Right wing is baddddd

 “Wokeism” -for lack of a better word- as a phenomenon and political movement, was always going to happen eventually; it’s the natural conclusion of the very composition of the transformative movements that American social order have undergone. 

This being a combination of multiple factors (adoption of postmateralistic attitudes of the petite bourgeoisie, the American virtue of the exceptionality of the individual, the latent racial problems that merely transform but never dissipate that are too much to even truly detail in one comment, the capitalistic tenacity of constant reproduction, and even the pluralist organization theory- even while being truly erroneous and nebulous in its application- prescribes this very outcome given the specific proclivities outlined before).

With all this, though, is a much simpler realization that explains a often neglected factor in which right media not only exists as a vector of constant reaction, but as a body that must repose itself in this very way to disseminate this information. 

I figure we all know what right media is doing and why is it doing it, but we rarely ever look at the composition of media forms and mostly important how they differ. 

The “indoctrination” of the left is a byproduct of the conservatives in itself, not true actual indoctrination, but the abstraction essence of the right- hampered by its own theoretical limitations, especially Christian fundamentalist thought- with the combination of market shift towards capitalist ventures, therefore a reunification of different forms of knowledge. This being aided by the Protestant ideal of “idleness is wrong in all contexts”, thinking therefore must be to actualize something and thinking must never take place in the private sphere. Calling movies woke, yet being theoretically opposed to the study of films or the arts itself is why the left will always dominate certain areas.

Thus, rightism is against the idea of media in itself, but in order to sustain their political validity in the ever changing transformative society, they must socialize new generations of conservatives by creating multilevel structures of conservative thought: commonplace right media for the older generation, the pop commentary section-composed of people like Peterson, Shapiro, and turning point-and the Thiel bank-roll- the alt-right theorists such as Nick Land and Curtis Yarvin who are supported by the troll section (Sam Hyde and other podcasters who merely react, think Rush Limbaugh).

It’s not simply calling things woke, it’s much deeper. What this implies is something either profound or already realized by someone else: the only “art” that a right-wing person must be grounded in the only right-oriented process that is transformative in itself: fascism. Otherwise it’s only a reaction or a return to foundation, hence complaining about leftist views in media is moot but essential to their worldview. This isn’t to say right wingers can’t compose a unique or novel viewpoint, it’s that by analyzing the historical dialectics of rightism, it’s stands in opposition to contemporary media and film.

I mean if you look at right wing pundits and "intellectuals," they have made the decision to aim their fire at what they call "wokeness/wokeism," which is their word for any effort to tear down the anti blackness and or white ethnocentrism of our society to allow a more honest and inclusive teaching of history or at describing systems of oppression--including class. 

Demonstrating eitzhaimHi's point, Republicans have started decrying "essentialism" (I am generally anti essentialist so that sucks) like they're Judith Butler from the 1990s (even worse), in order to fight against the CRT (which is, in reality, is anti-essentialist which is one good thing I can say about the CRT)


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