Soy left

The PMC-Soy left despises physical and mental strength. They view it as 'authoritarian', fascist, abelist, hetero normative, and worst of all...masculine. They become really triggered by this.

They promote 'body positivity' only for those that are obese, unathletic, soft and weak. They also despise winning and victory, and celebrate losing (thus any socialist movement that comes to power is hated, while martyers who lose are icons).

They despise physical labor. They exist in the PMC world of mental masterbation. You really want to trigger them, ask them to chop wood, repair a car or appliance, use a shovel or lawn mower etc. Not only will they not know how to do this, they beleive it is beneath them and suspect it is somewhow fascist.

They despise sports (with the posible exception of women's soccer).

All the things that rural and working class people do and enjoy, is despised by the soy-left.

The soy-left represents a strata of the non-productive PMC. It is the same mileu that made up the temprence and womens suffrage movement in the 1920's; the social reformers; woman's liberation etc. They later made up the church ladies of the 1980's. They are essentially a feminine strata of moralistic busy bodies, who love 'fixing' and regulating working class people, imposing their morobund social views on them and correcting their grammar and language.

The uptight spinster school teacher of the 1920's, who would berate proletarian kids for their poor grammar, is now the pink haired, obese feminist grad student who corrects blue collar workers on their uncouthness and improper gender pronouns. 


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