'Everyone whose opinion I don't like is a Russian bot'   which is said by Anti Russian xenophobe Liberal 2.0ers. Such tactics by Liberal 2.0ers are simply to delegit and shut down opposition by falsely labeling it as connected to Russia

Russphobes like Rachel Mancow is obsessed with Russians. These freaks see Russian boogeyman under their beds and it has to stop

The Liberal 2.0 freaks craft these conspiracy theories that they pull out of their asses to literally tie Russia to everyone and every opinion they don't like or goes against their propaganda narratives

Calling everyone a Russian asset, Russian supporter or Russian bot is akin to modern day McCarthyism

Kristen Gonzalez and Jill Stein are not a Russian assets and they have zero connections with Russia

M4A not being passed has nothing to do with Russia. Russia had no influence on it not being passed

Stupidpol is not a Russian sub and has zero ties to Russia

Not being a Joe Biden supporter does not make you a Russian asset, bot or pro Russia

According to Oliver Malloy, the Shitliberalssay sub divides the left, uses “liberal” when we mean capitalist, and because in Soviet Russia liberal meant capitalist, we are a Russian troll sub.

Demsocs blow my mind.

"/u/OliverMarkusMalloy gives an in depth of analysis of Russian false-flaggers pretending to be progressives on Reddit in order to divide the Left and help Trump" 

Oliver Markus Malloy is a fucking loon. For example, take a look at his advice on identifying Russian trolls on social media. He also wrote and self-published a whole book about why men and women can't be friends and thinks he's the first influencer or some shit, I dunno.

I don't think he's entirely credible, either. Search his name and you get lots of biographical blurbs like this one. Which large computer magazine from which large publishing house in Germany? Which papers in New York City?

Point is, this is not Best Of material. Do better, OP.





People on Twitter and social media concerned about the government not doing enough to respond to the East Palestine Ohio train wreck are NOT Pro Russian accounts , and have no ties to Russia. They are ordinary Americans who like nearly every American are upset with the governments lackluster response to that disaster

I agree with all of these stupipdol posts that criticize Anti Russian xenophobe Nomiki Kunst wrongly and falsely smering Kristen Gonzalez as a Russian asset (I also agree with all of the stupidpolers in that thread's criticism of smearing people as Russian assets, bots or pro Russian overall)

I agree with Glenn Greenwald going after Nomiki Konst below:

from Glenn Greenwald


Jun 2, 2022

Who doesn't love a McCarthyite fascist (like NomikiKonst) who explicitly advocates having Congress investigate her political enemies because she's angry they criticized her online? Seems like a perfect fit for the Dem Party and  @majorityfm ! Good luck to  @SamSeder and his sidekick  @NomikiKonst

from Glenn Greenwald


Jun 2, 2022

Awkward. Maybe Congress should investigate  @NomikiKonst to find out whether she has funding from the Kremlin or other US enemies given how blatantly she's dividing the left, trying to sabotage the DSA-backed daughter of an immigrant family,  @Gonzalez4NYQuote Tweet

Aaron Maté


Jun 2, 2022 Awkward. @majorityfm -- a show that regularly attacks other leftists it accuses of trying to split the left -- now has to grapple with one of its co-hosts running against DSA-endorsed @Gonzalez4NY in NY 59 and thus trying to... split the left. 

This Tweet is from an account that no longer exists
from Glenn Greenwald
That doesn't answer whether Nomiki is being funded by Putin or other foreign adversaries to divide the left. By her own primitive, McCarthyite reasoning, this Majority Report regular should be investigated by Congress. Join me in demanding this.

Craig Marcoux
@MichaelMarcou19 Jun 2, 2022
Nomiki Konst's campaign page doesn't mention a single idea, issue or plan. Just 2 links: 1. donate to me 2. work for me for free.

from Glenn Greenwald: That's the hallmark of a Kremlin operative. One way Russia and other foreign adversaries weaken the left is by siphoning away money that could be used for viable left wing candidates, like  @Gonzalez4NY .Makes total sense that Nomiki is following this playbook

'Every person I don't agree with is a tankie'  


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