Dieeek Chaney

The DNC ensures we can only vote for corporate puppets and then astroturf and corporate media shouts that shit from the rooftops. The DNC ensures we can only vote for corporate puppets and then astroturf and corporate media shouts that shit from the rooftops. The neoliberals and Biden due to the noecon warmonger imperialist embrace of the Bushes, Cheneys, Jennifer Rubin, Bill Kristol are worse than Republicans. And they'll always play this game, you and your little blue no matter who friends can get fucked, I'm sticking with third party no matter what.

I love how MSNBC liberals LOVE the Lincoln Project and don't for one second question why a bunch of Bush-era neocons are more than willing to support Democrats now.

Some snipets I especially agree with from See here for morethis for more ,this for more links:


Joe Biden went anti pipelines and anti oil and then increased Russias war chest while they had troops near the Ukraine border

Democrats are so worried about Russia attacking the poor nazis in Ukraine.

The starving Yemenis being attacked by Saudi Arabia...the Democrats sleep.

As of September, some 16 million Yemenis were at the brink of starvation and 2 million children acutely malnourished. https://www.thenation.com/article/world/biden-afghanistan-yemen/

Gotta be inclusive, even if that means including bloodthirsty war-criminals like Dick Cheney ,wouldn't want them to go back to Republicans!

But us progressives/leftists-socialists? NO, Democrats are entitled to our votes we have nowhere else to go (and they will use this to always sabotage progressive politics)

I am going to break away from the Democrats, vote Socialist, Green and I advise all other true leftists and progressives to do the same. Hell if one of the other third parties gets up, I'll at least hear them out. No Republicans, no more Democrats. Ever.

The DNC ensures we can only vote for corporate puppets and then astroturf and corporate media shouts that shit from the rooftops. The neoliberals and Biden due to the noecon warmonger imperialist embrace of the Bushes, Cheneys, Jennifer Rubin, Bill Kristol are worse than Republicans. And they'll always play this game, you and your little blue no matter who friends can get fucked, I'm sticking with third party no matter what.

I love how MSNBC liberals LOVE the Lincoln Project and don't for one second question why a bunch of Bush-era neocons are more than willing to support Democrats now. 

The irony is that GWB and Dick Cheney literally stole the 2000 election lol

Literally the only difference is that the 2000 coup was a real coup We don’t remember it as a coup because it worked. But Al Gore is a fucking pussy, sadly

The Democrats are the only ones stupid enough to “respect norms”. "but what about the institutions!!!!" .We were in peak West Wing brain

Not defending anyone, but that 2000 election was decided by less than 600 votes, it was close. 

The Supreme Court definitely should've called for a recount of Florida in 2000.

To SadSaintPablo :"If you want to get into body counts between Trumps supposed 'coup' and the bullshit Iraq war it’s not even close."

Its unfortunate so many voters are too young to remember how truly evil Dick Cheney was/is. People didn’t start calling him Darth Cheney for no reason.

2.4 MILLION people were slaughtered in Iraq ALONE. Combined with all the other civilians killed in the other middle eastern nations and all the sanctions and whatnot included? We’re talking a MAJOR genocide, far more people than even Pol Pot’s The Killing Fields, only it was an ethnic cleansing of Muslim people so Republikkkans and even many democrats didnt mind it back then.

That’s another thing most people don’t remember either: The war got public support for being sold primarily as a war against who the neocon warmongers wrongly and falsely smeared as "evil Muslims,” pretty much all Muslims being called “terrorists,” and that the “terrorism” was part of their “evil way of life.” The public literally ate up the talking point that the random hundreds of thousands of civilians being killed weren’t innocent because “they werent giving up the hiding places of their political leaders…” WHAT?!

I remember hearing again and again and again about the calls by neocon warmongers to go after the Muslims and what they falsely and wrongly called "evil terrorist way" of life and spread white counterfeit Christianity and 'Democracy' wherever we go!” That was a DARK time we’ve buried and gen Z needs to learn about it especially: It was an illegal MASS murder over literally nothing but profit for corporations.

"little history lesson for the zoomers....

Dick Cheney was CEO of Haliburton, an oil and construction company, before becoming Vice President.

When the Afghanistan / Iraq wars started, guess who got a multi-billion dollar no-bid contract with the US government to construct military bases and oil pipelines over there? Haliburton.

its such blatant corruption and corporate nepotism. but both dems and gop were about that shit back then that nobody in power really called it out, and it led to a lot of people being skeptical of the true motives of the war, led to a lot of conspiracy theories about 9/11, and made a whole generation of americans distrustful of their government"

Just like how Vietnam (3.8 million killed by America then) turned the baby boomers skeptical of their government. Yet, because Marxism and left-wing thought was censored and silenced by the american government (literally even assassinating leftist activism leaders) they couldnt base their conspiracies in materialist theory, therefore they had no foundation and flew off into coo-coo land.

We all know, for instance, that any time we hear somebody who knows nothing about Marxism or theory call themselves “a free thinker,” chances are they mean they’re a pot smoking sympathizer of “right leaning Liberal 1.0 populists,” they hate political correctness, and want the government dismantled but don’t actually know the many functions of what a government does.

Liberal 2.0ers are such spineless fucking pussies. Literally all it takes for them to forget murdering hundreds of thousands of middle eastern civilians is Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, GWB, Bill KKKristol saying “Trump bad”

Bunch of pathetic pieces of shit. Like an abused child constantly looking for daddy republicans approval no matter how many times they get beaten.

Lol what? Just look around. Even here in a synth leftist space you have people talking about how Cheney at least believes in democracy, let alone all the other liberal 2.0 places on Reddit/twitter.

Rehabilitating war criminals like Dick Cheney is bad, actually. There’s no value in it. Whatever 4 dimensional chess you think you’re playing won’t work. This ad won’t change anyones mind about Donald trump. It’s just meant to normalize the worst aspects and people of the Republican Party as long as they don’t say mean rhetoric while doing it. 

Because that’s the only problem the liberal 2.0ers ever really had with Trump, the aesthetics. If they cared about the policies then they would have been upset when Joe Biden finished building Trump’s border wall. But the reality is they just didn’t want to hear about it anymore, regardless of whether it’s happening or not. Same with how they don’t want to hear about the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis or victims of drone strikes.

They don’t give a fuck as long as someone says “orange man bad”. That’s the extent of their politics.

Donald Trump is an evil piece of shit but he doesn’t come close to causing the pure human misery that Dick Cheney did.

Of course we’ll see how the whole Supreme Court thing plays out over the next decade or two. The hilarious thing is Trump is being punished more than any Bush/Cheney monster

Idk, Trump still perpetuated the wars, negotiated with the Taliban and not the Afghanistan government allowing them to lose their country, tried to withhold aid from Ukraine and embolden fascist and authoritarians all over the world.

Actively divided Americans in some respects, led to millions of Americans dying, and destroyed the Supreme Court.

Daily reminder to Democrats and Liberal 2.0ers that Liz Cheney’s voting record is 92.9% in line with Trump. Don’t be bamboozled into thinking she will save us from Trump because she is over 90% Trump.


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