

I support the DSA as the DSA is the first multiracial, socialist organization close enough to my politics and Cornel West (who I am a fan of) that I could join.

DSA is non Liberal 2.0 and good due to their anti imperialism, anti interventionist stances, for them having pragmatic and nuanced views on working with the working class (like DSA being respectful of the working class and their beliefs). DSA is non Liberal 2.0 for them not using the BLM protests as a marketing ploy as many corporate political parties and groups have wrongly done. DSA isn't as woke as the Democrats (not that that bar is high). DSA has many diverse ideologies and views

BUT, there is also the Liberal 2.0 things below with the DSA:

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is a quintessentially fauxgressive (pseudoleftist) tendency that functions to divert popular anger against the capitalist system toward manageable sections and transform it into support for the Democrats. Throughout its history, it has been staunchly supportive of American imperialism and avowedly anti-Marxist. As the World Socialist Web Site reports in "The anti-socialist politics of the Democratic Socialists of America":

The DSA of today cannot be separated from its history. The predecessor organization of the DSA, the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC), emerged out of a split within the Socialist Party of America in 1972. The latter organization expelled the American supporters of the Russian Revolution from its ranks in 1919.

The founders of the DSOC, Michael Harrington in particular, had entered the Socialist Party more than a decade before 1972 as part of the tendency led by Max Shachtman, who split from the Trotskyist movement in 1940. The Shachtmanites, bending to the pressure of bourgeois public opinion in the wake of the Stalin-Hitler Pact, refused to uphold the defense of the Soviet Union. By 1950, this group was defending American imperialism in the Korean War and by 1961 Shachtman was publicly supporting the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Such was Harrington’s anti-communist pedigree.

. . .

From a theoretical standpoint, the most significant element of the DSA’s [national strategy] document is its rejection of the Marxist theory of the state as an instrument of class rule, and its substitution in its stead of a nebulous, non-class notion of socialism as “radical democracy.”

. . .

Instead of the alleged “utopia” of an end to class exploitation, achieved through a revolutionary movement led by a Marxist party, the DSA promotes the reactionary utopia of “democratic socialism” enacted through the Democratic Party and the reform of capitalism. “The nature of our electoral activism will vary based on local and political conditions,” the DSA writes. “But it will include supporting progressive and socialist candidates running for office, usually in Democratic primaries or as Democrats in general elections, but also in support of independent socialist and other third-party campaigns outside of the Democratic Party (emphasis added).”

The DSA’s hostility to the Russian Revolution and its rejection of the Marxist assertion that the class struggle of the working class leads inevitably to the dictatorship of the proletariat is a practical political as well as a theoretical question. It is at the very core of the DSA’s opposition to the fight for socialist politics within the working class and its character as a counter-revolutionary organization.

The DSA’s embrace of the “democratic” imperialist state is consistent with the complete silence of its strategy statement on American imperialism and the danger of war. The DSA is not merely indifferent to this question, however. Along with virtually all of the other pseudo-left organizations, it supports and identifies with the criminal wars waged by American imperialism.

So sadly DSA are “woke-cialist,” so they are a bit Liberal 2.0 too (if the DSA wrongfully moves right, I would rather the DSA become Blue Dog or New Democrat or maybe even center right instead of becoming Liberal 2.0) . But the only place I want the DSA to be is Left wing (and thus non Liberal 2.0 which means NON wokecalist)

DSA just keeps woke young people in particular voting Democrat.  The DSA are sadly and essentially a recruiting wing of the DNC for young people at this point.

It is not common for so called ‘Socialist’ organizations to be primarily focused on wokeness but unfortunately, the DSA seems that they focus on that more than economics instead of balancing the two properly like I outline in this blog  

The DSA seems to function as a way to capture economic Leftist sentiment and redirect it to idpol and therefore the Democrats. stupdpol

I talk about some ideological changes within the DSA in this post

Progressives are left liberals, people who genuinely want to improve the world but live inside the liberal framework and worldview. It’s a very different thing than a socialist. Historically it has worse implications as a middle class movement to rationalize the system and add class harmonious management to better capitalism.

We’re in a hard moment as SocDems like the DSA attempt to erase the difference between all three for short term political gain. 

Call the DSA big tent all you want (which is a non Liberal 2.0 structure...) but social democrats control all the national political councils and other relevant positions, set the yearly agenda, are the only ones who talk to the press, and are the ones trumpeting AOC and dragging the organization to Bernie. Syriza was big tent too, that was what its name literally meant. But in the end it made no difference

During the summer of 2020, DSA set up a march in Vermont that was explicitly racial . The DSA tried an outside the box technique which was more inclusive and organic than other BLM protest techniques that BLM gets heat for from both sides

 This outside the box technique was where non African American protestors were required to march with a “African American ally”. and to carry a sign with the name of a black person killed by police. It is almost like these DSA organizers were saying “Everyone, you need to bring an African American person to use as a prop in order to attend our march"

This in a state that is unfortunately mostly white, has more Asians than African Americans and most of the black people there are foreign born/refugees. 

This in a town where a mentally handicapped white man was murdered by police less than a year earlier. So some people are thus wary about BLM. 

It's almost like the DSA and BLM are acting as a containment mechanism, and one of the reasons is to prevent cross racial solidarity 

Police violence is way up in Vermont in the last decade but pretty much all the victims have been white. Not to mention nationwide, the sheer number of whites killed dwarfs black people even though whites are the majority so context and a grain of salt is needed.  

Yes, African American people suffer disproportionately as I point out from an Afro Pessimism perspective in this blog. But there should be mention of the fact that police violence is a class issue, as well as a POOR people issue. Obviously the Liberal 2.0ers took this movement and reduced it. What happened to the original BLM organizers again?  Imagine thinking it's good political strategy to LIMIT ATTENDANCE at a protest or march.

What drives this type of DSA BLM politics is exclusivity and purity politics. Being the only one correct enough to attend must make you a naturally better ally !

It is probably better to get involved in social justice causes and movements by going through groups like Alpha Phi Alpha or other groups organized by their own communities as opposed to going through the DSA.

As with any left-wing movement, idpol is a buzzsaw, it kneecaps anything regardless of the underlying issues

DSA seems to be a wokeialist Liberal 2.0 (especially Neoliberal) front group at least at times

See this thread here for some of my more thoughts on the DSA

The problem with DSA is that they leeched off of the Bernie movement and the Bernie movement was 95% white guys. And than DSA national got mad cause their aren't enough POC and diversity not even realizing that african americans tend to be actually quite conservative compared to white male liberals. Most POC for example are against defunding the police for example...but DSA thinks they can stereotype POC and thinks their against police

I heard someone quit their DSA chapter long ago. His chapter had a liberal 2.0 bourgeois feminist take over, and just going to meetings made him see the group was not getting anywhere ...he was like getting hate from the feminsts simply cause he was a white cis guy going to a meeting.

One DSA chapter's (san antonio) twitter says the alamo is an icon for white supremacy. the fuck? how do you expect people to join your group if you call the most beloved and well known icon in town white supremacist?

While completely ignoring the Tejanos who died there, along with their involvement in the Texan War of Independence. Which was one of many succession movements at the time, and also happened to be the one that could not be crushed or its leaders bribed, likely as a result of the distance between it and Mexico City.

his. It became clear to me during my DSA time that most of the grad school lefties have never interacted with black people outside of campus/activist circles.

I visited the Pittsburgh DSA’s website to check it out and this is the first thing you see when you land on the page

We would first like to acknowledge that we organize on the traditional ancestral lands of the Haudenosaunee and primarily the Onödowa’ga:’

We pay our respect to the elders both past and present, who have stewarded this land throughout the generations. We recognize and honor them as the past, present, and future caretakers of this land.

And go on for a page about genocide. That is what they decided to open with.

Sounds like bragging tbh. "Yeah we took this land, yeah we're using it, yeah our ancestors killed those elders so we could talk about the aerodynamics of the male penis and how friction is in itself a form of involuntary contact, ours now yoink!

One day we'll get to the point where the land acknowledgment is like reading off genealogy in the Bible.

Groups like DSA really a built in filter to prevent soy from creeping into their party (and to expel existing soy from their party) otherwise it just gets inundated with these types. Make it an "exercise club" first and a political club second. (Falun Gong did something similar in China). 

Today we're going for a 5 mile run or we're going to play a few games of basketball then get a few drinks afterwards and talk politics. You think the shrill MtF types destined to start drama and instigate infighting are going to be down with a 5 mile run? It's a great recruitment tool too. The same way that having weak, blue-haired, tattooed women represent your group is an instant turnoff for normal people being physically strong and healthy young people have the opposite effect.

Americans who took it from the British who took it from the Haudensaunee who took it from the (continues for three pages)

Idk if it's entirely an online thing as I had basically the same experience when I checked out my local DSA chapter. I guess it could be argued that's because of online people joining.


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