Exh lrlele

A left wing that is NON revisionist, and not influenced by the petty-bourgeois "New Left" movement of the 1960s-70s, and which is not associated with critical theory and idpol more generally. In other words, my form of leftism is genuinely Marxist 

"the language of Left and Right is foreign to classical Marxism"

I support classical Marxism and orthodox Marxist works—that is, those published after Karl Marx's death (1883) by great thinkers including Frederich Engels, Georgi Plekhanov, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Rosa Luxemburg. Indeed, I support Frederich Engels and his language in Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy (1886):

The Left wing I support, is not the left of the so-called Young Hegelians, who in their fight with the pietist orthodox and the feudal reactionaries, abandoned bit by bit that philosophical-genteel reserve in regard to the burning questions of the day which up to that time had secured state toleration and even protection for their teachings. 

Additionally, as Vladimir Lenin writes in The State and Revolution (1917):

I am of a left wing that is not to the right of Kautsky in international socialism, so I am to the left of trends such as the Socialist Monthly in Germany (Legien, David, Kolb and many others, including the Scandinavians Stauning and Branting); the followers of Jaurès and Vandervelde in France and Belgium; Turati, Treves and other representatives of the Right wing of the Italian Party . 

Finally, in In Defense of Marxism (1939/1940) Leon Trotsky observes:

I am not of the left wing of the petty-bourgeois democrats – political mimicry – a very dangerous symptom in a revolutionary politician! (bold added) futurr waddd

"interpreted social contradictions in terms of objective class antagonisms, not with regard to the subjective differences of the political compass."

I am not right wing: The term "right-wing" (conservatism) is variously defined as "the view that certain hierarchies are inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable

"a political and social philosophy whose central tenets include tradition, hierarchy, and authority

"the intellectual justification of inequality and privilege, and the political justification of the authoritative relationships such inequalities and privileges demand," etc.

I am left wing: Conversely, "left-wing" is defined in such ways as politics that "supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy," "the most liberal and egalitarian element of a political party or other group," "the political spectrum associated in general with egalitarianism," etc.

To be sure, left- VS right-wing politics are contradistinguished vis-à-vis their position on equality, with the former advocating it and the latter instead promoting hierarchies. 

Karl Marx’s theoretical originality manifested through a ruthless criticism of the left-wing politics of his time which is not my type of leftism, namely, the various bourgeois and utopian schools of socialism and anarchism which I reject

Unlike my brand of leftism, all apparently left-wing anti-Marxists, these tendencies are pseudo-leftist rather than genuinely left-wing. I am NON PSEUDO LEFT: This quote from the World Socialist Web Site article "What is the pseudo-left?" is apropos here:

The pseudo-left is anti-Marxist. It rejects historical materialism, embracing instead various forms of subjective idealism and philosophical irrationalism associated with existentialism, the Frankfurt School and contemporary postmodernism.

The pseudo-left is anti-socialist, opposes class struggle, and denies the central role of the working class and the necessity of revolution in the progressive transformation of society. It counterposes supra-class populism to the independent political organization and mass mobilization of the working class against the capitalist system. The economic program of the pseudo-left is, in its essentials, pro-capitalist and nationalistic.

I am pro socialist, I support class struggle, I support the central role of the working class and the necessity of revolution in the progressive transformation of society. I am anti capitalist and anti nationalist


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