Exh Joe Biden

I believe that Joe Biden was and is a great President to terraform that Trumpism into a salvageable (i.e compassionate and progressive) ideology that can truly Build Back (America) Better . See here for that in action

Joe Biden is not far left he is about center to center left at his most left..Biden likely has more in common with Trump they merely are part of opposition factions even though politically these two men share similar positions. Biden and Trump are both authoritarian because they are both attracted to power. Joe and Donald are closer politically than Tim Pool is to either of them.

Joe Biden is too old to serve another term. He fell on June 1 2023, he is obviously not as sharp as he was in 2008 (source Ryan Grim). The vast

Joe Biden’s major announcement in December TRUMP’d Donald Trump’s major announcement

Under Joe Biden inflation is easing,  Joe Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act,  Joe Biden brought Brittney Griner home , Joe Biden has made gas prices are lower than a year ago , Joe Biden has created 10,000 new high-paying jobs in Arizona. 

Other good things Joe Biden has done as President is causing a color revolution in Israel that got Israelis to stop demonizing Palestinians, being against the maverick style of Likud all without causing them to be woke about them while Joe still being a mentor to Benjamin Netanyahu to help Ben be more diplomatic. Joe got us out of Afghanistan, handled the Russia-Ukraine conflict fine and base (see here). Joe Biden is playing Go (game) while everyone else is playing Cheskers

Moreover Joe Biden is doing more good things like protecting trans rights (see here) but also pragmatically realizing that the trans issue is a complex issue, at least giving lip service to finding a solution to the border crisis, and growing into his roles as President. So Joe Biden is doing a pretty fine job as President thus far (though I might be being too generous since Biden is not my ideal of a President)

Joe Biden's SOTU address in February 8 2023 was a pretty okay speech. Calling Joe a 'woke socialist' is tone deaf and misguided since most of Biden's SOTU address is as good or better than the best politicians in either major party can dish out.  

The truth is that Joe Biden is not stupid, he is personable and he is not a dissociative CCP schill  The GOP really has to put out a candidate who is a captivating alternative as opposed to them continuing to falsely believe that Joe Biden is such an unpopular President 

The only people who think that Joe Biden's SOTU address is bad are people who have been conditioned to hate Joe Biden

I am glad that Biden is focused on protectionist trade policy and in putting a focus on increasing domestic manufacturing and infrastructure projects and he outlined this in his SOTU address

Refreshingly Joe Biden barely even mentioned any lame culture war things in his SOTU address and instead he thankfully focused on a message of unity. So Biden was able deliver his Feb 2023 SOTU address well and still crack a few decent jokes.

Ok maybe Joe Biden is full of malarkey and isn't what the US needs at this time, but people got to be more honest when criticizing him since this address by him really was fairly decent

But we need election reform since that is the real problem with our society presently. Our elections themselves are so insanely bureaucratic to the point where our population can't even choose their representation anymore

Joe Biden touted the 25th anniversary of the Irish peace deal by going to Ireland because he cannot tout any real accomplishments outside of the somewhat rare accomplishments he accomplished as President that I listed in this post and his relatively decent but mixed foreign policy record as President

I react to Conservapedia's article on Joe Biden in this post

Even though I sm not Anti Biden and he is somewhere above below average as President, I have to point out that Joe Biden can still be impeached. All it would take is for the House to impeach. The Senate would do their thing after the House impeaches.

Might want to add convicted because if Republicans retake the House and a large amount are from the Freedom Caucus, then Biden will be impeached. Most likely not convicted but he will be impeached

In mid 2022 until the 2022 midterms, I agreed with Joe Biden that the 2022 mid term elections might be illegitimate due to Republican cheating. I also agreed with Joe Biden on the need to make the case to the American people that some of things that the Republicans had done might have been to try the alter the 2022 mid term elections. I am happy with the results of the 2022 mid term elections. 

Here are my thoughts on Joe Biden's September 2022 speech on MAGA

Some 4pt thoughts on Joe Biden can be found here

Joe Biden is a real life version of President Vinzer Deling from Final Fantasy VIII. This post here also provides some of my views on Joe Biden and this section of my blog too and here too


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