. Antifa ceased being relevant in 2017 when the rising tide of fascism in the US shat itself on live TV and then promptly failure cascaded into an early grave.

All antifascist action in the US now (primarily in portland lmao) is pretty much just theater. It's sport for lifestylist anarchists.

Older anarchists who know what anarchism is pretty much just roll their eyes when they hear about it. The real enemy is liberalism. Fascism v antifa is a LARP.

But ANTIFA at times is close to being poster people for Liberal 2.0s  .  Actually the type of ANTIFA that showed up at the Detransition awareness day rally in Sacramento in 2023 is Liberal 2.0. They are 100 percent wrong for harassing people and causing violence at this detransition rally

I am sorry for these Ppl that were hurt. I hope they’re all ok.  2nd let’s be sure it was Really Antifa & these Extremists DO NOT Represent D Party!! There are yng ppl that don’t have a strong ‘Sense of Self’ & can be easily led & I hate fact this happens. 

The ANTIFA extremists in Chile throwing Molotov cocktails and looting commercial premises near the Presidential Palace of Chile, days after the rejection of the socialist constitution are trolls and are 100 percent wrong to do so. Those are another example of Liberal 2.0 ANTIFA trash

Antifa militants waving their flag carried out mass rioting & looting near the palace in Santiago, Chile.

One of the rioters was set on fire by himself or people on his side during a firebombing attack. The far-left are still furious voters had overwhelmingly rejected radical changes to the constitution. 

More Liberal 2.0 aesthetics of ANTIFA can be found here

ANTIFA is a neoliberal front. (or useful idiots for Neoliberalism) Or at best, it's pretty clear that the movement has been subverted and nudged towards being a neolib tool. Corporate media spins for them and generally ignores their attacks on journos and other excesses. Antifa traditionally bashed actual fash but around 2015 they seemed to buy into "Trump is literally Hitler" rhetoric and expanded the scope of their bashing.

hey do have a lot of neolib support and fans. They don't seem to have rhyme nor reason for anything they do. I don't think they care about anything but beating people up and trashing stuff. Which is non Liberal 2.0

It annoys me because they don't seem to grasp that none of us want their version of "utopia".

This is the thing that really gets me. Back when I was young, "Anarchists" were left-ish people who didn't like to read or bathe. They were annoying, but whatever. Now, anarchists are people who really love rules.

There's a sustained push to make Seattle's CHAZ seem like an anomaly, but it's not. Anarchists, especially transhumanists, have thoroughly outlined their ideal societies in writing, and they're all these weird authoritarian fifedoms in which the will of the whiniest people on earth is actualized through violent repression.

"ANTIFA are cringy angsty teens and young adult children, men who dress like women, and white women with died hair and short haircuts who often have tremendous disdain for a large section of the working class."

well done for standing up against idpol m8

I don't have any sympathy for the actual Nazis they beat up, who totally deserve the ass whooping. But I'm not into the edgy larper tendencies, and they almost entirely focus on small fries. Like the Dead Kennedys once said, "Trash a bank if you've got real balls."

Most online anarchists are a contemptible liberal 2.0 hot mess.  A minority of irl anarchist organizers are this way, but they are deadly poisonous and have ended up killing good orgs with their unhinged screeching. Still, we're talking about socialists here. I know of no socialist org in the US that isn't a dumpster fire.

I'm a Kropotkinist. You can't just read Peter Kropotkin and be a good anarchist. You have to read more theorists and organizers. It's like any other variant of socialism. Tons of cringey dipshits with bad ideas. Anarchism is hated more often in leftist spaces because we more or less speciated during the first international.

Material conditions are all that matter. Realistic politics are the only way forward. These people are not really Kropotkinists in the same way that a shrill democrat isn't really a communist. These people are utopians, which is the very lowest form of socialism in existence.

US Anarchism died a long time ago. Its ghost lives on in the hearts of a few, but it's not enough of us to matter. It also lives on in other places around the world, but none of them speak English, so all you really get are MSNBC "anarchists" masturbating to wakanda.

Yeah I didn't want to insult those that follow his ideas very sincerely and are willing to be pragmatic. I have zero issue with that.

It was more so the "Teen Vogue" version of anarchism that annoys me. It's a more fashion statement mixed in with this weird guilt those sorts of people carry.

I hate the dolts that complain about being called authoritarian. You are making demands. Revolution is the most authoritarian act out there. You wanted to be listened to and what did you say? "Stupid is a slur" "Drinking water is uncomfortably ableist" shut the fuck up. Nothing will make me happier than this army of cracksnitch "anarchist" getting a taste of their own medicine.

"Antifa tended to come from the anarchist groups, when I was a younger activist, and my people had a natural suspicion of anarchists. (Today’s left lacks the minimal ideological coherence for these distinctions to matter.) The stereotypes of the anarchist movement were frequently unfair but did not come from nowhere: the anarchists tended to be drawn from affluent and stable families and for some the attraction to anarchy was predominately pre-political, which is to say that they wanted to rage and break things in a way their privileged upbringings had not permitted. And this led to protest behaviors that were suboptimal, not because we had a particular fondness for the police or the rules but because protests take place in the contexts of neighborhoods where the flesh-and-blood human beings we’re trying to rally to our cause live, and they universally do not want perpetual adolescents in paintball outfits wandering around looking for someone with wrists skinnier than theirs to fight."

I can hear the teeth grinding in black-flag twitter from here.

Just look at this clear cut prototypical Liberal 2.0 hit job by the seemingly (at least based off of that) Liberal 2.0 Rose City ANTIFA on Tomi Lahren, all for her having views on Trans people that wrongfully the vast majority of Americans and Europeans unfortunately have (or at least most certainly in private), and her ‘sin’ of praising I.C.E which is ignorant but certainly not xenophobic and most definitely not a cause to cancel her 

Tomi Lahren is not a fascist, she isn't even hard right. She is to the left of the majority of Republicans, including George W Bush

ANTIFA also wrongly engaged in similar censorship/cancel culture with this disgusting, repugnant, senseless harassment of a hotel where these ANTIFA bruisers wrongly tried to take away the free speech of rights OF FELLOW LEFTISTS . Now ANTIFA are going after leftists they don't agree with. This is alarming. 

See this post for one example of ANTIFA being trollish (thought there are more than a few decent comments in said thread)

Caleb Mauphin, Haz, Jackson Hinkle, Sameera Khan are NOT fascists, reactionaries, right wingers. At worst they are center to center left. Caleb is an Antifascist, Antiracist etc. 

ANTIFA has way more in common with Caleb Mauphin, Haz, Jackson Hinkle, Sameera Khan than ANTIFA has in common with right wing reactionary , NEOCON imperialist warmonger fascist terrorist , right wing nutjob scumbags like George W Bush, Bill Kristol, Max Boot, Jennifer Rubin, John Brennan, Michael Medovey I mean Michael Medved, Chris Christie, Liz Cheney. 

ANTIFA has way more in common with Caleb Mauphin, Haz, Jackson Hinkle, Sameera Khan than ANTIFA has in common with New Democrats

Caleb Mauphin, Haz, Jackson Hinkle, Sameera Khan are leftists like ANTIFA claims they are, this leftist infighting has to stop. It is the whole Anarchist vs Marxist Leninist thing that is gone so south that the so called 'Anarchists' are trying to cancel the Marxist Leninists. ANTIFA is now so radlib, far gone and extreme they are eating fellow leftists. Maybe this is a sign that ANTIFA needs to go.

No true Leftists or ANTIFA would do such a thing to the people above. Shame on Rose City Antifa and ANTIFA for that.  These ANTIFA feed the trollers don't realize that taking away free speech can cause a slippery slope where their free speech is taken away eventually once ANTIFA outlives their usefulness for the extremist Democrats

I admit there are good ANTIFA members since after all ANTIFA is autonomous, decentralized non organized black block political movement and anyone can create their own ANTIFA block. I think there are more good ANTIFA members than bad ANTIFA members and said good ANTIFA members are my comrades

But I cannot get the image out of my head of ANTIFA I've seen make me realize that there is a dark side to ANTIFA , who are a net negative for ANTIFA and society in general and who inflame tensions and heighten division 

I support good ANTIFA members and I support the good ANTIFA members fighting against fascism and related bigoted ideologues. I hope and advocate for the good ANTIFA members to shine and the bad ANTIFA members to become good ANTIFA members or if not then call themselves something other than antifascists/ANTIFA

Maybe ANTIFA should protest against George W Bush, Bill Kristol, Mitt Romney, Nicolle Wallace, John Brennan, Michael Medovey I mean Michael Medved, and other true fascists and leave patsocs and moderate conservatives like Tomi Lahren alone

ANTIFA is wrong for counterprotesting pro life advocates. Being pro life is not fascist. Being pro life may be misguided or small minded and naive but certainly not fascist

ANTIFA is trying to shut down anyone who has views they disagree with and they are protesting against anyone who has views they disagree with, even if said people are not fascist, or not even right wing populist. This has to stop and I will make it stop. ANTIFA are radical shitlib bruisers who LARP as Anarchists. They are NOT true Anarchists. Emma Goldman, PJ Proudhon, Benjamin Tucker, Noam Chomsky, Josiah Warren would never do what our modern day incarnation of ANTIFA does. Shame on ANTIFA and their so called 'anti fascists'. 

I take some of the black block Autonomous decentralized Antifa groups' ideas (ie like Anti Globalism, Anti imperialism, Anti Capitalism) and fuse them with my own since I support Autonomism . I also support some of said groups

I view specific blocks of ANTIFA in the same exact way that British viewers viewed Alf Garnett on Till Death Us Do Part.  I will say that if ANTIFA would use their tactics against literally all people who do not align 100 percent with their group, I would respect ANTIFA if they go after them as hard as they go after Tomi, Patsocs, Pro lifers since I would respect ANTIFA for their honesty in admitting that they see all ideologies who aren't Antifa 'fascists' After all anyone who opposes Socialism is technically a fascist so there is that

Like those British viewers overlooking Alf's bigoted views due to his earthly charm to see Alf as a rough diamond, I similarly overlook the edgy, provocative and partial Liberalism 2.0 views of those specific blocks of ANTIFA due to their earthly charm to see those specific blocks of ANTIFA as rough diamonds

Contrary to what the Lincoln Project claims, ANTIFA is not like the World War II American soldiers , see this for why

I am not ANTIFA and I am not part of any ANTIFA black blocks. I am not an ANTIFA supporter

I echo this critique of autonomous antifascism and this critique of ANTIFA

ANTIFA are wrong to counterprotest at pro life , anti drag queen and pro woman rallies (i.e gender critical rallies). There is nothing fascist about being pro life, gender critical or against drag queens being exposed to impressionable kids. Notice how in most cases, ANTIFA is more pro Liberal 2.0 than pro left?

Any autonomous ANTIFA blocks that have antifascists that work with Al Qaeda or ISIS, as alleged here if true, should be confronted by their ANTIFA block or if not their block ,ally ANTIFA blocks and and disavowed entirely for said alleged extremism and if they refuse to stop working with those terrorist groups , they should be marked as a counter revolutionary by various other ANTIFA blocks at future ANTIFA protests for obvious reasons

ANTIFA has blocks that have a huge presence on every college campus, major western city, and is protesting zealously on a monthly basis . 

They are being a little to rough of a diamond at times including here , here and allegedly above ,to the point where the FBI and DHS were actively investigating them (see here for example). If ANTIFA uses its decentralized, autonomous nature as an excuse to allow a few bad apples , that will spoil the whole bunch and then ANTIFA will be seen as counterproductive and expendable to Liberal 2.0ers. 

If this was the other way around, Democrats would have made ANTIFA go the way of the Tea Party 

Here's Angela Nagle crafting the Bizarro World version of history, where anarchists acted as violent stormtroopers for the Democratic Party instead of the the Proud Boys literally working with Donald Trump's campaign in this link:  

But but but : Bizarro World bizarro facts

Just curious on what you guys think of the group and movement.

I personally think ANTIFA is filled with anarcho non winners, larpers, and white women that has accomplished nothing but to make the far left look like violent retards. This is coming from someone in portland btw.

Agree with ANTIFA in principle, but their tactics (from vantage point in Portland) are garbage, they’re counterproductive, juvenile, and I have no respect for non hierarchical groups that lean on that to avoid responsibility. Also I hate literally every snide shithead that, when presented with criticism, goes “oh, you don’t support antifa? I guess that makes you a fascist!”

I love the ANTIFA from Spain in late 1990s and I loved that version of antifa. But those weren't college educated bourgeois cosplayers. They were punk kids from working class neighborhoods who banded together to deal with the skinhead problem in the punk scene and soccer hooligan scene. Skinhead groups that would regularly jump gays and minorities. So antifa street gangs were literally fighting real fascists. The violence was explicitly aimed at combatting violence. They weren't really walking around destroying property, attacking peaceful protests and shutting down campus speakers like our current American idiots.

More thoughts of mine on ANTIFA: Deeply cynical. They are counter-productive, divisive, idpol obsessed and everyone hates them. The right isn't intimidated by them. Bad look all around.

Also, I don't understand how you manage to look lame while fighting cops and fascists.

I am technically pro textbook antifa in principle, the problem especially in the contemporary US is that a lot of their actions are poorly conceived, badly executed and actually counterproductive to left wing organizing. No one on the left can actually agree on what fascism is so the targets of ‘antifa’ range from totally deserving odious right wing figures to people who simply disagree with antifa’s tactics(including other leftists) or just completely innocent bystanders

Even beyond this though, street level brawling with other poor powerless people accomplishes exactly nothing other than creating media spectacle, no matter how odious the beliefs of the target are. The branch manager at your local post office has more administrative power than the Proud Boys.

I'm certainly no fan of fascists, but beefing with them like street gangs is not a path to the reigns of power in this country.

"i am pro ANTIFA" That's the problem, who isn't pro anti-facist? Its an idiotic term used to fool those who arnt paying attention to their actions.

No one on the left can actually agree on what fascism is

I've said many times now and when I was originally on here prior to my stint in jail that the US has been a fascist entity since the 1980s when the corporations took power away from the politicians and began running society on their own (well if they would admit that then I would make peace with it), starting with NYC in the (very) late 70s and early 80s, but nobody seems to want to cop to the fact that this is the case and people pretend like "fascism" has something to do with Republicans winning elections & Donald Trump.

There's a Nick Mullen bit that hammers away at that.

He said the moment that people started to play cops at CHOP? People should have just went "Alright. This is done. Go home. We can't do this anymore. A bunch of psychopaths ruined it"

Which about sums up my opinion on much of the left wing in this country at this moment. There needs to be less tolerance about certain people. You know how fucking sad it was too watch the "All gas no brakes video" discussing the portland riots? I'd see these black individuals deliver very coherent, sincere, intelligent answers to the interviewer. Then you'd have a bunch of idiot white "bros" garble out some of the stupidest nonsense.

Antifa is a bunch of upper-middle class twats who are playing a fighting game against the computer and thinking that they are somehow really good.

The second player (the right) hasn't even picked up their controller yet, and Christ help antifa when they do.

Hanlon's razor applies here but I suspect that does explain some Antifa activity. the Bible-burning in Portland, specifically. as soon as I saw that I thought, "this looks like black propaganda". but I also have heard that the footage got edited.

I've always assumed at least half of antifa are undercover cops. Meanwhile the genuine ones are all overzealous idiots, usually young, who have no real idea what they're doing or what they want, other than a general sense that "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!".

I actually empathize completely with someone who thinks all cops are bastards. But spraying a bunch of graffiti, setting the occasional limp dicked fire, and roughing up random people (sometimes even people on your own side) isn't remotely a constructive or useful strategy. In fact it's not a strategy at all. I know it gives you an adrenaline rush and makes you *feel* like you were out hitting the pavement and actually doing something, weren't actually doing anything. Certainly nothing that is actually helping fix any problem.

And I'm not saying to funnel your energy into voting either. I'm done with electoral politics. We need meaningful direct action (we need regional soviets is what we need). I'm not even opposed to destruction of property and even murder as a viable strategy, depending on the target. But smashing up a bunch of small businesses doesn't constitute something useful.

Opposing fascism is a "No shit" thing. We can argue the US actually was teetering on that lonnnnng before Trump got in office. ("The war on drugs", The CIA's actions in developing countries, The Patriot Act, etc)

Antifa/black block is crap though. it's larping and only successfully creates a boogieman for the right to point to (and hey they're not wrong considering I also saw that video from portland).

A lot of the anger seems to be directed towards id. pol causes. I have a theory that its funded by Soros (...let me finish) to throw the left off of accomplishing causes of actual economic justice, etc.

Opposing fascism is a "No shit" thing. We can argue the US actually was teetering on that lonnnnng before Trump got in office. ("The war on drugs", The CIA's actions in developing countries, The Patriot Act, etc)

Agreed. These retards aren't fighting fascism, they're helping to prop it up (since you and I are defining "fascism" in the same way here). Antifa is a radlib larp and has nothing to do with the left because let's face it: there is no left in America.

only successfully creates a boogieman for the right to point to (and hey they're not wrong considering I also saw that video from portland).

Noam Chomsky had a quote about Antifa being a "boon to the far right" and I agree with him on that. They think that they're such badass revolutionaries and don't understand that they're playing a multiplayer game against the computer. The second, third, fourth, etc players haven't even picked up their controllers yet but as soon as they do, Antifa is going to be a term associated with a lot of stupid dead kids. Case in point that fag out in Austin that got himself ventilated trying to play Che Guevara.

I have a theory that its funded by Soros (...let me finish) to throw the left off of accomplishing causes of actual economic justice, etc.

George Soros is a major funder of the DNC, so you're probably at least partially right because Antifa isn't targeting anything that the Neolib establishment values-- they're targeting people that they have decided are "FaScIsTs" which just so happens to be all of the opponents of the Democrats or anything that can be construed as representing Trump (who is far from a fascist as he has no ideology other than LOOK AT ME! 

GOOD RATINGS LOL!), usually with a "healthy" dose of IdPol ideology to boot yet they're overwhelmingly white college kids from upper-middle class families. To make matters worse, the DNC & the cable news media are actively aiding and covering for them... it's not hard to see "Antifa" for what they are: liberals and I bet every last one of them will gladly vote for Biden/Heels-Up Harris.

If they were even half legit, they would have been torching shit in Iowa when Bernie was fucked over yet again.

The US version of ANTIFA, which really only appeared after Trump was elected, is pretty much a McResistance PMC thing, dependent on the hysteria that Putin-Nazis are taking over. It has a much longer history in Europe and some of that is admirable.

On the one hand I can't think of a more counter-productive exercise than what they do.

On the other hand, I have to hand to them - the whole "Antifa doesn't exist!" thing is amazingly effective. The amount of mainstream articles I've seen that allege there is no such thing as Antifa is incredible. Also the "lol how can ANTI-fascists be bad lol" is also effective. Amazing psyops on the part of whoever initiated the whole thing.

the fact that these tards can beat people senseless on the street and burn buildings while having MSM claim they don’t exist is kinda wild

Again, amazing psyops. Gerry Nadler said they're a myth. It's like the mafia - everyone knows it exists but nobody can really prove it.

Gatestone Institute is a far-right think tank known for publishing anti-Muslim articles. It was founded in 2008 by Nina Rosenwald, who serves as its president. Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and former national security advisor, John R. Bolton, was its chairman from 2013 to March 2018.

You see, comrade, we need to promote State Department propaganda to own the libs.

that doesn't make their Antifa info necessarily inaccurate.

I guess some of them mean well but most of them are incredibly gay and annoying. Maybe they’d have a better reputation if they went after legit neo-nazi groups but instead they just harass people and beat up old conservatives.

I don't have any sympathy for the actual Nazis they beat up, who totally deserve the ass whooping. But I'm not into the edgy larper tendencies, and they almost entirely focus on small fries. Like the Dead Kennedys once said, "Trash a bank if you've got real balls."

 ‘Antifa Planning Communist Revolution for America on November 4’ here. I never thought I would come across a right-wing conspiracy that I badly wanted to be true. uh how about the one where education turns people into queer communists? that would be amazing!

Antifa are simultaneously dumb soyboys but also violent maniacs burning down entire cities

American Antifa are broadly liberal 2.0ers and therefore morons who don't understand the symbols they invoke

Some ANTIFA are literal Liberal 2.0ers

This is a liberal 2.0er who has appropriated the "branding" of antifa to virtue signal his brainless JKRowling liberalism. this is the sort of lib who was screeching and howling about how antifa are terrorists pre-charlottesville. I may as well say that socialists are just people who want healthcare, because a bunch of welfare state neolibs claim to be socialists without understanding what it means.

actual antifa -the people who do the work and who have held it down for the past decades- don't do this. antifa, the core of antifa, demands the total dismantling of liberalism. 

ANTIFA are edgy Liberal 2.0ers

ANTIFA are the brownshirt communists of the Democrats . Police, like their colleagues  Antifa are the mercenary shock troops of the globalist militants' (or liable to be called militants) who have overtaken all institutions.

Im being pretty hyperbolic and largely most people who identify as antifa are peaceful, however their willingness to ignore the more extreme in their group who chant shit like kill one cop and kill some more is very concerning. 

These arent really strawmen, when the "revolution" comes around who do you think the extreme fringes (which are largely insane tankies largely a minority) are going to target, do you think the violence will end? Do you think antifa violence and inciting of riots in the middle of blm protests was justified. They emboldened the facists just as the commies were doing in italy pre mousolini.

Again im making it sound like these groups are as crazy as pre ww2 italian tankies but really this is at most like .5% of people and their footprint is considerably smaller than proud boys and proud boys considerably smaller than the political violence back then. 

My argument is if your gonna say that the government cant distinguish between proud boys and antifa i mean i think its pretty clear they treat both the same. Antifa members in the majority are peaceful, but they have a noticeable number of violent members that have caused issues same goes for proud boys tho they are probably worse and have a much larger group of violent members especialy after jan 6th. Both are to be monitored to make sure they dont start doing some crazy fucking shit.

Antifa are the white racists in modern America, right down to marching masked through the streets and lighting fires against their opposition. They even have the tacit protection of Dem politicans from prosecution. 

ANTIFA are globalists or Antifa was formed, directed and funded by globalist nationwrecking plutocrats (this isnt a dogwhistle. these plutocrats are diverse, not any one group

Antifa are globalist tools being used to colonize the west for globalist neocolonialism we used to call 'spreading democracy', but now call 'enforcing diversity'

That is a terrible definition of what fascism is. Fascism as arose in Italy and Germany is a right wing backlash against perceived left-wing threats to a traditional conservative way of life. It is WAY more complicated than “a dictator”. We have words for that already, like totalitarian and dictator.

Trump calls for violence against his opponents and he praises the racist fucks who want to kill people in Antifa. Literally everyone knows this. Every article I linked was about beating up protesters or criminals (read: black people) and the third one is him bragging about the state execution of a guy believed to be in Antifa.

Just so we’re clear, Antifa are indeed left-wing, meaning they want a better world than our world where a massive underclass of people is exploited every day, working in poverty to provide the goods that a privileged upper class gets to enjoy from the comfort of their cushy lives. They protest against this status quo that is condemning millions of Americans to lives of misery and a planet with maybe 30 years of sustaining life left. The Proud Boys are fighting against anything that threatens the ability of the rich to keep exploiting and taking the fruits of labor of the poor. This comes out as senseless violence in the streets because they want to make leftists afraid to be leftists. Exactly like the Brownshirts.

On one side we have fighting against an unjust system with a goal of ending exploitation, on the other we have fighting for an unjust system with a goal of continued exploitation. Do you see how there’s a difference?

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Also see here

ANTIFA are mostly Socdems

Are antifa pseudo-cops?

Alright, this question is a little bit misleading, so bare with me.

By "Antifa" I'm not talking about general anti-fascism or all the background community work, but the idea of militancy against fascist and racist movements and individuals. Something a good chunk of anarchists and socialists think is justified, and I do too! I remember reading Mark Bray's Anti-fascist Handbook in 2018 and I found it main strong arguments and gave a strong theoretical foundation to militant anti-fascism.

And by "are they cops" I don't mean are they literally connected to law enforcement agencies, I mean are they practicing policing as a behaviour? Is antifa effectively a self-declared pseudo-police force? If we understand things like states and police as social relations that human beings create and enforce on others... how can we not also see Antifa as such?

I think my language works here too, "policing" is used to describe behaviours that don't respect people's freedoms and rights generally (example: tone policing).

If so, how can that be justified? It seems to me that either we:

Have to argue that actually, antifa is bad, because they are pseudo-police.

Have to argue that actually, ACAB is bad.

I don't really see what I'm missing but I'm happy to learn anarchist takes on the subject.  If ANTIFA want to be the police then they should own it and come out and say they are replacing the police informally .

Lol, then why are your white members out here beating up Trump supporters of color? Liberation from what exactly? All I see are white people beating up anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Yaknow, like they have for centuries.

I get that some Antifa groups target ACTUAL fascists, which is understandable. But more often then not, it looks like you’re tryna fight the MAGA people.

If you have been paying any attention, you can Cleary see the fascism in Donnie Trump and his supporters

Btw, if you call me a fascist for critiquing your tactics, I’m just not gonna respond and gracefully laugh my ass off.

How about I take a look at the post-truth maga tactics I am empolying in this post collective gaslighting is one thing, but when the MAGA movement targets individuals with the same tactics, they're playing with fire and creating some seriously dangerous people that will act like right wingers fear, beating up anyone nearby with just the scent of a capitalist in the air.

This comment link got lost for some reason. But implying minorities are paranoid for using violence against obvious oppressive states are a known right wing, post-truth gaslighting tactic.

"Trump derangement syndrome" being the most known tactic for collective gaslighting.

I did NOT say racial minorities are paranoid, that is a strawman. I said white Antifa are out here punching minorities for disagreeing with their politics. Frankly Antifa of color could beat up whoever they want for all I care. If god forbid the person I was accused of being paranoid was of color, I apologize, but I’m over apologizing to white people. Yes, even queer white people. Still white people.

Yes antifa is a fucking shamble that barely gets stuff done just like typical anarchist.Now if we were to organize something like that but better chain of command and be strategic with our “protest”..


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