Cringe left cringe
Cringe left noticeably represents the modern (or at least modern west) Left wing. Cringe left is an ideology that attempts to formalize leftist politics into an established/fastened set of principles for the benefit of itself
Cringe leftism compared to rightism is like red fascism compared to fascism
Like the more recent ForwardsFromKlandma reddit sub
JU from r/forwardsfromklandma it used to be a good sub for mocking racists and other such bigots now it’s just a cringe left wing political sub falling for obvious satire and bait (see here for more)
Like Communist Sailor Moon:
The Cringe left are the 'leftists' who right leaning people enojoy Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro criticizing
Similarly, the "pearl clutching, take our jerbs, evangelical republican" is a meme made up by the "cringe left."
Greta Thunberg is cringe left at times
Vice magazine in the last few years is an example of the cringe left. Now it’s a gamble on what they release, sometimes it’s good (i.e non cringe left and thus non Liberal 2.0) sometimes it’s bad (cringe left/Liberal 2.0)
The Cringe Left is also the Authoritarian leftism of Murray Bookchin and his ‘LibLeft’ adherents (Bob Black’s critique of Muuray Bookchin and Bookchin’s Authoritarian leftism)
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