Not offensive or is offens?

A lot of the 'offensive' things people consider offensive is really Blue and Orange morality and or gray morality

Now the pc police are going even further in restricting speech by falsely and wrongly claiming doing so is to promote ‘inclusion’ (the new Liberal 2.0 newspeak woke buzz word of the week). Restricting freedom of speech is not inclusive, it is in fact the opposite, it is exclusive of the rights of free speech and diverse views and language

The UK office are reactionary and evil for wrongly smearing good wholesome non offensive masterpieces like works by Adam Smith, C.S Lewis 1984 by George Orwell and Lord of the rings as 'red flags for right wing extremism' . See here for more

My thoughts on 'equity' (i.e toxic woke) language guides can be found here

My thoughts on EEB stuff here

There is NOTHING offensive about the 1964 Rudolph Red Nosed Reindeer movie

There is NOTHING offensive about 7th Heaven. It was a wholesome family show without the garbage that infects most 'family' shows today

There is NOTHING offensive about calling native Australians Aboriginals or the Indigenous All-Stars previous nickname The Aboriginal All-Stars

There is nothing offensive about A Cat in the Hat Comes Back

I view the puking scene in Ace Ventura with a Blue and Orange Morality type of view.  It was more mocking Ace for being transphobic than it was mocking trans people. I don't think it should be censored but I am understanding and caring for the views of those offended by it.

I don’t see anything offensive about the movie Airplane (including that jive scene by Barbara Billingsley)

Anarchism tattoos are NOT hate symbols. Anarchism is NOT even remotely hateful. Anarchism is a positive, egalitarian inclusive ideology that calls for a hierarchyless world . Ink Master are bourgeois, NeolibeRETARD, STATIST, western losers who are being controlled by rich western elites  to trash anything Left Wing. Here are their excuses

There is nothing wrong with the inaccurate ways that animals are portrayed in entertainment. 

There is NOTHING offensive or wrong about using these phrases and I want people to use these phrases MORE than they do now just to piss off the extreme fringe left nut speech police: “Don’t cry over spilled milk”, “packed like sardines”, “on a wild goose chase”, “ants in your pants”, “walking on egg shells”, “kill two birds with one stone”, “let the cat out of the bag”, “take the bull by the horns”, “be a guinea pig”, “hold your horses”, “open a can of worms”, “bring home the bacon”, “beat a dead horse”, “put all your eggs in one basket”, “bullpen”. 

PETA IS 100 PERCENT WRONG , SICK AND TWISTED FOR trying to remove the bullpen word from MLB. PETA should stop euthanizing 85 percent of the animals it gets it's paws on before it starts judging others.... I will never allow PETA’s senseless, evil, extreme PC from ever being implemented anywhere in society. The PC police are destroying our lives with extremist garbage like with PETA above . See this for more. 

If this extreme PETA pc garbage is ever mainstreamed or normalized our society is dead. Instead of fighting for the working class, reigning in socialism, fighting for marginalized rights some stupid evil losers like PETA wrongly and falsely try to implement their evil twisted pc terms which will not only not help our society but destroy our society, free speech, and happiness. I will abolish and destroy any corporation , sports league, church, organization that implements PETA’s fascist garbage pc nonsense.   

The song Baby It's Cold Outside is not a date rape song in my view and I can not bring myself to support it being cancelled. Though it sounds so annoying that alone should be the reason it is banned

There is NOTHING offensive about having Libyans as bad guy terrorists in Back to the Future

There is NOTHING offensive or wrong about George and Lorraine McFly hiring Biff to work for them as an employees (in the good ending of Back to the Future) 30 years after Biff's actions toward Lorraine in 1955 when they were high school students

There is nothing offensive enough about Beverly Hills Cop III to warrant trigger warnings

There is NOTHING offensive about the term 'black ice' 

I am against the Girl Scouts Canada no longer using the name Brownies. This is woke bullshit . There is NOTHING offensive or wrong with using the name Brownies.

Notice once again these woke radical liberals use the word 'inclusive' . Inclusive is a newspeak, Orwellian word to push for woke extremist policies. I want to convince the Girl Scouts of Canada to change the name from Embers back to Brownies.

There is nothing offensive or wrong about the Rolling Stones song Brown Sugar and I will coerce the Rolling Stones to play it live at their concerts (twice once normally and then as an encore song). Only small minded wokebots with no taste in music gets offended by such an awesome cool song. 


There is NOTHING offensive about Christmas Story (1983 movie)

There is ABSOLUTELY nothing offensive or wrong about mentioning Jesus, Mary , Christian Angels and other Christian people, imagery and themes in Christian Christmas carols. 

Those Christmas carols celebrate the birth of Jesus and Christianity and removing Jesus, Mary , Christian Angels and other Christian themes in Christmas carols renders them moot, is CENSORSHIP (I am anti censorship), revisionism, ISIS like, religious discrimination (ANTI CHRISTIAN), WOKE,  CHRISTIAN PHOBIC and hypocritical. 

Such Anti Christian hatred by woke Anti Christian bigots is the best way to make the Christian Nationalist movement grow and become mainstreamed. They do not know what monster they will create with such blatant Anti Christian hate. Them wanting to censor Christian Christmas Carols looks like they are trying to destroy Christianity and I won’t allow them to do that . 

Our founding fathers would not support Christian Christmas Carols being censored and they would call such calks for censorship evil , hateful and intolerant. These Christphobic bigots have warped and twisted religious freedom so harshly they are their own little religion themselves: Anti Christianity. They are changing our childhood

I want all Christian Christmas carols (including Hark the Herald, Joy to the World, Silent Night, Away in a manger, O Holy Night, O Come al Ye Faithful, It Came upon a Midnight Clear,  I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, O Little Town of Bethlehem, Carol of the Bells, Ding Dong Merrily on High , Deck the Halls, Angels We Have Heard up High, The Little Drummer Boy, The First Noel , Here We Come A-wassailing ,Good King Wencelas, Here Comes Santa Claus )  to be played exactly like they’ve been played for decades without censoring those songs in any way shape or form 

If woke snowflake soyboy Anti Christian bigots don’t want to hear those Christian Christmas carols then they should turn those songs off or ignore them. Censoring Christmas Christmas carols to remove Christianity is as stupid , hateful and barbaric as censoring media to remove pro LGBTQ themes 

Censorship is a violation of personal autonomy and Libertarianism to censor Christian Christmas carols

I guarantee these woketards wouldn’t ask Jews to remove messages of Judaism from their songs or for Muslims to remove mentions of Islam from their songs. No religion should be censored due to bigots

Those Christian Christmas carols are a vital part of our society and no one ever complained about them for centuries or decades. Wokeness is a disease

Christopher Columbus statues are kept up there should be a note on it listing all of the atrocities he committed, otherwise knock them down, I don’t care for plaques or statues anyway. No humans deserve plaques or statues anyway. I am anti vanity

There is NOTHING wrong with dressing circus animals like monkeys in clothes and having them perform tricks (like lighting a cigar for someone)

There is NOTHING offensive about the name Clown Face Nebula. Not one person would possibly be offended by that name (who the fuck would be offended by that term? clowns?  the nebula itself? GTFO with that junk)

There is NOTHING offensive or WRONG about using these terms: blind alley, blind side, blindspot, grandfathered in, lame, long time no see, psyched.  There is nothing wrong with the word crazy being used in pop culture to name things to name things (like Cameron Crazies, the rapper Krazy, the song Crazy in Love by Beyonce, Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle etc). There is nothing wrong with using the word lunatic being used in pop culture to name things (like Lunatic's Pandora in FF VIII, or the name Looney Tunes etc)

I will NEVER use the term Latinx ever. There is NOTHING offensive or wrong about using the terms Latino/Latina

There is NOTHING offensive about Coach from Cheers being a little crazy (he took too many balls to the head)

There is nothing that offensive about Sam Malone's actions toward women in Cheers. He is a sex addict and he needs help.

I am against Crimethinc being banned on Twitter. That was a reactionary and stupid ban . Crimethinc never did anything remotely bad to get banned. They are a good leftist org. Andy Ngo is a hypocrite on cancel culture for getting Crimethinc banned

There is NOTHING offensive about having a Christian Cross on water tank

There is NOTHING offensive or wrong about public schools teaching Deistic Evolution

I am against Disney removing Walt's opening day speech from its 67th anniversary day celebration as mentioned here and I echo the the backlash in that article Disney got from it:

"Several Twitter users commented that Disney’s founder would condemn the changes to his namesake company. “Walt is rolling over in his grave. Wokeness has infected and damaged Disney,” one us

The phrase "the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America" IS NOT wrong or offensive it is a good statement to any normal person

There is nothing offensive or wrong about someone being named Dixie

I am against Ebay banning Dr Seuss books. That is Orweillian censorship and should not be tolerated at all. Liberal 2.0ers are major hypocrites by trying to ban Dr Seuss books. They whine about CRT/1619 'censorship' but they themselves push censoring of Dr Seuss books.

There is nothing offensive about Dune (2021)

There is NOTHING WRONG OR OFFENSIVE about Lindsey Ellis comparing Raya and the Last Dragon” to the animated series “Avatar: The Last Airbender”. I agree her, those movies are similar to each other. Look at the pain that Ellis went through from harassment she got from online TROLLS over her comparison . 

It’s a cruel irony, that to those Liberal 2.0 trolls who harassed Lindsey Ellis, Asians are non white, yet when it comes to college admissions, and their CRT, Asians are ‘white’ or ‘white adjacent’. Schrodinger’s whites

I don't find Ari's treatment of Lloyd in Entourage that offensive/too offensive if that, it's so over the top it can't be taken seriously, and Ari loves Lloyd (not like that). 

I hope countries in the former Soviet Union as well as in France continue to use the word "Eskimo" as a generic name, not a trademark, for chocolate covered ice cream with a wooden stick to handle it.

I don't find Richard Dawson’s action toward woman contestants on the Family Feud offensive or wrong.  It's annoying but not because of his actions toward the woman contestants but due to it taking up too much time each episode 

There is NOTHING offensive about the Skin Swapping in FEF (3ds)

There is NOTHING offensive about the Fighting Irish nickname for the Notre Dame sports teams

There is NOTHING wrong or offensive about the term FREE SPEECH. There is NOTHING wrong with what I deem as FREE SPEECH

I am against Disney removing gendered greetings at their theme parks

That is woke extremist, and authoritarian thing to do and they should be ashamed. 

Shame on Disney for giving to the extremist woke mob with that garbage .  There is nothing wrong, or hamrful or offensive about Disney parks saying boys, girls, ladies and gentlemen in their greetings.  I am going to force Disney to bring back gendered language at their parks.  Wokeness has now destroyed society where we can't even say gendered words because of 1 percent of our country.   I am glad Ron Desantis is fighting back against such wokeness.  

Also see herehere (and google all the other backlash they got for their woke b.s)  The vast majority of Americans are fed up with Disney for their extreme wokeness and something has to be done about it. Disney doesn't give a fuck about non Liberal 2.0ers. They now only cater to Liberal 2.0ers. It is time to boycott Disney parks until they go unwoke

Disney should embrace radical feminism gender role abolishment ideology and then push for males and females  to defy gender roles using pro radfem gender role abolishment language at their parks instead of pushing Transgender and non binary ideology and language (assuming they are if not sorry). Like Disney should promote boys becoming princesses and girls becoming princes in a radfem gender role abolishment way as opposed to pushing for them to change genders or sexes and then embrace those roles as their new gender/sex (in a trans/non binary way)

There is NOTHING offensive about the 1960s TV series Get Smart

There is nothing offensive or wrong with the swimming instructor in Jaws calling the swimmer gook.  The Thai woman in the yoga themed porn catching gold diggers video is a gook too

There is nothing offensive about calling Roma people Gypsies . They will always be known as Gypsies to me

Ghettopoly isn’t nearly the most offensive board game I’ve seen

There is nothing offensive about the Golden State Warriors nickname

There is nothing offensive to me about Goonies (1985 movie)

Jon Gruden technically deserved to be cancelled due to him attacking so many people in his email. But the NFL played dirty with exposing that,   EA Sports (who wrongly cancelled Colin Kaepernick) was wrong to cancel Jon Gruden

I don't find the term Gypped like it was used in Rugrats in the 1990s too offensive if that

I agree with Jacobin here on woke horror movies

There is nothing offensive about Horton Hears a Who

There is nothing offensive about the game Ice Climbers

There is nothing wrong a out kids buying ice cream from a neighborhood Ice cream truck, and there is nothing wrong with neighborhood ice cream trucks in the first place

There is NOTHING offensive about calling flavored ice 'Italian Ice'

There is NOTHING offensive about the way people are portrayed on Disney's Jungle Cruise ride pre 2020s. They are fictional and don't apply to a real life location. I will make sure Disney parks bring props back on that ride in the future but depicting extraterrestrial savages (of races-ethnicities or species not found on Earth) from other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes

Cenk Uyghur should have remained as head of the Justice Democrats and not been cancelled. His blog comments he got cancelled for were not offensive or wrong

There is NOTHING offensive or wrong with the Just Say No  anti drugs campaign of the 1980s and 1990s  (including telling kids to Just say NO to Marijuana)  Drugs make peoples brains scramble

There is NOTHING OFFENSIVE about the 1990 movie Kindergarten Cop

There is NOTHING offensive about the puking scene in Kingpin where Woody Harrelson's character pukes after having sex with an old lady

There is NOTHING offensive about the word landlord and if people get triggered by that word it means they are either cheap skates with their money or are seriously mentally handicapped

There is NOTHING or offensive about using the word Latino/Latina. I am fully against the use of that stupid dumb woke word 'latinx' .We need to banish the word 'latinx' from the English language forever. Over 90 percent of hispanic people hate the term latinx. I will never ever refer to a Latino person or a Latina person as Latinx. Only woke extremist soyboys use that braindead word

There is NOTHING offensive about Lola Bunny. Lola Bunny is a role model for girls everywhere

I don't think the hambone is offensive. I have no issues with what the Captain on the Love Boat said about the hambone and similar things on that Love Boat episode

THERE IS NOTHING WRONG with children sitting on the laps of Mall Santas 


Bourgeois social fascist Jay Inslee and his ilk should fix their extreme income inequality instead of doing the MEANINGLESS EMPTY HOLLOW act of erasing and changing the word Marijuana (which does NOTHING to help marginalized groups or to solve inequality) 

Fixing their income inequality and embracing class solidarity and moving toward a socialistic, economically egalitarian society in Washington state will truly help marginalized people in Washington a billion times more than some MEANINGLESS EMPTY HOLLOW act of erasing and changing the word Marijuana (though one bright spot is that we can once again say “Doing Marijuana for rec use isn’t legal in Washington State” (since they erased and changed the name Marijuana)

There is NOTHING offensive about the Maude tv series

There is NOTHING offensive about the McGruff Crime Dog (1980s 1990s etc)

There is NOTHING wrong or offensive about whites eating Mexican food. It is NOT cultural appropriation for whites to eat Mexican food. I will eat Mexican food even more now to stick it to those woke freaks who don’t want whites to eat Mexican food. So much for people being cultured with the woke gatekeeping of their foods

There is NOTHING offensive about the Miss Chiquita mascot mentioned in this article

There is NOTHING offensive about Kelly in MWC wearing a Stars and Bars (Confederate) jacket in one episode since it was only seen for a few seconds on screen

There is NOTHING offensive about Mike Tyson’s Punch Out

There is NOTHING offensive or wrong about the terms 'motherboard', 'mother goose', 'mother duckling' ,'mother' etc. Any snowflake offended by those words should seek serious mental help ASAP. The word mother is beautiful and if these woke extremists want to erase it, then our society is dead for real

I am against Mr Potato Head being renamed Potato Head. Making that change is woke extremism, unnneeded and evil. They are giving into the 1 or 2 percent and that is wrong.  

There is nothing wrong or offensive about Mr Potato head being called 'Mr Potato Head'. There already is a Mrs Potato Head. I echo the backlash Mattel got for this like here. Notice once against they use the Orwellian brainwash buzz word 'inclusive'. Yep that buzz word has now been hijacked by Liberal 2.0ers to spread their woke extremist policies  There is literally no reason for them to do so this and their excuses fall flat 'keeping up with modern times' or 'staying relevant with 21st century norms' is a subtle way of saying 'we gave in to the woke mob'

Nike is HYPOCRITICAL to shun Kyrie Irving. Nike literally uses slave labor and doesn’t speak out against China’s aggressive trade policies, and yet they have the gall to be high and mighty and moral on Kyrie. This type of cancel culture has to end .Kyrie was obviously in the wrong wrong on Jewish people but he didn’t do anything to warrant being cancelled by Nike. He even rightfully donated to the ADL.Shame on Nike. 

Though this Nike was going to drop Kyrie anyway, so maybe I’m wrong here

There is NOTHING offensive or wrong about Winston Marshall praising Andy Ngo’s book.Marshall shouldn’t have quit,  and his apology should not have been woke. 

There is NOTHING offensive about the New York Yankees being called the New York YANKEES. It is a traditional name, and it is very engrained with that team

I support Ivan Provorov not wearing pride colors for pride night at his NHL game. The NHL should not do pride nights, they should be neutral with politics. 

There is NOTHING offensive about Pepe le Pew (Pepe does not cause rape just like Islam doesn't cause Islamic terrorism) There is nothing offensive about him being French, it's light hearted mocking of French people.  

There is NOTHING offensive or WRONG about using the term PICNIC. See this video for more by Jacobin "Stop Calling Picnics "Racist." Please."

There is NOTHING offensive about Porky Pig stuttering 

I am against advertisers ditching Post Millennial site because Andy Ngo writes there. Shame on those advertisers. Their reputation harm excuse is a cop out and a senseless lame excuse to boot

I am against Youtube removing a video of a liberal/leftist complaining about Pride month being shoved down our throats. I agree with what she said in that video and it shouldn’t have been removed or censored. Youtube problematically demonetizes LGBTQ videos so they are not only wrong here but also hypocrites 

There is nothing offensive about George Lopez's portrayal of Speedy Gonzalez

There is NOTHING offensive about the scene in Splash where Daryl Hanna's nipple is shown

THERE IS NOTHING OFFENSIVE ABOUT STREET FIGHTER II (there is NOTHING OFFENSIVE about Ken, Ryu, E Honda, Blanka, Dhaslim, Chun Li, M Bison, Sagat, Vega, Balrog, Cammy, T Hawk, Fei Long, Guile, Zhangheif, Dee Jay, Sheng Long)


THERE IS NOTHING offensive about the Prince kissing Sleeping Beauty while she is sleeping to wake her up. That is not date rape. It is totally inoffensive

There is nothing offensive about how Angelica showed tough love to the other babies in the 1990s Rugrats series

NOTHING wrong about airing Saturday morning cartoons and having commercials for sugary snacks , candies and cereals that air during commercial breaks during those cartoons 

There is nothing offensive about The Donger character from Sixteen Candles, but I respect the views of people who don't see it that way (since they look at things differently in that case)

There is NOTHNIG offensive about the Splash Mountain Disney ride

There is NOTHING offensive about Super Mario Odyssey 

The term 'doo rag' pc criticism on Survivor went overboard. Maybe that term has some negative conations and the person on Survivor who complained about that term was a teacher who studies race, ethnicity and CRT like subjects so I can live with him complaining about the doo rag since he complains about that stuff for a living but he went too overboard with that pc stuff

There is NOTHING offensive about Tasmanian Devil. He is NOT ABELIST.

There is NOTHING offensive about white fighters/boxers fighting and beating black fighters/boxers in UFC or boxing

There is NOTHING offensive about the Minnesota Vikings nickname, mascot and logo

There is NOTHING wrong or offensive about this joke by Joss Wheldon

There is NOTHING offensive about the song 'Whistle while you work'

There is NOTHING offensive about snow being called white or the term 'white as snow' 

White silence on racial issues does not equal ‘violence’ . If word violence is being used now to describe not speaking up on an issue, then the word violence has been watered down to the point where it does a major disservice to victims of real violence

There is NOTHING offensive about the term 'white christmas' or the song White Christmas , only cold hearted, Grinch Scrooge freaks would take offense with those terms

I can see where Bill Maher was coming from on his views on the 2022 Whoopi Goldberg's suspension from the View even if I don’t really agree with Bill. We need counsel culture not cancel culture

I am against Amazon banning Anti woke books. I am against censorship and Amazon are fascist and anti democracy for doing that. I have a plan to reverse these Orweillian bans 

There is NOTHING offensive about these WWF wrestlers:  Akeem, Big Bossman, El Matador , Iron Sheik, Jimmy Snuka, Koko B Ware, Mankind, Outback Jack, Mr Fuji, Red Rooster, Psycho Sid, Razor Ramon, The Headshrinkers, The Model Rick Martel, Yokozuna

The WWE was wrong and repugnant to fire Hulk Hogan in the mid 2010s for his stupid remarks. His remarks were obviously as wrong as you can get. But he made those stupid remarks in private and his privacy was breeched by his girlfriend illegally recording him, so the WWE should not have used those illegal recordings of Hogan as they were gotten illegally. Plus Hogan made those stupid comments a decade prior to when the WWE found about them so it made no sense to fire someone for something stupid they said a decade prior.

Shame on the WWE for going Liberal 2.0 on him. They should be ashamed of themselves . At worst they should have suspended Hogan for a month or two or reassigned him to the D leagues

There is NOTHING offensive or wrong with white people doing yoga. It is NOT cultural appropriation for whites to do yoga and anyone who says otherwise should be thrown into the nut house asap. I encourage everyone of all races and ethnicities reading this to do yoga each day for the rest of your lives.  Whining about whites doing yoga is counterproductive and causes real harm. I cannot allow those complaints to happen ever again

Personally I feel that Edy's Pie should go back to being named Eskimo Pie. Eskimo Pie is not offensive and only far left extremists who need mental help think its offensive. 

Systematically, I want Edy's Pie to be renamed the English version of the word ayaxkyimewathat , which sounds very similar to the word Eskimo that was used by some Native people in the Arctica area to refer to people who speak a different language. The name would be to refer to Canadians of all races and ethnicities who speak a different language and would have nothing to do with Native people.


Systematically, I want Edy's Pie to be renamed  to the Algonquian--Montagnais words that sound very similar to Eskimo and that were used by some Native people in the Arctica area (ie the Mi'kmaq people) to refer to snowshoe netter or to net snowshoes (instead being called Edy's Pie).  The name would be to refer to Canadians of all races and ethnicities who live in very snowy areas or who love engaging in snow activities like snow shoeing and would have nothing to do with Native people

Legality wise, I want Edy's Pie to be renamed  Clown faced Pie, Intuit Pie ,Mean Green E.T Pie   (after a hypothetical species of intelligent life extraterrestrials who live on a very specific planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe), Nanuk Pie , Nanurjuk Pie ,Polar Pie, Santa's Elves' Pie/Santa's North Pole Elves' Pie, Viking Penguin Pie

Personally, I hope the Cleveland Guardians change their name to the Cleveland Bermuda Triangles and then bring the Indians name back as an alternative nickname but this time without Native American or India connotations (this time meaning of the Indies since the Bermuda triangle is in the Indies)

Legality wise I want the Cleveland Guardians team should be renamed the 10 cent Beers ,Babes  (as in babies), Black Sox (after the Black Sox scandal) , Bluebirds (early name) ,Blues, Broncos , Clowns , Commanders, Dolans (after the owner James Dolan), Forest Citys (original name) , Gray Lizard ETs (based on real life hypothetical group of intelligent life extraterrestrials who live in other solar systems, galaxies or universes)  ,Highlanders , Infants, Loggers ,Naps (early name) ,Ohioans , Red Martian Invaders (based on real life hypothetical group of Martians who live in other solar systems ,galaxies or universes) , Social Justice Warriors ,Spiders (early name) ,Tribe (Tribe as in universal meaning and not meaning any specific group, ie tribe as in clan of like minded people ie fans) ,Whalers, Wildings

I want the Chicago White Sox to be renamed the Disco Demolishers

I want the Houston Astros to be renamed the name in this link

I want the Saskatchewan Rough Riders to be renamed the Saskatchewan Teumversan Haulieramatackoos 

I want the Toronto Argonauts to be named the name in this link

The Edmonton Elks should be renamed to the Algonquian--Montagnais words that sound very similar to Eskimo and that were used by some Native people in the Arctica area (ie the Mi'kmaq people) to refer to snowshoe netter or to net snowshoes (instead being called Eskimos or Elks).  The name would refer to Canadians of all races and ethnicities who live in very snowy areas or who love engaging in snow activities like snow shoeing and have nothing to do with Native people.   

The Edmonton Elks should be renamed to the English version of the word ayaxkyimewathat , which sounds very similar to the word Eskimo that was used by some Native people in the Arctica area to refer to people who speak a different language. The name would be to refer to Canadians of all races and ethnicities who speak a different language and would have nothing to do with Native people.

I want the Edmonton Elks should to be renamed the Bambi, Canadiens ,Clown Faces, Deer in the Headlights, Edy’s ,Islanders , Nanuks, Pets, Rudolphs (after the 1964 Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer movie) , Teumversan Haulieramatackoos ,Tiger-Bulldogs, Viking Penguins

I want Oklahoma to get an NFL team and have that team be called the Oklahoma Plains or Oklahoma City  Rivers etc

 I want the Arizona Cardinals to be renamed the Arizona Xgedtetixgqr aoovrqw rq xwows 

The Washington Commanders NFL team should be renamed the  Pigskins (after the football), A60r9xQtwi6mas! (the nickname is named after a hypothetical real life group of intelligent life extraterrestrials who live in other solar systems, galaxies or universes, who are closest to meeting the criteria to being the fictional race-ethnicity that the character Little Babaji/Little Rajani/Little Sam of Little Babaji/Little Rajani/Little Sam books were, this nickname is a symbol for a very specific term (unknown to us on Earth) that said intelligent life extraterrestrial group on that planet in other solar systems, galaxies or universes is called by some of their neighbors) 

I want the Washington Commanders NFL team to be renamed the  Bombers, Bounty ,Braves (their original name but here it means the value of Bravery in all humans regardless of race or ethnicity, nothing to do with Native Americans or Native American culture) , Bullets, Capitol Tornadoes (2nd name was who they were a remnant of) , Guardians , Indians , Hog Hide (Hogs are their nicknames and hide is found on hogs) ,Hogs , Maroons, Na’vi (after the Na’vi of Pandora in Avatar) ,Redhawks, Vigilantes, Washingtonians (complete with the colors they used during the 2020 NFL season)

I am glad that the Washington Commanders changed their name from Redskins to Commanders. 

I think it was wrong for the NFL and Washington to honor Native Americans by naming their teams after them (and by using logos and mascots on them) since honoring Native Americans through naming teams after them and the like is woke, politically correct (ie to appease Native Americans for taking their country) and anti American

By removing the name Redskins (and logos etc) it's a step in the right direction in showing that our country is the United States of America not the Native American States of America. The Washington Redskins should have always been named the Washington 76'ers (1776), Washington Nationals, Washington Revolution,  Washington Senators, DC United 

I call a few hypothetical races-ethnicities of intelligent life extraterrestrials who live in other solar systems, galaxies and universes, who are relatively primitive (compared to all races and ethnicities from Earth) , who eat raw meat and live in colder type environments        'edys'   

I call a few hypothetical intelligent life extra terrestrial species who live in other solar systems, galaxies and universes, who are relatively inferior to humans and who are warmongering, pillaging ruffians     'guardians' (after Guardians of the Galaxy).  

I call some hypothetical intelligent life extra terrestrial species who live in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are relatively primitive (compared to humans), eat raw meat and live in snowier environments  'elks'

I call more than a few hypothetical species of intelligent life extraterrestrials who live in other solar systems, galaxies and universes, who are psychotic, insane and have mental disorders     'commanders'

I want professional sports teams in other solar systems, galaxies and universes using these names for their professional sports teams on their planets: Apache ,Big Orange Chiefs (complete with Big Chief Bill Orange, the Saltine Warrior as their mascot) , Bullies, Chiefs, Eskimos, Huns, Indians (complete with the Chief Wahoo mascot), Redmen (complete with Chief Blackjack as their mascot) , Redskins, Snowflakes , Ted Williams Ice Pops (moved from far center blog)  ,The Hawaiians (after the WFL team) ,Your Boys (after Aladdain) 

Maybe I'll get SETI to help me send out a message to intelligent life extraterrestrials in other solar systems, galaxies or universes ,requesting that they name some of their professional sports teams on their planets the Apache ,Big Orange Chiefs (complete with Big Chief Bill Orange, the Saltine Warrior as their mascot) , Bullies, Chiefs, Eskimos, Huns, Indians (complete with the Chief Wahoo mascot), Redmen (complete with Chief Blackjack as their mascot) , Redskins, Snowflakes , Ted Williams Ice Pops (moved from far center blog)  ,The Hawaiians (after the WFL team) ,Your Boys (after Aladdain) 

The student in Canada was arrested because he harassed his trans classmates with the 'only 2 genders' rhetoric getting him suspended then he came back to the school against the school's wishes while suspended prompting his arrest

The word 'boy' used toward poc by whites or other poc is offensive and wrong since that word used that way is racist


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