Modeaan russzo

Some of my views on modern Russia match the Five Star Movement's views on modern Russia

Modern Russia is a depressing ugly shit hole and basically a fourth world country. Russia is inferior to the West. They are an Anarcho Capitalist Primitive hellscape with a low quality of life, pollution up the yazoo and the only collection of ugly inferior people on the planet (the Putin supporters in Russia only)

The fact that they go GI Schmo and drunk on Ukraine (via their invasion of Ukraine) is to be expected for such a pathetic, disgusting shit hole like Russia. It is par for the course for Russia. So Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a natural reaction to their country being that pathetic and depressing.

Russia is nothing but Orc Putin country which is a sick twisted version of the American South. 

As a Communist leftist, and as to take a a devil's advocate view, I will only give lip service to this message "Russia is a lot better than the west thinks and has a high quality of life, is modernized which started under Joseph Stalin, full of bad apples like every country but more so and then some, is unique but unique is well special (as in special ed')

Russia is still a better place to live than China, Florida, *the US (*but only worse than living in Russia if you are BIPOC, Jewish or Transgender), Afghanistan, Chicago, AOC's district, snobby DC, San Francisco (due to it being a shit hole now) etc

So overall Russia should be invaded by the West, destroyed and then terraformed and colonized by the US like the USSR did to East Germany after WWII with a touch of renovating Russia too like my family renovated my maternal Grandmother's upstairs for my maternal Grandma's sister to live in in 1993

I am against RT (Russia Today) wrongly putting the words woke, wokeness and cancel culture in quotes and in between apostrophes. This proves that RT is nothing western sell out cucks and are WOKE ORWELLIAN themselves. 

I am going to RT headquarters in the future and once there, I will 'non violently' harass, terrorize and verbally abuse every RT propagandist , I mean journalist/editor each day for hours on end until they stop putting the words woke, wokeness and cancel culture in quotes and in between apostrophes.

I will also hack into RT's website and social media accounts and remove all quotes and apostrophes from the words woke,wokeness and cancel culture in their articles. RT should be shut down forever 

I am very ok with the fact that Russia is becoming Anti West and is breaking free of Western Imperialism. We need more anti western/non western type countries as long as they let their conscious be their guide and are no further right than  Right lean Center (see this for more) 

I would support Russia going Manifest Destiny/Russian World (Russia Orthodox Church, anti west , jingoism etc) mode ONLY if Russia's pioneers, politicians and military goes into space to other solar systems, galaxies and universes and then expands their Russian World in a Manifest Destiny way in  extraterrestrial intelligent life inhabited countries on another planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe (countries that are as similar to the US/Central Europe/Eastern Europe/Russia of our planet)

I am against Russia going Manifest Destiny/Russian World (Russia Orthodox Church, anti west , jingoism etc) on our planet and if they ever do that or are doing it now I call on all people close to Vladimir Putin to confront him privately and chew him out over this (and to 'eat him' too because EAT THE RICH) and tell him to stand down and cancel that Manifest Destiny/Russian World stuff. The USSR and Russia use to be anti classic imperialism so for them to go Manifest Destiny/Russian World mode now on Earth is a major no no in my eyes

In one documentary by Adam Curtis, he talks about Vladimir Putin. I don't know how true it is, but it goes into the way that Putin masks himself as numerous different things to throw off the West, like being a hidden Communist hoping to revive the USSR, to a wannabe Czar, to a social conservative that says he wants to save white Western civilization. From this he garners support from people on both sides of the political spectrum.

I don't think any communists or any of us who are part communist "support" the Vladimir Putin government(s) over any possible Communist government led by the KPRF. 

Our true loyalty is clearly with the Party and the class, and not with the bourgeois state. But Putin's politics are defensive, and he has gone a pronounced distance in restoring Russia's geopolitical position (which is a good thing for everyone, not only the Russian state or its population). 

Putin also ended the economic looting that happened in Russia by the NATO bloc and the international cartels, and the most terrible years of poverty under Boris Yeltsin which are over. 

Definitely Vladimir Putin is better than what came before him, and we can recognize that and in some way support the rebirth of Russian sovereignty that Putin has overseen and the constant attempts to lessen the warmongering of the NATO powers. 

Of course no left unitist like me and no communist is ever going to honestly support a rightist nationalist leader (like Vladimir Putin) over the Communist Party, it's just a matter of recognizing that there have been benefits from Vladimir Putin that were not there before, which includes for Russian workers and for workers internationally.

North Ossetia is part of Russia and I am glad that North Ossetia is part of Russia

I retroactively support the Dissenters Marches and Strategy 31 protests

Like the IWW ,I supported Alexander Lukashenko during the 2020 Belarus protests. The anti Lukashenko protestors were counterproductive and maybe even wrong

I am against Russians in Russia protesting against Roe v Wade being overturned. Any Russian who protested it being overturned should rot in a Russian gulag for decades. Our law changes are none of their business. Let them worry about their own shithole country (Russia). I support protests against Roe v Wade being overturned happening in most countries, but not in Russia.

My views on the whole smearing people as Russian assets, bots, pro Russian etc can be found here

Russia's pro Putin nazis in Russia (also see here) all belong to a family line that are made up of the actual people who the curse of Ham was placed on. They are demons and if they won't change they should be thrown in gulags for the rest of their lives and worked to death 

Russia's pro Putin nazis in Russia are all hereditary inferior to everyone else on Earth of all identities) based on their cursed and flawed family line and genetics. All people on Earth are equal to every other person on Earth but pro Putin nazis in Russia are inferior to every race, ethnicity and family line on Earth and are the only subtype of people on Earth who deserve to be discriminated against based on their genetics. Russia's pro Putin nazis in Russia are subhumans, spooks, orcs, crackers etc.

Every Russian pro Putin nazi in Russia should be tracked down by good Samaritans, then literally have the sense brutally beaten into them and then deradicalized and reprogrammed to force them to be left wing or liberal progressive, and to have the exact views on Russia-Ukraine as Jacobin, Kyle Kulinski or maybe even Henry Kissiner and Breitt Baier , and to no longer be bigoted against Jews , BIPOC, Ukranians or any other race, ethnicity or religion. Maybe by pounding their faces in until they are near death we can force them to be left wing, or liberal and to no longer be hateful against people based on race, ethnicity and religion.

If nothing else I hope that Vladimir Putin (assuming that the WJC is correct see here) has a positive influence on the Russian pro Putin nazi in Russia where they stop being nazis and become as liberal on the Jewish issue like the WJC said that Vladimir Putin was in the above article. Though as a Antifascist, while I am against Russian pro Putin nazi in Russia, they are after all in Russia and I am in the US . So until I go to Russia to bash the Russian fash, I have to focus on bashing the fascism in my neck of the woods . 

I am passive and have a dealigned view of the Russian Volunteer Corps, but only if (and only since) they are pro Ukraine and fighting for Ukraine against Russia. If (and or when) they turn against Ukraine and go back to being pro Russia, I will hate them as much as I hate the Russian pro Putin Nazis in Russia.

As it is now, assuming the Russian Volunteer Corps are fighting for Ukraine against Russia, it is a murky situation with them. As long as they are fighting for Ukraine against Russia, and stay pro Ukraine and anti Russia, I will not be curse of ham cultural ethnisit toward them like I am with Russia pro Putin nazis in Russia. 

I still condemn the Russian Volunteer Corps nazi views,  and I will deradicalize the Russian Volunteer Corps nazis and reprogram them without their consent to be pro Jewish and left wing on social issues or like Joe Rogan on social issues, just like I will do with Russian pro Putin Russian nazis, However unlike with the Russian pro Putin Nazis in Russia, I will do this to the Russian Volunteer Corps anti Putin Russian nazis without violence via digital activism. 


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