

You see back in the day radical feminist were so based and intersectional. These pills pill bruhs arent feminists and definitely not radical feminists. They dont want gender abolition because they are abusing the people most hurt by it(trans Nd nb)

I'm just trying explain to the best of my ability what they (modern Radems) are. They are what some might call misandrists that view all men as monsters due to them being male. No other reason. They literally can not be any kind of feminist because they aren't actually seeking equality. And they target minorities like trans. So please do not include them with feminism of any kind. The opposite of patriarchy is the liberation of mankind not the reversing of roles.

The no true scotsman argument applies in situations like when leftcoms claim MLs arent true communist because they believe in vanguardism/dictatorship of the proletariat/stalin. Because in the end MLs do still seek a stateless moneyless classless society in which the workers own the means of production(aka communism). And the societies the MLs created are closer to those goals than their market contemporaries. The key thing here is that MLs and leftcoms share the same end goal. Feminists and TERFs do not.

Yes I know what radfem(Radical feminism is a perspective within feminism that calls for a radical reordering of society in which male supremacy is eliminated in all social and economic contexts. Radical feminists view society as fundamentally a patriarchy in which men dominate and oppress women) means and I say that the terfs are appropriating the the label. They are not radical feminists, they they do not seek equality(the very thing feminism is about).

And I demonstrated a clear understanding of the no true scotsman fallacy with the leftcom an ML example I used.

It's okay for us to disagree. What's important is that our end goal is the same(getting rid of terfs).

"you're doing it again "TERFs aren't radical feminists because real radical feminists want equality."

im not saying that there aren't trans inclusive radical feminists, but to say that TERFs are 'appropriating' radical feminism is stupid as hell, and just another way to use NTS. there are popular and influential radical feminists who are trans exclusionary- mary daly, janice raymond, germaine greer, robin morgan, etc- and they can't be said to be 'appropriating' radical feminism, given that a lot of them helped create it

we cannot get rid of TERFs if we refuse to understand what they are, and the goal really shouldn't be to get rid of TERFs, but to completely abolish transphobia, transmisogyny, and cissexism."

Mostly based. But I'm still very uncomfortable with people who do not fit the definition of feminism being put together with us and then they get peddled by sexists as what feminists are

The post that made me realize that r/pinkpillfeminism wasn't just a run of the mill radfem sub. The moment I found my cringe source

"Gender dysphoria isn't actually a mental disorder. It was only classified as such so that insurance will cover transition costs."

Oh I know that. But trying to make terfs understand basic sociology is really stretching my abilities. Remember how they have a collective iq of -3

They are terfs, dumbest shit is a compliment to them

The way I discovered terfs is when I researched journalists during their research on femcel subreddit. They associate themselves and their shitty ideology with some of the most vulnerable women in our society. Truly sick!

Historically radical feminism was one of the strongest allies to trans women but these reactionaries are appropriating radical feminism to oppress trans women.

Honestly the femcels just seemed scared and lonely. Its the fact that they are being pipelined to terfdom is what's scary

We have to be nice to deflect terf hate

"I wish they would just be straightforward and say "when I see transes I feel icky" "

I agree

"OP Presents valid argument and civil discussion

Mods: ...

OP: *Gets banned*

Sounds about right. They'd rather push out anyone who makes them think too hard about their bigotry than actually address it."

Yup. Small brain

Lol. They are probably the same people who misgender one person I know, a cia woman. Because she vaguely fits their concept of a straight outta porn trans

Her like me is super fem and dominant. That's enough for them

Terfs are projecting

Their views of gender relations, sexual dimorphism, gender identity etc. come straight otta porn and its blatantly obvious. No distinction between fiction and reality


Fascists on the left, what an oxymoron made by a dum dum moron.

"Tankies are fascists and they are on the left so... not completely an oxymoron. Also, JK Rowling is the physical manifestation of the word "Neo-Lib" and it hurts so much."

Tankies dont fulfill the definition of fascism given by Mussolini(founder of fascism). They still seek a classes stateless moneyless society where the workers own the means of production but their methods are questionable. Tankies are shitty but not fascist.

  my reply to this screenshot: The details described indicate an unironic noncon force fem fetish. Really disturbing

She literally sound like she wrote this with one hand and with the other hand jerking off

"Maybe this is the wrong sub for this but I just need to vent. I’m a cis lesbian and my gf is trans. I love her so much she’s perfect she’s beautiful. I hate how many TERFs speak for all lesbians and say that they don’t like dick. My gf has said that she doesn’t really want bottom surgery and so many people feel like it’s their business to ask me how that makes me feel like?? No go away. Like some of my friends are a little ignorant at times and I get it but like, some times they just don’t get it. And just in general a lot of lesbians make so many “haha penis gross man ew” jokes and it feels so invalidating. I’ve had people try to tell me im bi but no, I only like women and just because my gf’s genitals don’t match with what you consider “women” that means I’m bi. Shit is so gross and frustrating. I don’t give a shit what your genitals are I just love women, why is that so hard?"

EDIT: I’m no longer cis or woman lmao

Sounds pretty gay to me chief

My reply to this screenshot: According to these trolls men are sex drones

Yet when trans guys act like that it's proof that they aren't trans?


uestion for other AAP degenerates
It is well know that a notable portion of AAP trans guys hold various twink anime characters as their transition goals. 

I consider myself a gross fetishist too but my AAP desires aim towards a certain Chinese politician and a  Spiderman villain. 

Is my AAP psychologically similar to theirs or is something else going on. I've been thinking about this all week.

Am I a truAAP, are they truAAP?


Anon becomes the lowest ranked member of the girls dorm by the end of his 1st 24 hours.

Estrogen is quite literally the only thing that will save her. Don't get me wrong she'll be mid but at least she won't be at the very bottom.

Ok to r/communism redditors. Is my presence and active participation on all the anti terf subs not enough for you to consider me a Trans rights (T.R.A) activist?. But seriously wtf, it makes me sick to the core that this smooth brained model thinks I'm one of those wastes of space.


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