Exxon GWB and his ilk

Some thoughts I have on GWB can be found here

Dick Cheney is the fascist who lied to get us into The Iraq War for oil, someone more destructive than even Donald Trump. Yet these stupid Democrats and Liberal 2.0ers now support him. 

They are traitors. Democrats are wrongly cheering on war, wrongly praising the Cheney family and supporting wrongly mass surveillance and censorship. And Democrats have the gaul to lie smear and defame real leftists/traditional liberals who are rightfully against war, censorsorship, and spying as 'right wing'.  Democrats are right wing. When Democrats ally with the Cheney family, Bushes and other warmongering, imperialist neocons, they are no longer 'liberal' and certainly not progressive (if they ever were)

See here for morethis for morethis for more, this for more, this for more

My post here expands on this. I cannot tell if this article and Seth Myers backs this post I wrote up but if they do then I agree with them

Hey now apparently you missed the new party line that GWB is ackshully heckin' cute, what with his drunk swaying with Michelle, and extremely preferable to trump /s

Never ceases to piss me off how liberal 2.0ers are willing to whitewash the reputations of war criminals like George W Bush and Dick Cheney just because they’re anti Trump. Trump is a 'orange man bad' piece of work but at least he never invaded a country and killed 500,000+ people, get your priorities straight.

It goes to show how much the elites truly hate populism of any stripe. Nothing angers them more than someone wanting to reduce their power. It’s been the same since the senate stabbed Julius Caesar for his land reform policy.

At absolute worst, this idea is one I can sign off on (but have the DA in Vladimir Putin's case be Alvin Bragg)


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