Grump Dumbp trump

 DJT is a bad dude, but we have to realize just how this menace usurp'd power in the first place (while we continue to criticize the Donald for being an uber baddie). So see this thread for that

I agree with this Washington Post article on their take on the whole Donald Trump-John McCain feud from 2015. In particular I love how that article compares John McCain's life and Donald Trump's life

I do not support Donald Trump and I only said ‘Donald Trump a salesman not politician’ when he juntad to power

Then I almost, like Jimbo Wales and Hillary Clinton said in early 2017 said give him a chance (though I said too “I am not holding my air flow on Trump to do anything good as junta leader”)

I am however against people being against people who are against people who irrationally or ignorantly oppose Donald Trump . When Trump goes low why not go high? 

I myself do not criticize Donald Trump nowhere near as harshly as Twitter ‘leftists’ do (so many people have trashed Trump for me to do so is extreme overkill) as I feel that Trump is part of a larger socioeconomic problem, so I criticize that larger socioeconomic problem that Trump is part of savagely (with the same fiery passion that Abraham Lincoln had in his Lost speech). 

I refuse to allow Donald Trump to ruin my happiness, joy and peace of mind or to rent space in my head (and I would never want Trump to be my landlord)

I give Donald Trump credit where credit is due exactly how and when David Brooks does. But I give more credit to the process of Donald Trump than than I give credit to Trump himself for those rare broken clock moments.  

I like how Trump’s process was/is anti imperialist and that his process challenges the Neoliberal/Neocon agenda and is anti war (for the most part). 

I like how funny, direct and honest he is (I laugh AT Donald Trump). This Tweet (which includes my reactions to it) makes Trump look more like Bernie Sanders than like George Wallace or like someone to the right of Pat Buchanan

I like this faux process of Trumpism as an alternative to the process of Trumpism (the one Ben Burgis supports and says that Karl Marx would support not the one Haz supports) because that alternative process is strong and united/unites the working class from this type of ANTI MAGA to Communism and destroys MAGA Communism/MAGA Capitalism, the corporate class and ogliarchy. The Majority report has a better and more effective way to sell Socialism to rural America as seen here

Autonomism is superior to MAGA communism in every way and I support Autonomism. Unlike Haz's distorted definition of the working class, Autonomism applies a broader definition of the traditional working class to also include besides wage-earning workers (both white collar and blue collar), also the unwaged (students, unemployed people, homemakers, etc.), that are traditionally deprived of any form of union representation.

This includes the idea that modern society's wealth is produced by unaccountable collective work, and only a little of that wealth is redistributed to the workers via wages. Autonomism puts an emphasis of the importance of feminism and the value of unpaid female labor to capitalist society.

Autonomism shows that Capitalism is a hardened irrational system while it assumes the workers' viewpoint, to privilege their activity as the lever of revolutionary passage which alone can construct a libertarian-egalitarian anarchist society (left wing society)

Autonomism views economics as being entirely political, it makes economic relations be the direct political relations of force between class subjects. Furthermore it puts the initiative for political change to reside within the social worker’s economic category and not in an alienated political form 

Trump is a unique treasure.   Of course there is more to that, which I mention here, and this shows why I am not a fan of Trump's economic policies at all

Donald Trump is a Stalinist? I am pleased to hear that Donald Trump is adopting dialectical materialism. Very awesome news for proletariat everywhere. Based! /s

I really do wish that Donald Trump had a J Stalin-type approach to science. The USSR was deeply pro-science and under Joseph Stalin , it evolved from an agrarian society into a fully industrialized and developed nation.

The anticommunists can only find one example with Trofim Lysenko. That's truly evidence of how efficient the USSR’s science was, if it had only one dead end in (Lysenko, no pun intended) the process. And it wasn't even an important dead end, just overblown propaganda.

This article here reflects a lot of my thoughts on Donald Trump

But the above pitiful views I have of the process of Trumpism, are in spite of his toxic behavior and not because of it. 

I don't believe Trump should have been the one or should be the one to carry out the relatively few positive things his process did during his junta and that he would do in the future as President.

As bad as Donald Trump was as 'President' (among the more bad Presidents), Trump was a better 'President' than GWB was

Trump is not my ideal of a ‘President’. He lost control of himself and allowed himself to be petty.  Trump constantly throws a lot of people he hired under the bus (they are supposed to be there to provide him with counter arguments so its expected they'll be harsh on him). 

Those same people are now going after him harshly, what kind of message does that send to our country? 

But two of the biggest follies of Donald Trump’s juntaship was Trump’s signature corporate tax cut and his attempts to undo Obamacare. Here are more of thoughts on Donald Trump

But if I must insult Donald Trump to provide ‘red meat’ (Orange man=BAD!):

Donald Trump is the Prince of Darkness. I am convinced that Donald Trump is a combination of Hannibal Lecter, Dr Evil, the Antichrist, Freddy Krueger and Godzilla all rolled into one!  The way that Trump handled and enflamed the pandemic was as scary and tragic as the horror movies and Armageddon 

Donald Trump is a scoundrel , he shaved Mr McMahon's hair at Wrestlemania 23!!  That was so heelish of Trump to cause such pain and misery to such an upstanding and respectful person (McMahon) who helped build the WWE to what it is today. 

I bet McMahon's grandkids were crying in horror as they saw Trump and Lashley shave and abuse McMahon.

Donald Trump also is a celebaphobe, he fired so many celebrities as host of the Apprentice!! In an authoritarian way, Trump shoves celebrities he likes and doesn’t trash down our throats (see my piece on Trump’s Garden of Heroes in the misc of my blog for example)

Donald Trump is a traitor. He was a Mets fan his whole life (he is from Queens), yet he rooted for the Atlanta Braves in person during their World Series game vs the Astros!!!  Um, hello?  

The Braves won the NL East like trillions of times in the 1990s and 2000s while destroying the Mets nearly every time they played and this turncoat Trump roots for them (the Braves)?  BENEDICT TRUMP!!!  Trump similarly is a traitor to republicanism, federalism, Constitutionalism, non interventionalism/anti war movement and (fill in the blank)

Trump also is a crook, he robbed my family of money through his casinos (Trump Plaza, Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Castle). 

His casinos like Trump himself, shove holidays holidays down our throats since Trump’s brand is all about alienating people to force conformity (like Trump forcing holidays on Americans who don’t celebrate those holidays. Trump also forces assimilation or DADT type policies on people don’t look a certain way or don’t identify a certain way)

Donald Trump's hair is a major cause of climate change due to all of the hair spray he uses on it. That hairspray caused Trump to get so high it made his ego balloon to levels that would make Egoist Max Stirner proud

Though my real 'red meat' views on Donald Trump can be found here on I echo a lot of those 'harsh' views that Jacobin have of Donald Trump (Jacobin has red colors on its website and magazine). And if you have an Anti Trump fetish and want more 'red meat' about Trump from me, well, then I echo these views by TYT on Trump and I shout those TYT Trump views from the rooftops and the articles "Serious Question: Is Donald Trump a Social Experiment?" and "Thank You Letter to Donald Trump" both from Degree 180 

Just a note to my readers - At minimum, I 100 percent get that Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, anti black, chauvinist, birther and bully who was repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims - 1.6 million members of an entire religion - from entering the U.S. 

The Democrats and Joe Biden did not steal the 2020 Presidential election from Donald Trump… since Donald Trump bribed Americans to vote for him and for the electoral college to vote for him (Russiagate was false so Russia did not cause Donald Trump to win)

As such, I don’t consider Donald Trump’s junta as valid so since in my eyes, Trump was never President, he couldn’t have had the 2020 Presidential election stolen from him(since he was never President in the first place in my eyes).  

Usually it is impossible to prove that an election is stolen since political machines that go through all of the trouble to rig an election , always obsessively clean up all their tracks and make it so any dissenters who come forward with the truth will be instantly shamed and labeled as conspiracy theorists, liars, lunatics and charlatans by their corrupt political machine. 

But with Donald Trump I knew he unfairly won the 2016 election via bribery and cheating and that truth was very uncomfortable for me  (Trump was deflecting herehere and that is proof he cheated via bribery to win the election in 2016)

However since late 2016, I force myself 24/7 to pretend that the Donald Trump and the Republicans won the 2016 Presidential Election 100 percent fair and square and that there was no election fraud in the 2016 Presidential Election. I am like that when it comes to stolen elections

This is would be similar to how I use to pretend that the 2002 NFL Interconference matchups were the NFC East vs AFC East, NFC North vs the AFC West, and the NFC West vs AFC North. Similar to how in the late 1990s to mid 2000s,  I use to pretend that I was born 4 to 7 years earlier in this life. 

Similar to how in the early 2000s, I use to pretend that a decade earlier (in the late 1980s and early 1990s) I was a cast member on the New Mickey Mouse Club, with some future late 1990s-early 2000s pop stars (I further use to pretend that me and those future late 1990s-early 2000s pop stars like Justin, Britney, Christina, Tate , Ryan etc hung out together off set of those shows when filming was not going on). 

Similar to how I used to pretend that Britney’s song You Drive Me Crazy was written and sung by her with me in mind and thus I used to pretend that song was about me

Similar to how I use to pretend that during the 1996 NFL season, the Jets beat the Eagles, Oilers and the Colts at the Meadowlands.

However, unlike those pretending examples above, I continue to pretend that the Donald Trump and the Republicans won the 2016 Presidential Election 100 percent fair and square and that there was no election fraud in that election, until the day I die. 

However the Democrats did not steal the juntaship from Donald Trump in 2020. It was fair and square

Donald Trump should have handled the 2020 Presidential election like former President Richard Nixon handled his 1960 election defeat to former President JFK , see here

Trump should have publicly conceded his juntaship the next morning. Trump shouldn't have urged Republicans to be in a civil war state or to falsely treat Joe Biden as a junta leader.  Trump should have tallied over the electoral college vote. Trump should have accepted the results like Nixon did . Trump should have supported Joe Biden. 

This would show that Donald Trump really put his country first. He should have publicly distanced himself from his followers who pushed for recounts in his own unique way. 

I believe like that voting to overturn the 2020 US Presidental Election (ie state certified elections) would have been contrary to states rights and would have destroy the Electoral College forever. The Electoral college gives all of the power we need in terms of elections. States rights are something we have always advocated for. 

Our founding fathers never wanted our Congress to be able to overturn state certified elections so overturning the verdict of the election is against the oath of the congresspeople. 

Overturning the results would overturn states rights, and federalism which our founding fathers bestowed upon us.  Moreover it would create chaos

It is ok for people to question elections that a Republican wins like the 2000 and 2004 Presidential Elections, the Georgia governor race that Brian Kemp one, but if you question an election that a Democrat wins you are a threat to democracy or ruining peoples faith in democracy? Double standard? Please convince me that there is no double standard, because frankly it seems that there is a double standard. 

I do know that Al Gore, John Kerry and Stacy Abrams technically ‘conceded’ their defeats in those elections but that apparently didn’t stop Kerry and Abrams from whining about their conspiracy theories about how their elections were ‘stolen’ from them 

Wouldn’t it be funny and ironic if the US government/congress/senate or the DNC/RNC uses the 22nd amendment against Donald Trump, to stop him from running for President in 2024? 

Some 4pt thoughts on DJT can be found here

Here are my thoughts on Michael Cohen

I believe that Joe Biden was and is a great President to terraform that Trumpism into a salvageable (i.e compassionate and progressive) ideology that can truly Build Back (America) Better . See here for that in action

Jack Smith is the special council appointed by Joe Biden's chief prosecutor Merrick Garland to harass, agitate, and persecute Donald Trump which will effect the 2024 presidential election and American democracy.

I hate Donald Trump as much as the next guy (or girl) but this video by Tucker Carlson on Adam Carolla's show is hard for me to refute and in fact makes a lot of sense. Focker really cuts through the b.s and makes reasonable points . It is hard for me not to fall victim to having the same thinking on this whole DJT debacle that Tucker has in said video: 


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