
Showing posts from May, 2023



leftist kewrnieew909

Max Blumenthal,  pre 2021 Jimmy Dore, Tulsi Gabbard, Chris Hedges, Jackson Hinkle, Scott Horton, Kim Iversen, Dennis Kucinich,  Caleb Mauphin, Cynthia McKinney, Garland Nixon, Anya Parampil, Tara Reid, Jill Stein, Roger Waters, Ann Wright

lib fo cffdifiudf



Party 1) I truly believe there’s a spot for Tulsi Gabbard’s brand of politics- similar to a moderate party but the opposite of the Forward party, conservative socially but populist/progressive economically Party 2) At the same time, idpol is bad because it involves the ruling class conscripting minorities as a human shield.  This is how you get 45: people gravitated toward him because he "owned the Liberal 2.0ers." And to own these Liberal 2.0ers you have get more unpc or even extreme, because the Liberal 2.0ers have made ostentatious anti-bigotry their number one plank. This is also how you get Joe Biden, with voters religiously supporting trash Democrats to "own the racists." The ruling class is fine with both scenarios - they are victorious either way. This is the political payload of idpol: to bait the working class into supporting the class enemy while also cementing an alliance between the ruling class, the Liberal 2.0 upper middle class, and members of "


True  rainbow econom ics  (Jacobin   st yle ),  Queer Anarcha Capitalism  +  4pt alternatives to Financism  *ITF general secretary Stephen Cotton alter Rainbow Capitalism *ITF general secretary Stephen Cotton said of the latest survey work: 'I and the ITF president Paddy Crumlin have been clear that the labour movement needs to provide an alternative to 'rainbow capitalism', which co-opts the struggle of LGBTQI+ people without a commitment to genuine social and economic justice.'

Civic Coalition

Agrarianism Anti-Putinist Globalism/ Anti Putinism divisionism /Anti Liberal 2.0 Putinism Classical Liberalism Constitutionalism Devolutionism E-Democracy Euroscepticism Georgism Green Liberalism Laicism Christopher Hitchenist Neoconservatism (Laicist Libertarian Neoconservatism) mixed with restrained Neorealism Degrowth Capitalism (like Feminist economy model) fused with Democratic Capitalism and this type of inclusive economic system non Liberal 2.0 Progressivism

cul ewewdsiodido

The culturally center, culturally variable and nat ideology of  Nekoqingist Bolshevism Elements of  cultural bolshevism ,   this alternative to Liberalism  and Libertarian party Cultural Liberalism

auth radlibbbbb

Authenic Radical Liberalism: National Agrarianism Anti-Authoritarianism (1940-1989 type) Constitutionalism Cultural Liberalism  ( CulLib ) fused with CivEcio Cultural   Nekoqingist Bolshevism (cultural reductionist variety and or fix culture first then fix economy/strategically Civically  Nekoqingist Bolshevist ) see here for more Eco-Nationalism ESME Kleptocracy  Big Tent Social Liberalism (Paleoliberalism/Bob Casey Jr. Thought/ Civic Coalition )

idelocciism isimsnaty

A type of nationalism fused with this line type of ideology: I just think the association between “communism” and “socialism” and “bad” “evil” are too strong thanks to years of propaganda. Might be best to start fresh with a new word. A ideology that promotes basic human cooperation

Exh zato unpackthis mth

  "    We got to decolonize reality and then replace it with radical subjectivity ⸮  "

second blog navviviga


  I also agree with the replies here which rail against the 'lgbtq movement is overtly white' nonsense I also agree with  this reddit thread  and the replies to the OP in this reddit thread Race_DivisionByElites - racism, race-related issues, and exposing ruling class social engineering subscribe/s/Race_DivisionByElites 13,481 subscribers, a community for 4 years If there is 'overt whiteness' in the LGBTQ movement it is only due to # Race_DivisionByElites Like making a sex orientation rights and gender rights movement about **racism, race-related issues**, This is due to the social engineering by the ruling class which it uses to disrupt, divide, and dominate like it does to disrupt the LGBTQ movement by wrongly saying it is 'overtly white', which then causes the LGBTQ community to be divided from the poc community . Then this causes said ruling class to dominate even more so Woke people just cannot just keep it on LGBTQ could they, better bring in race to appea

Leg o=rotroitr

I love this LEGO collection. I think it is so base and cool how LEGO embraces people who have deficiencies (like missing limbs, mental disorders, being wheelchair ridden etc) by putting out this LEGO line. It shows that people have unique qualities that make them special. It is a nice changeup from the boring vanilla dated LEGO lines of years past.       I love how this Lego line is like a LEGO version of the Island of Misfit toys!⸮


 Old school Progressive like Madison Grant and  Traditionally Progressive