International incident big bad wolfowitzs

 Why am I as high on Francisco Franco as I am?:  

Due to the Spanish miracle. There was irregularities during the 1936 election 

Also, during the Spanish civil war Anarchists treated even innocent members of the church brutally and the republicans as a whole were bayonetting nunsust for the hell of it (yep even back then the republicans were the party of death) and Franco was a tireless defender of the faith and crown. Franco also triggers Liberal 2.0ers and Franco being where he is on my ranking list is edgy. 

Francisco Franco was also Anti Democratic (so was Oswald Spangler and I agree with Spangler on that), a military warmonger, Catholic. Franco's first years as dictator were pretty darn bad and so inexcusable, and his reign as whole was fierce, but not as fierce as it probably would have been under the Red Terror/Red Fascism. I am a Left Anti Communism/Libertarian Marxist-Socialist so I am against such Red Terror/Red Fascism as that   

But tbh while Liberals blame it on autarky, Spain was being absolutely devastated by the Civil war and that was probably more important. 

Years later,  when he became more neoliberal (the less bad forms of neoliberalism), he did better by neoliberal definitions. It's not that he was so great, it's that he successfully suppressed something worse. The fascist regime paved the way for a transition to a truly democratic and popular republic

Franco had some anti-landlords policies.

Under Franco's edicts (Renta antigua) tenants were there for perpetuity, and their kids too, they couldn’t be evicted simply becaz to rent could only be increased according to the official inflation stat (IPC), which caused over time several tenants paying extremely low rent in prime real estate zones.

Spanish landlords shake in fear when hearing the words "renta antigua"

I do like Spain’s left of the 1930s as they were way better than Franco. They could have dreated our classless, egalitarian, hierarchyless utopia if not for a political nightmare not of their majing

Yet as noted above, there were elements of the Spanish left of the 1930s I didn't like. Some aspects of the Spanish left of the 1930s were pushed to betray their leftist values at times. 

Spain’s 1930s left , in part due to its huge big tent which included republicans and right wingers was a big hot mess, with divisions, in fighting (George Orwell can atest to this), fundamental chasms etc not unlike the Republicans in the age of D Trump were between the Conservatives, NeverTrumpers and Alt Right. 

Keep in mind in the age of Trump, many Republicans turned D to escape the Republican party hot mess

What if Franco allied with the 1930s Spanish left? Europe is no stranger to such coalitions, maybe Franco and the Spanish left could have brought out the best in each other ? 

See here for my thoughts on Augusto Pinochet


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