Big tech cense

I am against techno authoritarianism

I am a fan of online trolling using Marxist-Leninist-Veronism unity ways and done right and in between in good taste and in tongue and cheek (ymmv)

"To this very day, Big Tech censorship never silences those who spout establishment pieties or who serve (Liberal. 2.0) establishment interests.

The targets of censorship - as has always been true - are those who express fringe, marginalized and unpopular-among-the-powerful dissent (i.e on the left wing, right wing and even to an extreme much lesser extent Liberal 2.0)." Glenn Greenwald

There is major big tech censorship and we must end big tech censorship ,see here and here for more. Also see this for some way to end it

Big Tech censorship is real . Non Liberal 2.0ers are being censored, and deplatformed on Big Tech due to their views and we need to stop that censorship. See thisthisthisthisthisthisthis , this for more. Also see here,  here , here , herehere, here , here , here , here and here too. I echo these views on this here too

I am against Canada Bill 36. That bill is authoritarian , radical (but also rad), punitive and wrong. It won’t stop hate, but only enflame it. It is harsh internet censorship and must be defeated 

It is something you would see in 1984 (though more like the year 1984 in Canada than in the book 1984), or in Cuba (Justin Trudeau might be Fidel Castro's son so just the fact he is said to be Castro's son I am willing give him a pass on this law due to that), Iran (though there are a huge Iranian population in Toronto which is base and cool so that provides nuances and context) or Afghanistan, not in a ‘free’ country like Canada.

It violates freedom of speech and free inquiry, foundations of a y truly free society. That bill even hurts Muslims who have complained about said law (see here) Twitter complained (see here)  and Google complained (see here) also criticized this bill. And no, that bill will not magically ‘enhance’ freedom of speech and expression (like this propaganda or at best fluff piece claims). Trudeau can’t even do his math

That bill could be used to silence political opposition; That bill could also according to Muslim activist groups in Canada “inadvertently result in one of the most significant assaults on marginalized and radicalized communities in years.” They believe that requiring social media companies to report “terrorist content” on their platforms to law enforcement could disproportionally target Canadian Muslims.

Canada policing people for thoughtcrimes is one step from Canada turning Fascist. Also see here  for more

I react to Jordan Peterson being sent to reeducation camps by woke snowflake SJWs in this post

It would be much easier for me to accept Big Tech censorship of right wing, far left and non Liberal 2.0 leftish people, groups and their reach if Big Tech with their unlimited power and money took meaningful action against said extremists proactively and aggressively instead of doing so last minute in a knee jerk way and having to be called to do so by anti far right advocates. This is because I feel that while Freedom of speech is a right ,Freedom of Reach is not a right. Censor the reach before the speech

I prefer online Leftist communities not block Right wingers since blocking Right Wingers is a Liberalism 2.0 and near Liberalism 2.0 thing to do. Instead post left methods should be used to rid online leftist communities of Right wingers

I am a fan of fellow Alt Lefters using Tumblr and Twitter to create anti alt right, and pro left drawings

I generally cautiously take a wait and see approach for Elon Musk’s free speech Twitter plans . But Elon Musk is a hypocrite and is wrong for stifling free speech of his workers, I echo this article

"Elon Musk's own long history of trying to suppress his critics should give us exactly no confidence that he'll practice what he (sometimes) preaches on free speech." Ben Burgis

I agree with Ben's idea here: "My preference would be to extend the First Amendment to Twitter by nationalizing it--I know that sounds crazily radical to many people but it shouldn't any more than bringing any other big important utility into public ownership."

"But a certain kind of technocratic liberal, exemplified by the New Republic's Brynn Tannehill, has exactly the opposite concern. In an alarmist and historically illiterate article, she argues that Elon owning Twitter is bad because Too Much Free Speech Leads to Hitlers." Ben Burgis

Twitter needs to allow more free speech where reasonable people like me don't get angry about their clear censorship. While it shouldn’t be as free as Gab, it still needs to be free enough where bans like Paul Sperry, Elizabeth Johnson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Destiny, Comrade Wal Luigi, the person rightfully criticized the killallmen hashtag and Caleb Mauphin NEVER HAPPEN

I support free speech , and my idea of free speech is very much much less strict than techcrunch's views of free speech. I acknowledge that Musk is naïve , but the blowback that Musk has gotten is appalling

Elon Musk needs a clear, unsubjective statement of what images are considered offensive in his view. If Musk doesn’t do this then there be a downward slippery slope of politically biased bans.

Twitter should NOT have censored things like that tweet by the official CDC they censored, by not censoring things like Jordan Peterson’s tweet about E Page which they deleted , by NOT censoring things like this letter letter etc.

Those examples are the type of censoring that Twitter SHOULD NOT BE DOING EVER AGAIN

As Twitter workers have said, Musk believes in free speech and Twitter does not. They believe in 'healthy discussion'. If the latter is their goal, then maybe they have sold it to someone who fits that bill instead of Elon Musk. Common sense free speech should be allowed on Twitter.  

Paul Sperry should not have been suspended from Twitter for his Tweets in August 2022. Suspending Sperry for those tweets is political suppression, censorship, authoritarian,  and goes against his freedom of speech. Sperry did not tweet anything wrong or ban able. Twitter now bans anyone who speaks out against its DNC narrative. We have to stop these social media fascists.  #freedomofspeech

I agree that some other Twitter accounts were unfairly banned too (Paul Sperry, Elizabeth Johnson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Destiny, Comrade Wal Luigi the person rightfully criticized the killallmen hashtag and Caleb Mauphin)

Even cases where suspensions are seemingly justified on the surface (like Talib Kweli’s suspension for harassing Twitter uses for criticizing him). A temporary cool off suspension would have been better. Why can’t Twitter use at the very least duration suspensions that incremently get longer for each strike for cases like Kweli’s case? 

If Twitter can't handle 2 political parties, then say so publicly, don't insult our intelligence.  Twitter should then be open and say that no chuds or chud sympathizers allowed like some reddit subreddits say in their terms and services. I would be fine with that like I am fine with subreddits having those rules

If there is not free speech in political debate, the downtrodden may be worse off. Who can expose the oppressors? I support #freespeech and fully disagree with anti free speech crypto fascist Lara Kiswani 

I fully support full anonymity on Twitter. Forcing Twitter users to prove their real identity or similar things like Elon Musk wants is in bad taste (at best) and will rightfully cause many Twitter users to flee. There is a proper way to go after fake accounts, but the way he wants to is off base.

This is a great solution to the Twitter privacy problem:

I am against Twitter censoring links to Substack. Substack is an independent media site that is non bias, open, free and is a great addition to our web. Elon Musk is wrong , draconian, petty, evil and just like Jack Dorsey previously did with Twitter in censoring Substack (see here for more)

I am echoing Glenn Greenwald below:

"Substack is a crucial platform that allows independent journalists to provide a counter-weight to the corporate media blob. I'm no longer there -- I moved my written journalism to 


 when we launched 


 -- but it'd be a big loss if it can't be promoted here:"

"Twitter hasn't explained its rationale so I'd like to hear that before commenting on it, but the independent journalism on Substack is some of the most valuable and most important produced anywhere, which is why employees of corporate outlets have hated it from the start."

reply here to Glenn 

My guess is that he is thinking if you are promoting your business/site using Twitter then he wants a piece of the action... you know, a "taste" as Tony Soprano would put it."

Also see this

Big tech also adds and removes features without giving one damn how it effects users and that is wrong. See here, here and here for more

Wikipedia has at absolute minimum a slightly more than somewhat Liberal 2.0 bias . Even Wikipediocracy , Larry Sanger and admits this. Jimbo Wales even sort of said there is a ‘slight’ Liberal 2.0 bias . See this subsection for more

I am against Microsoft , Facebook and other Big tech using ‘fact checkers’ like they do. 

People are smart enough themselves to decide if something is true or ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’. It is an insult to our intelligence to decide ‘for us’ what is or isn’t ‘true’. Such intrusiveness by Big Tech can have unintended consequences. We cannot allow elitists and bourgeois ‘experts’ run our lives, tell us what to think, do, feel etc. It is 2022, not 1984

I echo this article on r/tumblrinaction

My thoughts on Twitch censorship can be found here

My thoughts on Reddit censorship and reddit's reasonable libleft censorship (of AHS) can be found here

Here is a good take on Youtube’s hypocrisy on Kanye West

I am against Youtube's draconian evil fascist orwellian censorship as mentioned here and more broadly here

The Internet Archive/Wayback is the latest organization to jump the shark and sell out to Liberalism 2.0. They now are censoring information .  

My thoughts on Patreon's draconian extreme censorship can be found here

My thoughts on Spotify censorship can be found here


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